Fallout 3 Charatcer's Back Story/History

Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:47 am

So we all have played the game now write your Fallout 3s Charatcer's Back Story/History.

In the long history of the capital wasteland few have made such a lasting impact the lone wanderer known simply as The Captain. Not much is known about his origins but there are unconfirmed reports that he has been sited as far west as the scorched plains of North Dakota. Since his name alludes to a military back ground some believe he is some rouge from the Brotherhood of steel or the Enclave but that is all speculation. Most of what is known about him comes out of the industrial ruins of Ohio and Michigan. Where he laid the seeds of his legend by protecting settler caravans and scavenging some of the most dangerous areas in the Midwest.

In 2275 he was part of a mercenary squad put together by the M.L.G. "The Michigan Liberation Guild"
Its purpose was to put down a small group of ghouls in the ruins of Ypsilanti Michigan who had been attacking caravans from Detroit. What they found when they arrived was that the ghouls were raiding the caravans to supply an army of over 250 ghouls that planned to invade Detroit and claim it as there own.
When it was over the ghoul army was decimated and only 3 of the 20 Mercenaries emerged from the Frey. One of them being The Captain. Its unclear weather the M.L.G. purposely sent the Mercenaries in there hoping they would take care of there problem for them or if it was just bad Intel. In any case 2 days after the battle the man who hired them "Dwayne Foster" went missing and was never heard from again.

In 2277 the captain entered the capital wasteland via the Pitt were it is rumored he helped quell a slave up rising the details of which is unclear. What is clear that since entering the capital wasteland The Captain has made his presence known almost singlehandedly stifling the Super Mutant spread in the downtown DC area, going head on with the Enclave, and although he has had friendly dealings with the brotherhood of Steel his dealings with the Brotherhood Outcasts have been less than amicable. It's been said that when the two cross paths its not a question of weather there's going to be a fight just whose going to shot first. No one knows were this animosity comes from and none of the outcasts are ever left alive to explain. And The Captain never stays around long enough for anyone to ask.

The one deed that solidified his role as Hero of the wastes came one cool October morning as he breached the mountain top that over looked Fort Bannister the headquarters of the Talon Company. The gleam of the morning sun off the barrel of his Gaus rifle was just a fore shadowing of what was to come. 5 hours and 1 bloody battle later the Talon Company lay in ruins and would no longer be an affective fighting force in the capital wasteland.

The Captains mark on the Capital wasteland will be felt for years to come. And his actions inspired others to rise up and reclaim the world from the aftermath of nuclear Armageddon but above all he's given us?..Hope.
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Richard Thompson
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:14 am

His name was Ziggy, strange name, with a strange little watch thing on his wrist, called a Pip-Boy. The overseer had kicked him out of his....Former home. He roams with only an armored vault suit, a sniper rifle and some Pork N' Beans. Raider, Brotherhood of Steel, Outcasts, and even regulaters, he picked them off with head shots, and no mercy, taking whatever he found useful, and let his Blue Heeler, Dogmeat eat the corpses of them, even then remaining a neutral status with the locals.

Wanderer, Drifter, Sniper, Vagabond, those are his names, those are what he is. Never looking back at his vault life, the barren, cracked wastelands are his home, the Earth his shooting field, the animals and people his targets, not ever caring about if they are friend or foe, but only if they have something valuable on them.

What is his doing right now, you might ask yourself. He his doing what he does best. "Okay, now. Headshot! Hey don't you run away, coward! Try running without a kneecap!".
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Damian Parsons
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:50 am

Kai Kazumaki was quite possibly the most ruthless thing to ever be set upon the wasteland. He left behind his vault, after gruesomely slaying the Overseer and shredding apart the inhabitants. He didn't do it because he was a psychopath, he did it because he had absolutely no emotion whatsoever. From the moment he left his dying mother's womb, he had no remorse, no empathy, no ability to care for human life. Mastering the violin or canvas did not interest him, so he destroyed his vault on the way out.

He soon became a hired contract killer for Mr. Burke, and thus Alistair Tenpenny, after blowing Megaton to pieces. He wandered the wasteland, killing anything that stopped him from doing what he desired, never a smile to grace his face, never a tear to sparkle in his eyes. And only on the day that he died in a poison filled room did he feel a burst of sudden emotion, and a pang of guilt for the hundreds of lives he wrecked. He died alone, and with no soul. Kai Kazumaki would forever be remembered as the Scourge of the Wasteland, even to his very own father, who he watched die without a care in his mind.
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:39 am

Eliza was most definitely, the most crazed woman to ever set foot in the Wasteland. After her father was killed by the Enclave she swore a personal vandetta to kill every last one of them. She hunted down every Enclave camp, killing every one of them. After razing many, many camps to the ground, she started rescuing the Deathclaws, which surprisingly became her friends. She now resides in the Deathclaw Sanctuary, killing anyone who makes it to the inner chambers of that dark, cold cave. She waits to see you cross the rock so she can run over to you in a craze and tear you to pieces, with her Deathclaw Gauntlets.
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:44 am

Eliza was most definitely, the most crazed woman to ever set foot in the Wasteland. After her father was killed by the Enclave she swore a personal vandetta to kill every last one of them. She hunted down every Enclave camp, killing every one of them. After razing many, many camps to the ground, she started rescuing the Deathclaws, which surprisingly became her friends. She now resides in the Deathclaw Sanctuary, killing anyone who makes it to the inner chambers of that dark, cold cave. She waits to see you cross the rock so she can run over to you in a craze and tear you to pieces, with her Deathclaw Gauntlets.

Thats why I just get the Bobblehead and then get the hell out of there.

Good story.
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Post » Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:29 pm

joe is his name[laziest name ever]the only thing he loves more than killing is gathering technology.
which as you might guess makes him a perfect candidate for the outcasts disappointed they wouldn't let him join
he took there offer to gather technology and helped access a prewar storage facility hoping they would eventually
let him become a full member.to this day he continues on his futile quest to gain full membership in the outcasts
wandering the wastes gathering power armor from slain enclave soldiers.
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:19 pm

Thats why I just get the Bobblehead and then get the hell out of there.

Good story.

Why thank you, that was literally a real story. Except, my mate's character only did have one Deathclaw Gauntlet and all the Deathclaw's hated her.. Haha, so yeah, it was a story, thanks.
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Enny Labinjo
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:16 am

His name was Johnathon and at a young age he discovered a love for two things, finding out how things worked then making them blow up.
John was not exactly a morel person he never went to churches nor did he help those of the wastes far more interested with the technology of the past and how he could blow it up, eventually he made friends with a few raiders and it all went downhill from there.
the day that he woke up in the bed of a random female slaver and though nothing of it was also the day that he was killed by a roaming death claw but for the most part he lived a good life.
apparently the Deathclaw got sick after that and went to live off its days in a trailer park somewhere, no one knows what really happened to that Deathclaw.

)always did wonder how that deathclaw got there so here's a possible take on it.
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Kirsty Wood
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Post » Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:45 am

He goes by Adam. He journeys the wasteland carrying only a suit of Power armor, and anything else he finds. Known to be an excellent shot by his allies ( as he foes are usually headshot quickly!). he is a good person, and will gladly give an unfortunate wanderer some purified water to aid them on there way. Hhis legends have spread far, and last heard, he was on his way North to Canada, to the relativity unscathed prairies.
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