funny strange and weird things youve seen/done in the nojave

Post » Wed Oct 22, 2008 3:01 am

i was just wondering some funny strange and weird thing youve seen in the mojave some funny strange and weird things ive saw in the mojove

-4 or 5 drunk ncr troopers on the strip being escorted to jail by a ncr soldier
-a brahim running through the strip with a ncr soldier chasing it
-I was walking along a steep cliff and some members of the Viper gang spotted me and ran toward me. Right as I was about to engage them in battle, a herd of 6 bighorners came out of nowhere and stampeded the Viper gang. They completely destroyed these people and than trampled the dead corpses and proceeded to graze on the grass around the bodies
-Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru in Nipton

post your funny strang eand weird thing youve seen/done in the mojave
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Emma Copeland
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Joined: Sat Jul 01, 2006 12:37 am

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