Seek Mod Pack recommendation

Post » Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:42 am

Before Fallout 4 gets here, I wanted to complete F3 and NV once again, this time heavily modded. I've lost touch with mods from 2012 I think.

If it's not too much trouble, can you guys give me a list of mods that would work together based on the following requirements? Just so you know, I have the GOTY version of F3, if that affects mods at all.

1) I desire "realistic combat" above anything else. This means that I want headshots on unprotected heads to be instant deaths (at least on humans and ghouls). Also, no more of that level scaling that I hate seeing in all Bethesda games (no offense lol). Raiders should be just as pathetic and poorly armed when I reach level cap as they are when I'm just starting. No sense in magically making them more tough and in possession of plasma weapons of all things just because I reached a higher level.

I want armors to actually matter, in the sense that the Jumpsuit should be useless against any weapon, while the Power Armor should be impervious to all but the largest caliber guns and energy weapons (another thing, energy weapons should be a lot more deadly than regular guns).

2) Realistic struggle in the wastes. Things like NV's hardcoe mode. Ammo has weight, need water, food, things like that. Also, scarcity of ammo would be nice. If I can't find random boxes of ammo sitting around then I may have to use a melee weapon to conserve ammo.

Carry capacity should of course be changed. Carrying hundreds of pounds worth of weapons is absurd.

3) Various things to help with immersion, like a normal passage of time (game minute/hour = real life minute/hour), proper darkness (pitch black underground, starlight/moonlight outside during nighttime). Disabling fast travel also might be nice. Anything else you could think of to improve immersion, as long as it stays in tune with the setting of Fallout.

4) Weapon mods like in NV. Putting scopes, silencers, bigger magazines and maybe even a coat of paint on regular weapons would greatly improve diversity and customization in weapon loadout. Making bullets out of casings would be the icing on the cake, really giving me the sense that I need to scavenge and scrounge all I can.

5) More developed settlements and more people. Suffice to say, it's a little underwhelming seeing "settlements" of a couple of shacks that house a whopping total of 5 people. I saw a mod on youtube that expanded Arefu and I thought it was cool. Except I want this for as many places as possible, not just Arefu. That DC Interiors mod also sounded nice, unless you know a more up-to-date one. Also on this topic, more random people scouring the wastes sounds good, like caravans or any other "good guys". I'm sick of only finding Raiders and junkies out to kill me.

6) I wouldn't mind some new dungeons/places with powerful enemies and interesting rewards.

7) Final thing, mods that enhance the beauty of the graphics, from character faces to weapon and ground textures, to weather patterns and so on. But these are the last on my priority list because I don't want to mess up the game. So if you know some non-conflicting mods for this then great, otherwise, I'll just be content with the other more important ones.

8) Anything you think I missed and might need. Remember, these all need to work together. No point installing a million mods that crash the game even before starting.

I know this might be a lot to ask, but please do it for a fellow Fallout enthusiast :)

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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:25 pm

It would take a long post to answer your questions in detail, but here are some tips:

1-3) FWE - FO3 Wanderers Edition

4) Weapon Mod Kits (which gave Obsidian the idea for Fallout New Vegas)

7) Project Beauty for NPCs, NMC's and UHQ's texture packs. I'd also recommend Flora Overhaul. Weapon Enhancement Pack. Dynamic Weather is my favorite weather mod as it sticks close to the vanilla feel, but there are plenty of alternatives that don't (it also makes nights darker so deals with a point in your third question).

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Ann Church
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Post » Tue Jun 23, 2015 3:54 am

Thanks. I wasn't expecting long answers anyway. Just a bunch of mod names for each of my points, like you did. Quick question though. Are all of those compatible with each other?

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Kayla Bee
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Post » Tue Jun 23, 2015 3:08 am

More or less, but you'll need some patches. For FWE and WMK, there are FOIP patches. I've made an FWE patch for Weapon Enhancement Pack.

I'd also recommend MMM and EVE as both are excellent, but then you have to read up on which versions to use, which patches to use, load ordering etc. as it takes some work to set them up properly. It's worth it, though, IMO.

Also, a general advice. Add one mod at a time and quickly check that it seems to work as it should. The most common issue seems to be that users add +100 mods, then start a new game, then get issues - and then it's pretty much impossible to trouble shoot which specific mod(s) it might be that causes it.

Also, if you have a modern rig you'd want to do two things immediately:

In Fallout.ini:

bUseThreadedAI=1 (change to 1 - default is 0)
iNumHWThreads=2 (add the line just below the one above)
And use a 4GB patch, for example, on the executives, i.e. Fallout3.exe and fose_loader.exe (which you'll need for lots of mods so pretty much a must).
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Post » Tue Jun 23, 2015 2:03 pm

Thanks for all your help.

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