Brave New World Timeline

Post » Sat Aug 22, 2015 7:44 am

This will be a discussion thread for different RPs and FFs set in this Timeline. Right now it is just getting started, but hopefully one day there will be a number of different threads and many familiar characters.
Please just use the Mojave OOC thread to discuss anything relating to that thread. This thread is really just a placeholder for now.
This is very much a work in progress, this first post will be updated regularly.
--------- A Brave New World: Timeline ---------
What is a Timeline?
The Capital Wasteland
The Lone Wanderer paused at the threshold, and in that moment of hesitation Sarah Lyons stepped up to make the ultimate sacrifice. When the smoked cleared and the Brotherhood forces arrived things quickly grew somber. There was only one body in the chamber, that of Sarah Lyons. Colonel Autumn had escaped death somehow and would not be seen for some time. Star Paladin Cross explained to Elder Lyons what had happened, and upon the realization that the Lone Wanderer's hesitation had forced his beloved daughter to make a split second decision and the greatest of all sacrifices, in a moment of rage and weakness he shot the Lone Wanderer dead.
The Brotherhood of the Capital Wastes returned to the Citadel to plan, eager to capture the elusive Colonel and eliminate forever the threat of the Enclave. The first shot would prove to be fired by the Enclave. The destruction of Raven Rock had not been enough, their insidious forces struck from another position and Liberty Prime was taken out of the fight. Faced with an enemy he thought had been defeated, and denied his strongest weapon, Elder Lyons sought to bring the Outcast faction of the Brotherhood back into ranks. Their crimes were forgiven and a promise was issued that when they ensured peace in the region they would return to their role as "stewards" of all dangerous technologies. It was just barely enough. The Brotherhood and the Enclave would fight on, but find themselves surprisingly well matched.
They have reached a standstill, a stalemate, an unofficial detente. There is no official Armistice. They are still at war, but both have realized they cannot end this war without mutually assured destruction. This should come as no surprise, for we all know, war never changes. No it never does, but the world changes. The world is always changing in fact.
Megaton got lucky and avoided a lot of change. Primarily they got lucky by avoiding one big change, that is to say that bomb is still sitting there. Sheriff Sims still keeps the peace around town, Moriarty still runs the bar. Word is Sims' boy is looking to take up the mantle when his old man retires. I figure that boy would do a fine job. That old ex-Raider Jericho still smokes like a chimney, waiting on some adventure to jump up and bite him in the [censored].
Tenpenny still runs that Tower, but they ain't got to worry about them ghoulie boys in the Metro no more. Someone or other went down there, shot them all dead. Blew that poor look out of theirs clean out of his boots. Tower is a nice place to live, but I gotta believe that old geezer had something to do with business down at the Metro. Never did trust him, talks funny.
Slavers still running things up at Paradise Falls. Bastards done run the Temple of the Union out of town, heard talk they turned one of them against the others. Sad story. Might'a been that mohawk girl. Heard someone stopped in there with a whole bag of caps and walked out with her. Some little turd with a leather jacket and a stupid haircut...don't really think it was them though. Probably came from the top when they wasn't looking for them kids...don't think they ever caught them kids, heard they was trying. Little stinkers outta Lamplight supposedly moved on in to Big Town after they got their act together. Good for them, there's at least a few happy endings out here I suppose. Arefu were one of them. Ended up getting along alright with that family lived down in the tunnels. Thought that were gonna end bad for sure.
Still got two sorta armies out there too. Not so big as Brotherhood or Enclave, not near so big really. Reilley and her folk made it outta that hotel or whatever it were. Don't know how they pulled that off. Supposed to still be going around, mapping out the wasteland. Heard they sorta do good deeds here n' there. Heard they got into downtown D.C. and found a whole town of ghoulies. Reilley's Rangers don't care if you a ghoulie or a mutie or what have ya. They help folk out when they can. Good on 'em. Talon boys are the opposite I suppose. Still do dirty deeds dirt cheap. Still causing trouble all over the capital wastes, don't know who keeps the caps flowing to 'em.
Was hoping the Brotherhood might do something about them. Heard that Star Paladin Cross had a fire lit under her ass after, well you know, after what happened to Sarah. Lot of good men and women died for that victory. You know Lone Wanderer lost his dog and that mutie he always rode with in that battle? That was a good dog I'll tell you what. Mutie was good folk too. Took a hell of a lot to put that one down.
Yep. That's the Capital Wasteland for ya. What else...well the situation up in The Pitt is still purty much the same as it's ever been. Wehrner's kicking up trouble, Ashur looking for that cure. Little Marie Ashur, his daughter, she growin' up I suppose. Then down in Pilgrim's Landing hear they got themselves a nice little town, so long as you don't go stepping out into that swamp. Heard queer things about that swamp.
The Mojave Wasteland
New Vegas itself was fundamentally changed the moment Caesar's Legion marched through it's gates. Truth be told the entire Mojave changed almost immediately afterward. Now, six months after the event, the factions of the Mojave have all had to adjust. Some have been wiped out, some have been assimilated, and some have simply fled. What became of those who resided in New Vegas itself? It's hard to say. The Legion aren't particularly forthcoming with news about their new capital. Come to think of it they're not particularly forthcoming with information about their old capital either.
Freeside has changed radically. Many Kings took off as news of the Legion victory spread, those who stayed quickly met their end. It was much the same for the Followers, although I heard they took that nice young man alive. Why did the Legion kill so many? The Followers had at one time been allied with the NCR, the Kings had never gotten along with them. Perhaps they simply had designs of their own for Freeside? They certainly were quick over in Westside to adopt The Thorn and it's head mistress Red Sonya into their new society. Whatever their reasons the Legion made the streets of Freeside flow red with their blood.
Mojave Brotherhood ain't been around much neither. Guess they come to terms with Hidden Valley sorta being a widely known secret. Didn't no one know quite where they was, but we knew something funny was goin' on just the same. Haven't seen hide nor hair of them for awhile now. Hell, maybe they're still in there, but I doubt it. I figure right about now, if'n I was them, I'd be looking for a new hidey hole. Valley is too close to Vegas an' too close to Black Mountain. I'm sure they remember what them NCR boys teached 'em. Sometimes the numbers game just cain't be beat.
Plenty of Legion now, used to be plenty of Raiders too. Fiends are still around, though the Vipers, Scorpions, and Jackals seem to have gone in to hiding. Speaking of hiding, looks like the Great Khans packed up and left altogether. Headed out North I hear. Powder Gangers too, most of them ran off somewhere or other. You know Cobb and his boys were already dead but those Gangers out of Vault 19, they split the instant they heard Legion was coming to town. Boys in Primm did the same thing, cut out of that Buffalo place soon as they heard. Fools in the prison weren't so lucky, they stuck around. Heard the NCR had a little treat for them, somewhere in their big drawback someone decided to lessen his load a little. Those grenade launcher rounds really add up I guess. Few others had the same idea, lit that place up.
Speaking of explosives, you heard about Nellis and Repconn? Well see Nellis, those Boomers over at Nellis, I hear they stirred up so much trouble for the Legion when they were coming in, Legion went and just moved around them. After they took New Vegas they sent some emissary back over there. He got blownt up. Took another two of them to send the message, but Legion and Boomers got some sort of agreement now. Boomers are still out there but ain't no more Legion boys getting all tore up. Repconn they actually went and did it. Launched a bunch of those ghoulies out there somewhere. Dunno where they landed, but it's gotta be better than here. If they find their way back hopefully they'll run into Searchlight. Here that's the place to go for the ghoulies.
Let's see what else. Well Nipton's still pretty much the same as it's been since that "Lottery" they held over there. Heard when folk do start prying around over there they have a tendency to disappear. Eerie that. Hey, you know maybe that's what happened to that lady used to run the Novac hotel. You know she just up and disappeared one night. Same thing with that night guard. Maybe he went and tried to find her.
Used to be folks went disappearing you'd look at Black Mountain, but I hear them Legion boys took it. Don't know what they're doing with them muties, don't think I want to know. Haven't seen no Nightkin around...but then that don't mean much I suppose. Hear there's some more muties out North somewhere, but I'd be careful if I were them. Legion knows how to use strength and those muties got that in spades. Likely to get themselves conscripted into the Legion if they ain't careful
The Mid-West
The man they called the Warrior had led the forces of the Mid-Western Brotherhood of Steel to the very halls of the Calculator, and there they had made what many believed would be their final stand. Paladins stood beside tribals, mutants, ghouls, the very dregs of the wasteland, yet together they overcame an obstacle that seemed insurmountable. The Calculator's Army was defeated and man stood triumphant once more. As they prepared to destroy what remained of their foe the Warrior came to a realization. It would be a tragedy to destroy the Calculator. Yes, he was a monster, but that could be fixed. The Calculator was a machine, a machine unlike any other, but a machine none the less.
The MWBoS brought in it's best Scribes and in time they discovered it could be done. The Calculator could be used for the betterment of the Brotherhood, and thus the betterment of the wasteland. But, it would require a sacrifice. The Calculator would need a human brain to interface with, a strong mind, not just any would do. Though many volunteered when the Warrior stepped forward all knew it must be so.
In the years that followed the MWBoS expanded rapidly. Human Paladins, Knights, and Scribes marching alongside their robotic comrades, occasionally with a Behemoth bringing up the rear. Little could stand in their way. As one battle followed another soon villages and tribes would simply hurry to meet them before their army reached them, eager to surrender and join the Brotherhood. In time the Brotherhood soldiers would grow to admire the forces of the Calculator, how could they not, they had made it all so much easier. The Calculator as well, following his convergence with the Warrior, would realize that precious computing time could be saved by increasing the processing power of the human mind. Man represented a bottleneck to his advancement, but their might be a way to eliminate that bottleneck.
Today, those who distinguish themselves by truly excelling in the many cognitive and command tests they face on the path to becoming Paladin, upon advancement to that rank, may opt instead to answer a higher calling. Those who seek out this higher calling and prove themselves worthy can rise to the rank of Sentinel, but bear in mind, those who seek such lauded position much sacrifice much.
Alas, that opportunity is one afforded only to those of pure blood. The tribals, reavers, mutants, and ghouls within the Brotherhood will find that door closed to them no matter how faithful their service. Still, those whose loyalty remains steadfast can expect to live long healthy happy lives so long as they adhere to the edicts of the Brotherhood. Tribals, whose lands have been conquered, are offered the opportunity to remain on their lands in exchange for providing fair compensation to the Brotherhood for keeping their lands secure. Their most apt warriors are prime candidates for conscription into service, for what joy can a warrior find in tilling the soil? Mutants and Ghouls, being of indisputably unclean blood, face a harder life in the Brotherhood, it is true, yes. But those that serve with honor can live good productive lives within the sheltering arms of the Brotherhood. Reavers too are forgiven their past, so long as they remain true to the Brotherhood and forsake the queer practices of their forebears.
The Mutant Liberation Army, as one may gather from their moniker, is a collection of radical violent criminals hiding behind the thin veneer of Equal Rights and Fair Treatment. Many members may truly want nothing more than to ensure those unfortunate enough to have been born or turned into something less than a human are treated fairly. These efforts would be welcomed if that were all there was to the MLA, for the Brotherhood recognizes their worth and wants to see them grow to fulfill their full potential, whatever that full potential might be. There is however a darker side to this organization. They subvert justice by aiding wanted fugitives escape Brotherhood lands, in some cases they even advocate violent armed opposition to the Brotherhood. Brothers, I implore you, excise this cancer from within your ranks.
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