Robotics Expert Glitch?

Post » Wed Mar 30, 2016 5:59 pm

how is it possible to slow time and zoom into specific body parts?

how is it possible for that pip-boy on your wrist to store thousands of pounds of items and materialize them instantly for use, all while stopping time completely?

how is it possible to plug a fusion core into an empty hole in power armor, where the core would essentialy be injecting into your spine?

how is it possible for you to play this, (or any other game for that matter) and only ask about that singular possibility?
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Post » Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:29 am

And bear in mind, in previous Fallout games (unless my memory fails me) you actually had to sneak up on a robot to within melee range in order to hack it. Good luck doing that with the spastic and/or patrolling movements of robots since Automatron. In previous games you might face a slow-plodding Protectron or a stationary Sentry Bot but Automatron introduced a lot more movement to bots --- would be near impossible to sneak up to one to hack it (and isn't exactly fair that you have to have SNEAK before you can use your HACKING perk :P )

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Post » Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:21 pm

Yo keep quiet, I don't want this "Feature" getting "Fixed" lol. Honestly though, this makes the perk way more viable. The robots you hack don't regenerate health, so even if you get a Sentrybot on your team, it ain't sticking around forever. Besides, you need to be level 48 to get the third level of the perk, which is pretty late into the game anyways, and with Automaton, the robots you make are more than likely going to be better than anything you can hack anyways.

Really the only time I've used the distance hacking in the wild was to turn Gunner's Assaultrons against them or shut down a robot I didn't feel like fighting. I wouldn't even say its overpowered in the DLC, as there's like a 3 second animation before you even connect to the robot, which makes you a sitting duck. (I've died a few times like this), and when you get to the Mechanist's base

Hacking the robots only causes them to self destruct, which I found to be more dangerous to me than anything.

Though, if you want unique robot companions, Takahashi (Power Noodle robot), First Mate (police protectron on the USS Constitution), and KL-E-0 (Assaultron shop owner in Goodneighbor), are all hackable and have regenerating health (but can die, so careful with your grenades and mini nukes). To dismiss them, just hack another robot, and they'll return to their shop/ship.

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