Quake champions will sell

Post » Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:34 pm

I know the new trailer came in for a lot of flack but despite this I think Quake Championship will sell rather well and hears why .

1. The name you can not begin to imagen how much power a recognised name can have.

2. The gameplay now I know we have buffers and classes but as we can still pickup any gun in the game that should not be a problem as ,one as we have quad damage etc .

3. The Marketing I have seen this happening already using terms like Arena and Classic game play will bring in an audience.

4. Steam workshop a big part of Quake is community creation remember CTF started as a mod for Quake (or was it Quake 2)so I think mod tool will come out also I think we will get a snap map so at least we have somthing to play with out of the box we may even get the comminaty making new textures can assests for Snapmap.

So that's why this is Quake will sell.

(I studied Marketing in uni so I know what I am on about).
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carley moss
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2016 1:41 am

I think this is a big one right here. It's not just the name though, it's the developer behind the name: iD.

With Doom and Quake, both titles are hallmarks of FPS history. And now with Doom's new release doing really well, and living up to it's predecessors (imo), I can't see Quake not doing well. Really would need to see some gameplay, but if iD puts as much effort into this as they did the new Doom, they'll get good sales regardless if it's only on PC.

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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2016 11:34 pm

This isn't Quake. It will sell to the idiots that don't know what the series was. This is a slap in the face after Doom 16's crappy MP and watching CS franchise die in front of me. You killed the last hope for a real arena shooter to reign overlord over the dumb downed casualized shooter world. They shoulda made a game with Bethesda IP characters for this and just give us the MP we deserved since Q4MP.

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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2016 7:09 am

Striving not to derail OPs points. I'm sure it will sell. I don't think it has as much to do with the Id name anymore though, since they've shed Carmack and Romero. Id is a skeleton crew of what it once was, I think Willits is still there and the name Marty Stratton sounds familiar...not to sure about anyone else though, I think it's a shop of mostly no-names now. (sorry guys, you've got big shoes to fill)

I think it will sell because Bethesda is a mastermind of making games that market well. The Quake name goes far, though the luster of that wore off for me at Quake 4. More importantly though, and what a lot of people refuse to acknowledge is that there is a "right" time to be nostalgic and sell a product that appeals as such. Champions LOOKS like it's going to be Quake 3-ish so if you consider the crowd that played quake 3 at release (around 1999 or 2000) let's say that person was a late-teens teenager, the target demographic, so by now, that batch of people would be 30-somethings. I don't know about you all but I've seen an explosion of the popularity of the token nostalgic icons of the 80s...and I think we're seeing the cycle fire up on the 90s.

If you'll put on your tinfoil hats with me, I think the larger marketing entities in the industry today have figured out that there is a whole generation of people who had fond experiences in their youth (this is not new) but specific to this generation, it's almost exclusively digital content...so it can get rebooted...and rebooted...and rebooted...and rebooted.

Bethesda...would be stupid not to realize this, and they also want to produce a product that reaches out to new audiences as well...so they'll tack on classes or...whatever goofy [censored] they think will sell according to market research data, and I'm sure they're right.

Those of us who are purists will be likely disappointed because we're such a small portion of the market....they don't care to appeal to just the few.

As much crap as I give Bethesda for doing what they do (and I do disapprove of them so...so strongly) I think we got to where we are today because the people who are to blame are the ones who bought enough of this crap as it evolved over the years to send a message to these marketing types that it's ok to water down our expectations, and it's ok to appeal to a really wide audience...and it's ok to put out day one DLC....and it's ok to sell season passes, it's ok to nickle and dime us and it's ok to implement a feature in an upcoming game that was once considered a hack that'd get you banned from servers (looking at you, wall hack) So if you wanna play the blame game, the pointing finger goes as much to the gaming community as a whole as it does to the industry that pushed it in that direction in the first place.

If someone is as pissed off as you sound (Arby) I'd in all seriousness urge you to get involved with an open source project that makes what you think would be a better game. I'm pissed off too (about doom, i'm withholding judgement until new quake comes out) , so that's what I'm doing. If you want something done right, kill Baldrick before you start.

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