The new elder scrolls game

Post » Sun Feb 26, 2017 7:18 pm

So, I was thinking, What if bethesda did not release the elder scrolls 6 as a standalone game? What if they only released a huge DLC with new story, and a new huge region as big or bigger than skyrim, with the action happening in both places. What if after beating Alduin you could talk to paarthurnax to call all the dragons and form an epic army of dragons that you could conquer the empire with and then fight thalmor. The action would happen in Summer set isles and both in skyrim. You would have new story new sidequests and a new dragon-like gimmick for the new game. You could keep your old armor, but they would tune up the difficulty and add new sets of armor and weapons so that it would all be balanced. Wouldn't that be amazing?

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Karen anwyn Green
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Post » Mon Feb 27, 2017 10:14 am

If they released only DLC they'd probably run old engines that made Skyrim, so the graphics would be outdated. I don't think the old engines could handle an army of dragons, except maybe on the PC ;). Personally I'd rather wait for the next game in the series and they do those things you mentioned rather than make a DLC. If anything, maybe that could be a possible mod for Skyrim.

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George PUluse
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Post » Mon Feb 27, 2017 11:34 am

We have an official thread for discussing the future of TES:

feel free to repost your ideas there.

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Sophie Miller
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