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ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:25 am
by Roisan Sweeney
Hey, wondering if it's possible for me to join up? I'm scared witless of playing a major character, but are there any courtly-type characters or forces looking for an agent? Trying to fit myself in as a social character has never worked out so well for me, so I was wondering if there was actually a place for it.

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:04 pm
by Andrew
Hey, wondering if it's possible for me to join up? I'm scared witless of playing a major character, but are there any courtly-type characters or forces looking for an agent? Trying to fit myself in as a social character has never worked out so well for me, so I was wondering if there was actually a place for it.

The Nordic Confederation is always looking for agents, and Anticlere could use one too, if you'd be interested.

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 11:08 pm
by Multi Multi
Hey, wondering if it's possible for me to join up? I'm scared witless of playing a major character, but are there any courtly-type characters or forces looking for an agent? Trying to fit myself in as a social character has never worked out so well for me, so I was wondering if there was actually a place for it.

To echo Person, pretty much all the factions can use courtiers and agents.

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:02 pm
by Frank Firefly
With Elysana still captured (Who has yet to make an appearence in the RP), there's not much action going on in Wayrest, so being an agent there right now might be boring for you. So far only thing going on there is Elysana's daughter plotting for herself like some old crow. :lol:

I would deffiantly love to see more of the stealthy types in the RP. You know, infilitrating, spying and that sort of thing. Deffiantly spices up the political aspects. :)

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 2:17 am
by Aliish Sheldonn
With Elysana still captured (Who has yet to make an appearence in the RP), there's not much action going on in Wayrest, so being an agent there right now might be boring for you. So far only thing going on there is Elysana's daughter plotting for herself like some old crow. :lol:

I would deffiantly love to see more of the stealthy types in the RP. You know, infilitrating, spying and that sort of thing. Deffiantly spices up the political aspects. :)

As soon as my emissarys arrive, it ought to get a little more interesting.

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 9:02 am
by Jennie Skeletons
Oh and now that I think about it, there is no one taking the role of Lord Woodborne, is there? I'm still a bit confused about him. Immortal said he'd be an imposter, however I'm not sure if he meant after Woodborne returned from his defeat, or before.

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 11:04 pm
by Lew.p
Question. I understand that army movement should take multiple posts, but what about emissarys? If I'm just going to talk with someone, how long should it take to get there?

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:53 pm
by ShOrty
Curious. I may just do that- haven't yet created my agent character, so I don't know exactly how it'll turn out.

I have two other characters that I would like to use as well, if I may. Please excuse the clich? of having a daughter of Morgiah and Mannimarco. Shouldn't get in the way of FC4's Semithara, since she is relatively unknown.

Anyways, here they are.

Name: Edrain Vora

Race: Maormer (Tropical Elf)

Gender: Male

Age: Appears early thirties, several centuries older.

Birthsign: The Serpent

Class: Snake Tamer

Skills: Snake Tamers are the elite mages of Pyandonea. Born under the sign of the Serpent, Snake Tamers share a special bond with reptiles. Practicing magic of all kinds, what they are most known for is their ability to tame the sea serpents of their isle. Though highly prized by the Pyandoneans, Snake Tamers are known for their instability, and are closely watched. In fact, many Snake Tamers are also assassins.

Edrain is one such Snake Tamer. Though his skills are mostly magical, he has a sly tongue and possesses a certain finesse with a dagger. His enchantments are more powerful than subtle, but the strength overcomes most limits.

Physical Description: Edrain is tall and thin, though broad-shouldered. An imposing man in height, he has narrow features and a slightly flat nose with thin nostrils. His skin is clammy, almost pebbled to the touch, and is completely without pigment. However, his colour can adjust to his surroundings in an almost chameleonic manner. His almond-shaped eyes are bright yellow, the irises ever so slightly narrow. His hair is dark with a slightly green hue, and greasy in appearance. Like all elves, his ears are leaf-shaped and taper to a point.

Edrain can be quite an impressive figure, with his height, impressive eyes and exotic colours. He seems to slide more than walk, his gate sinuous and indicative of great agility. His eyes are always moving, and when in a fighting stance he sways slightly on the spot.

Mental Description: The driving force of Edrain's life is is ambition- his will to have more. Being one of the revered Snake Tamers was never enough, and several steps removed from the throne of an immortal, neither is he content in his role as noble. Despite this, he is not a planner; he is an opportunist. His opportunism leads him to be a compulsive liar- to take advantage of everything and anything that people do not know. Despite this somewhat hectic nature, the results cannot be denied; he is powerful, and has never been brought to justice for his many crimes. One must step carefully with him; it's very hard to predict his moves, although his motives are clear enough.

Weapons: Edrain uses magic to his defense, usually, but he carries a small, sharp dirk within the folds of his robes.

Clothing/Armour: Edrain wears dark Robes of Chameleon, which minorly adjust colour and (apparently) texture when activated. Apart from that, he wears thick-soled shoes and a black ring that hardens his skin against minor-moderate damage.

-He possesses a small flute-like instrument carved into the likeness of a snake. This is his tamer, an instrument which produces more of a hiss than a note. This aids him in spells, in particular enchantments, but is specifically designed to tame the sea serpents of Pyandonea.

Short History: Essentially just another Snake Tamer, Edrain's story is not particularly spectacular. What sets his tale apart from others is that he started high, and only went higher. The successes of Edrain's climb to power, the many atrocities he has committed and gotten away with, makes him revered among others of his profession. But despite becoming famous among his people, Edrain is not trusted by Orgnum nor by any other pyandonean royalty or commanders- because although, closely scrutinised though he has been, they have seen nothing wrong, everybody knows that you must keep one eye on the Serpent.

Name: Princess Veruise
Nickname: Veru
Race: Dunmer/Altmer
Gender: Female
Age: Appears to be early twenties
Birthsign: The Apprentice

Focus: Magic and Combat
Major Skills: Athletics, Blade, Restoration, Speechcraft, Conjuration
Other Skills: Enchant, Sleight-of-Hand, Necromancy
Class: Necromancer (Journeyman)

General Appearance: Veruise is a dark flower, rare and extremely poisonous. Her crimson hair brings to mind a waterfall of blood. Her skin, a silver so pale it is more reminiscent of moonlight, is very smooth. Her gaunt oval face has well-defined features, with a strong nose, full lips and almond-shaped elvish eyes. She is tall, with a lithe body and modest curves, and she seems delicate- and often unearthly, in the most unnerving way. She is no typical beauty, but Veruise' strength does not lay in her appearance, but rather in what lay beneath the surface.

Hair: Her long crimson hair flows freely down her back, and reaches her waist in length. It's thick and sleek in appearance, and smells faintly of blood.
Eyes: Golden Eyes with a faint glow.
Height: 5ft9"
Build: She's tall and appears delicate.
Skin: Her skin is a pale silver that is almost white. It seems to glow faintly and is often described as 'moonlight' in colour.
Tattoos/Scars: She bears the mark of Mannimarco, carved across her briast, right where her heart is.

Personality: Veruise is dangerous, and let no other convince you otherwise. Though she holds the keys to life and death, she seems to have no preference over which she chooses. Most alarmingly, she seems keen to upset the balance- when she meets someone on the brink of death, she will heal them, when she finds one vibrantly alive... well. And she clearly enjoys the raising of the dead. She has made it her mission in life to eliminate the followers of Arkay, something from which she takes profound joy. Her sharp intelligence mixed with her unpredictability makes her a formidable opponent, to say the least. Though she seems driven, she has no clear cause. If one manages to befriend her, they are safe from her power, and may even benefit from it. Few interest her enough and for long enough for her to consider them worthy 'friends'. Her temper appears to be non-existent, but this is not so- rather, she has inherited her mother and grandmother's taste for vengeance, applied subtly. That being said, she has no taste for politics: only for knowledge and her own whims. She has a cruel and often morbid sense of humour. It is curious what would happen should Veruise's drive be given purpose.

Weapon(s): A daedric cutlass for battles, a daedric atham? for sacrifices, and the clawed fingers of her gauntlet.
Clothing/Armour: Veruise wears a simple, flowing black dress that reaches her knees in length. It is sleeveless, and though it fits her form it is hardly to be considered revealing. She also wears thigh-high black boots and a ruby pendant around her neck bearing Mannimarco's symbol. Though she is notably unarmoured, Veruise' left arm and shoulder are encased in a long black gauntlet (which also acts as a pauldron) referred to as Reap. It is made of a strange, light black metal, angular and spiked in the manner of daedric, and yet not. There are many black soulgems embedded within Reap, and it is rumoured to possess the ability to capture any soul- living or dead, if the wearer's will is enough.

Inventory: She carries with her in her small black pack a collection of black soulgems, a small gambling box and a small purse of coins.

Misc Skills and Traits:
-Though there lays within her extreme reserves of power and magicka, Veruise has yet to reach her full potential, and has a long journey ahead of her before she manages to tap those reserves and learn to use them skilfully.
-Veruise has an obsession with blood: she loves to see it, and is apparently facinated by it.
-Veru is relatively unknown by the necromancer's world, but she despises common necromancers of all kinds as the unworthy servants of her father.
-She is much stronger than she looks (though not necessarily as strong as a hardened warrior), and is seemingly immune to all disease. This is a result of her father's tamperings in her birth.
-Veruise enjoys gambling and has a knack for it. This is how she earns most of her money, save for when she loots the bodies of those she kills.
-She has all of the weaknesses of her two sides, and none of the strengths. Born under the Apprentice, as well as High Elven, she is extremely susceptible to spells.

Short Bio: Morgiah, daughter of Barenziah, made a deal with Mannimarco in exchange for a marriage with Reman of Firsthold. Morgiah agreed to give 'her first' for this. As a result, Morgiah laid with Mannimarco and bore him her first child- a girl, taken prematurely from the womb and greatly weakened. But Mannimarco worked many magicks on her- whether she died and was reanimated is rumoured, but without proof- and the girl lived, the unholy child of Morgiah, and Mannimarco's favourite. She served under him for most of her early life, hating him but admiring the power and knowledge he possessed, and she followed his lessons hungrily. When she was but twelve, she left his necromancer's underworld to explore the outside, and to test her skills. She killed three men in the first two months of her independence, and raised many more. It is said among necromancers that if you could catch her soul, it would be sanguine. It is unclear how she came by Reap, but she served Vaermina for three years, and when she left Vaermina's service she had Reap, so it is assumed that the Daedra Prince had something to do with it. The rest is a story of horror on the part of the Chapel, for though she was only young and still learning her power, she was extremely cunning and killed many of their priests- all dedicated to Arkay.

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 1:59 am
by Ella Loapaga
Question. I understand that army movement should take multiple posts, but what about emissarys? If I'm just going to talk with someone, how long should it take to get there?

Still a couple of posts I think, unless they go by some means other than by horse. If you're thinking about your guys heading towards Anticlere, however, we could make travelling less bland by having them meet with Wilfred; he's not in Anticlere currently (preparing for wedding, lucky guy).

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 5:28 am
by Chris Cross Cabaret Man
Still a couple of posts I think, unless they go by some means other than by horse. If you're thinking about your guys heading towards Anticlere, however, we could make travelling less bland by having them meet with Wilfred; he's not in Anticlere currently (preparing for wedding, lucky guy).

Yeah, one of my guys is heading towards Anticlere, mostly to ferret out what you are gonna do, and then I'm off to Wayrest by boat.

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 6:49 am
by Steve Bates
Hmm... I like her myself, Illusionary, though she strikes me as not your style of character. Which makes her all the more interesting.

However, she wouldn't get in the way of Simithara anyways; she could in fact be helpful. Or a hindrance, if she chose to go against Simithara. I'll PM you about my plans for Mannimarco and the necromancers later. :) Unless, of course... you wish to remain aside from the Necromancers altogether?

Oh, and I think I know where to put Samuel now. How many nomads are trapping the Queen?

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:14 pm
by Enie van Bied
Maybe we should have a list of who rules what in the OP, with links to the appropriate posts that hold the character sheets with forces. Definately easier than having to scroll through a bunch of pages whenever the need comes to check something...

By the way, since I'm dealing (and most likely will be dealing) with the Ra Gada quite a lot in my posts, would it be safe to asume that Haroun is still the High King of Sentinel (Hammerfall)?

Also, if anyone wants to join the Nords in a commanding position, now's the perfect chance, as I'll need a general to head the 5000-ish troops that'll head down from Solitude as soon as my messenger gets there.

Do you, or you with someone else want to work on such a list?

I would prefer to leave Hauron and the rulership of Sentinel to be a bit vague for now.

Hey, wondering if it's possible for me to join up? I'm scared witless of playing a major character, but are there any courtly-type characters or forces looking for an agent? Trying to fit myself in as a social character has never worked out so well for me, so I was wondering if there was actually a place for it.

The char sheet you posted is accepted. Look up Maestro Delphine.

Oh and now that I think about it, there is no one taking the role of Lord Woodborne, is there? I'm still a bit confused about him. Immortal said he'd be an imposter, however I'm not sure if he meant after Woodborne returned from his defeat, or before.

He died in the Daggerfall story line and Elysana had an imposter take his place. For the last almost two decades he's been acting as lord woodborne because he keeps the alliance with Wayrest and Orsinium stable.

Question. I understand that army movement should take multiple posts, but what about emissarys? If I'm just going to talk with someone, how long should it take to get there?

Depends how far. Just use your best judgement. Let's not get into a habit of holing up in our castles and exchanging letters or the RP gets boring real fast.


I think it's in the first post, the number of nomads. I can't remember right now. I'll post tonight.

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 9:28 am
by Pixie
Do you, or you with someone else want to work on such a list?

I could; I mean, it's not that much work, just looking through the character sheets mostly. I can get started with it as soon as I make my post for Verlox.

Here it is. Very brief, just a compilation of all the Breton rulers; I've left out all the minor characters (ain't no fancy Dramatis Personae to you) and the non-Bretic majors.

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 1:22 am
by Marine x
Name: Lord Ancalimon Belzigar
Age: 397
Race: High Elven, Shimmerenean
Gender: Male

Faction: Dominion

Description: Lord Belzagar is a rather tall and lithe High Elven noble, a long flowing silver river of hair creates only part of his rathe dominating presence. He has a rather narrow chin with a handsome face, with straight teeth and domineering blue eyes all attributing to his almost always present smirk. Ancalimon is a famed and rather wicked Knight of Shimmerene, in name though not in practice. He is an underlord to the King of Shimmerene and has been for the past two hundred years. Ancalimon bears himself with the same infamous stature, poise and clarity that almost all of the High Elven race posess. Something however is more sinister about Lord Belzigar's presence, most of his followers are just as sinister and have earned their positions accordingly. His tower miles outside the shining walls of Shimmerene is the object of many rumors, and only the most powerful battle mages are employed in his ranks.

For years Lord Belzigar has dabbled in magicks including Necromancy and has made it openly known. He's been expelled from the Mage's guild, excommunicated from the Knights of Shimmerene and only the King knows why he still has land rights. He works for personal goals and is a very rich mer for his standing with Royalty.

Currently he is in Daggerfall, the pinnacle of the Dominion presence in High Rock. He was sent by the King of Shimmerene to oversee the forces from Silverwood

Arms: A long Ebony Sabre engraved with runes and is enchanted with a powerful frost enchantment. A strong skill in conjuration and destruction.
Apparel: Black silk pants stuffed into calf high boots of exotic leather of the same color. A long slender tight fitting red coat with silver trimmed cuffs and a white under shirt worn over a maile shirt of enchanted and finely forged mithril. Assorted enchanted rings with spells like levitation, water walking, charm, detect life and enchntment.


42 Mounted Companions:
These mer are some of the best battle mages, sorcerors, spellswords and night blades all outfitted in powerful enchanted armor and weapons of their trade. All riding white horses from Summerset. These followers have done various jobs for Lord Belzigar, whether its killing certain unwanted, guarding, acquiring artifacts and other items of his interest. They follow Ancalimon because of their lust for power, as he is a tutor to all of them, being well adversed in the magical arts.

Army [3,800 Dominion Troops]

Silverwood Rangers:(400)
Trained in both the sabre and the bow, these mithril clad warriors hail from Silverwood's small house army. Armed with silver sabres, and fine black ash bows. Their armor is finely forged mithril suits of armor from the armories in Shimmerene. They are all mounted on fine horses and can fight on both foot and horseback.

Valenwood Archers:(800)
From the reaches of Valenwood and dwellers of the Isles are hundreds of Bosmer, their skill in archery unmatched and their keen eye best used for scouts, archers, hunters and thieves. These forest garb clad elves make the core of Dominion archers. They wear sylvan colored pants and shirts with a reinforced yew compound bow, they carry mithril shortswords in the event of melee fighting. They all ride on stout ponies but cannot fight from horseback.

High Elven Men at Arms:(600)
Infantry of the Kingdom of Shimmerene these High Elves are outfitted in Mithril cuirasses with steel chainmail skirts and lightly plated mithril greaves, they have winged helmets of steel. They have yellow painted Kite shields with steel spears and longswords. These mer are excellent fighters compared to most non elven norms. Comprised of young elves between the years 70-110 these are Elves seeking employ in the Silverwood Rangers and to attain that they must fight with honor and vigor. These mer all ride on cheap horses to the battlefield but usually fight on foot, but if ambushed can fight with a spear from horseback.

Goblin Warriors:(2000)
Outfitted in little more than rags and skull caps and armed with only hand axes, clubs, shortswords, and small spears standing at about four and a half feet tall these midless thralls are the product of years of breeding and training under expert trainers in the employ of the Isle's city states. They are used to rush the enemy, break lines and act as sentries because of their excellent night vision.

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 5:45 am
by Richard Dixon
What? Heldwyn isn't taking his usual "band-o-rapists?" :P

Looks good. Post it up and conquor!

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:03 pm
by jessica sonny
I have no idea why, but coming back from supper and reading the most recent Character sheets and other posts... Gave me a great idea....

Wait and see. :)

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 8:08 am
by leni
I have no idea why, but coming back from supper and reading the most recent Character sheets and other posts... Gave me a great idea....

Wait and see. :)


ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:46 pm
by Lloyd Muldowney
So this is a war RP

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:27 pm
by Kate Schofield
So this is a war RP

No. But its a rp set during harsh times. It has a little something for everyone.

Apologies to anyone from the timeline if I spoke out of place, but as I have read, this rp incorporates elements of everything.

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:21 pm
by chirsty aggas
So, you guys are creating the ultimate roleplay? well, if it isn't war, then why do I see army sheets? Just some people control units? so its like one big war world, except that some are regular citizens? I will read more of this

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:55 pm
by No Name
War/Political/Adventure/ and many things that do not even fit into predetermined Genres.

It is the incarnation of all Roleplays. :P

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 8:18 am
by Tiffany Castillo
Ah, I may be interested, maybe, be a member of the blades and resurrect them eh? ah. Just to be quick I could get my ch. sheet from the Altmer Empire war and make some changes. I will think about it, so how many members do you guys want in this deal?

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:20 am
by Karine laverre
Ah, I may be interested, maybe, be a member of the blades and resurrect them eh? ah. Just to be quick I could get my ch. sheet from the Altmer Empire war and make some changes. I will think about it, so how many members do you guys want in this deal?

Aren't they the emperor's bodyguards? I know morrowind had them as spies. Although I think they were loyal to the emperor and not the empire.

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 11:48 am
by Kortniie Dumont
They have no loyalties to the actual Empire whatsoever, only the Emperor.

I don't see how they would fit into High Rock however.

ImmortalBlood Timeline (HR Sign up)

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:12 pm
by SaVino GοΜ
thats actually a good question, maybe i missed it before, but who claims the imperial throne?