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The Altmer Empire War

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 3:39 pm
by Allison Sizemore
Is it too late to join this Rp? it sounds interesting.

The Altmer Empire War

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 7:15 pm
by Sebrina Johnstone
Is it too late to join this Rp? it sounds interesting.

Nope, it would be great if you joined.

The Altmer Empire War

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 1:56 pm
by Lewis Morel
"At least the Princess gives me a vote of confidence," he mumbled under his breath as he boarded the airship.

It wasn't long before everyone had boarded and the ship began to lurch upward, lifting out of the water slowly, if unsteadily. Kaleb quickly ran to the rails, peering over the side, amazed by the wonders of modern magic. Everyone else acted nonchalant, taking their accustomed positions, while Gold-Heart began plucking a catchy tune on his lute. Kaleb, however, felt like a child again, experiencing the wonders of the world for the first time yet again. A smile plastered on his face, for the first time forgetting his mission to joy. Tonight he might not stay up drinking. He looked over at the princess, watching her hair as the wind caught it as they cleared the roofs of Vivec's cantons. She is beautiful, even if I don't usually have a thing for elves. He turned back over the railing, watching the people as they grew smaller and smaller, and then, they began lurching southeast, towards Ebonheart.

He smiled, silently thanking the Nine at how easy this operation was going to be, slowly pulling an envelope out of his briastplate.

OOC: PM your bio to Swift-Blade.

The Altmer Empire War

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 3:53 pm
by Marguerite Dabrin
"Damn it."

Kovacs said quitely to himself as he flat out sprinted through the halls of the underground rebel hideout, he had just recently heard that the airship would soon be lifting off to go on a mission. If this mission was the one that would end the war, Kovacs would damn well go on the mission. this had better be a mission worth sprinting for.. he thought to himself, mentally kicking himself for not finding the armoury sooner, his armour was hastily buckled on, and in the first combat instance, it would most likely come off from the first hit. But if it increased his chance of dying, he would not mind.

He saw the massive airship slowly begin to lift up into the air, and with a final massive leap, he launched himself towards the airship, momentarily flying through the air, before impacting onto the floor of the airship, scrabbling for a grip, he managed to grasp the ledge of the airships entrance with both hands. Struggling, he took a moment to look down. Slowly the ground below him was shrinking. If he let go now, he might survvive the drop into the water, but would proably drown. If he let go any latter, he would fall and die. The only option was to painfully pull himself up.

A catchy song was being plucked on a lute, and several people where just lounging around, there was the Argonion he had spoken to earlier, an Altmer, who he had also seen earlier, and the princess, along with another man he didnt recongize. Grunting with exterion, he made the last push, and fell foward onto the deck of the airship. After gulping in several deep breaths of air, he stood, his legs and arms trembling from exhasution, before he cleared his throat and spoke.

"My name is Kovacs. I have been waiting to be inducted into the rebelion for hours, and if this is the final mission to end the war, then I request that I come along."

The Altmer Empire War

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 4:16 pm
by Sophie Miller
As the dirigible left, the rebel's base returned to her usual realitve quietness, leaving Elissandre with very little to do. To keep her mind busy, she decided to have a bit of chatting with her patients. Being especially curious about what was really happening beyond the bloodline. All she had to date were the Temple's reports, a compilation of mostly second-hand accounts. whose accuracy wasn't above suspicion, the nightmarish picture they described looking more as imperial propaganda than objective account. But now she had some first-hand witnesses to recoup her informations.

Which she didn't waste much time exploiting, picking the clearest-headed of her patients, a warrior from eastern Skyrim named Sigurd - with the added thought that with his homeland touched only by hte Empire's mobilisation rather than any fighting he wouldn't be as prejudiced as would a breton or redguard.

"I'd like to ask you a question Sigurd - well, maybe a bit more than a few. From what I've heard here in Morrowind, Herata's way of waging this war is straight out of imperial propaganda. You've witnessed yourself what happens there, can you tell me how it is really ?

Commiting some atrocities as examples to crush opposition isn't anywhere close to pretty, but at least there's a purpose to it. From what informations I've had that's far, far worse. Herata's troops seems to basically reduce everyone who's not an altmer into slavery. Even worse, he's encouraging his troops in the notion that simply not being an altmer is sufficient ground for getting tortured to death and that doing so should be considered fun. No matter how harmless, usefull or even loyal said non-altmers are.

Which strikes me, and the whole Temple, as no only wrong, but also abysmally stupid. If these reports are genuine, it will brew so much hate that no amount of fear will prevent a massive revolt into all the conquered areas. If you're going to be tortured to death no matter what, many will decide to die fighting as they'll have nothing to lose. And probably won't calm down while there's any altmer breathing on Nirn.

So tell me - is the situation really as bad as those outlandish accounts claim ?"

[Swift, I let Sigur'd answer up to you to - you're the one to decide if Elindrin's antics are representative of Heratas's troops or no and how close to reality Elissandre's informations are]

The Altmer Empire War

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 2:30 pm
by Mackenzie
OOC: Sorry I havent been able to post much recently. Been very busy. This post may be kind of short, but it will do.

IC: Gold-Heart looked up from his Lute to see the newcomer aboard the airship, and he chuckled. "I think we should let him stay simply because of how he was able to actually jump on the airship and climb it. If we get into a scraqe, he will be useful."

Lia eyed over the newcomer, "You were the one in the base who wanted to join. Im sorry we dont have time for a formal induction, but you are now officially a member of our group. Now please, we are going to have a meeting with Duke Dren, and frankly you dont seem the type who is very elegant. so let us do the talking please."

Gold-Heart laughed and continued playing, "Don't mind her friend. She tends to look on the dark side alot. So make yourself at home on this flying peice of steel." Gold-Heart smiled and played a chord, "We should be there in a few minutes."


Siguard nodded at the brenton girl, "Yeah, as far as i know. Of course, im no officer, so I don't know much. Go See ol' Swifty if your really curious. All I want right now is for my leg to stop bleeding, if you could please fix that." Siguard looked with dismay upon his severed leg, which had gotten that way after a recent ambush gone wrong.

The Altmer Empire War

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 6:27 pm
by Elea Rossi
Character Sheet:
Name: Malak Veski
Gender: Male
Race: Breton
Age: 325 (due to Vampirism but looks 25)
Appearance: Height: 5'9" Eye Color: Brown (Bright Yellow when a Vampire). Skin Color: Peach Tone
Hair Style: Long Poney-tail, Black. Scars: Scar that runs from his abdomain around to his lower back (Childhood incident)
Class: Assassin
Lifestyle: Rouge Assassin
Equipment: Black Robes w/ the Hood just covering his eyes, Scimitar.
Major Skills: HandtoHand,light Armor,Acrobats,Agility,Speed,Sneak,Blade,Blocking,Security and Marksman
Starting location: Blood-Crest Caverns
Background: Malak was stricken with this gift when he was just 24 years of age and loved it. He was born right here in Cyrodiil in the city of Skingrad, he never leaves too far from the city as he lives in the cavern called "Blood-Crest". Malak feeds on the mortals out in the world and has always been careful on how he approach his victims.

IC: Malak sat in his cavern waiting for the night to arise. He was a sneaky one and loved staying alone, although his brethren were slaughtered he managed to take over the cave and make it his own personal headquarters. Malak never trust a mortal in his life ever since he was strickin and he will not change his way.

OOC: Sorry didnt know what he was going to be really doing but i'll add sumtin lata.

The Altmer Empire War

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:54 am
by Marguerite Dabrin
As she heard Sigurd's answer, Elissandre winced. It really seems Sheoggorath's hand was the one which truly shieled the Summerset Isles and Mehrunes Dagon. And even if we manage to stop that war, it will leave pending the question of what to do with whole armies turned into sadistic butchers. I'd say feeding them to the Empire to buy the peace and the lives of those rounded up in hte Empire's camps will be the least bad course.

When Sigurd asked for help with his leg, Elissandre frowned, getting a closer look at the wound. Casting an healing spell while delicately probing the stump to numb the pain for her examination and stop the bleeding. "It seems my first healing didn't hold - not that I skimped on the work, simply I prefered to do a first try with magic only. I'll need some surgery to make sure there's enough flesh to prevent the bones from poking out. It won't get your leg back, but at least what's left of it won't bother you."

With the help of the rebel's oher healers, Elsisandre prepared Sigurd for the surgery, having him drink a potion to send him unconscious before setting on her grisly work. Reopening the wound to cut the ragged ends of the bones who had caused the bleeding. Then arranging the flesh over them to make sure the bones would be properly cushioned. All the while casting and holding minor healing spells to prevent the bleeding and fight of infection. It's unfortunate mrotal magic can't replace that much missing bits. But at least he will be able to walk with a peg leg rather than hobbling with a pair of crutches.

The Altmer Empire War

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 4:21 pm
by Natalie J Webster
"I think we should let him stay simply because of how he was able to actually jump on the airship and climb it. If we get into a scraqe, he will be useful." The Argonion that he now knew of as Goldheart said.

The Altmer princess turned rebel eyed him over, "You were the one in the base who wanted to join. Im sorry we dont have time for a formal induction, but you are now officially a member of our group. Now please, we are going to have a meeting with Duke Dren, and frankly you dont seem the type who is very elegant. so let us do the talking please."

Gold-Heart laughed and continued playing, "Don't mind her friend. She tends to look on the dark side alot. So make yourself at home on this flying peice of steel." Gold-Heart smiled and played a chord, "We should be there in a few minutes."

Kovacs smilled back "Nothing wrong with looking on the dark side of things, its usually more helpful than trying to ignore it."

With that, he began removing his upper armour, and placing them neatly on the floor, before he began to don the armour, this time taking the care to place it correctly and ensure a omfortable fit, while still providing protection and movment. His helmet hanging on his belt loop, he slowly walked to the railing, unused to the rocking motions of the airship and the flow of the air currents, he wobbeled around the deck, looking down on the terrian of Morrowind. Several minutes passed as he contentdely watched the ground fly by underneath the steel airship.

The Altmer Empire War

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 5:35 pm
by electro_fantics
Marcus was awaken by a shake in the middle of the dense night. "Marcus wake up!" Baurus said in a quiet but serious voice, "Jauffre is dead! Anguilion and Darius just came back, Jauffre got up and wandered off in the middle of the night and they followed him, but now he is dead."
Anguilion then said worriedly, "He is dead! We followed him and saw dark shadows move across the forest, figure and human like, like an assassin of some kind, we heard him scream, and we waited as the shadows in the forests ran away, and then we walked up his body, and he was dead."
Darius added in, "Yes, Anguilion, it was an assassin, we need to head for Morrowind, we need to head for it now, do you agree Baurus? Anguilion? Marcus?"
"I agree, we need to wake up Alawen first, what about you Marcus?" Baurus said as he tapped Alawen on the shoulder.
"Yea, lets go, we can go to Ebonheart, and speak with the Imperials there, and get this war thing straight, its also not a war-zone, which will be better for us. Anguilion, do you agree?" Marcus looked over at the Argonian.
"Yes, I agree, lets go, Marcus, you can ride on Baurus' horse with him, Is that okay Baurus?"

Alawen awoke, and Baurus spoke to here sternly, "We are leaving, Jauffre is dead, in the woods, I wood like you to search for evidence about what happened to him, please Alawen, we are going to Ebonheart, you can come with us, but if you don't and chose to say in search of evidence of Jauffre's death, than leave a sack behind with a letter in it to where you went and why, and we will meet up with you."
Alawen was suprised, but understood, "I will stay, and search for evidence, and yes, I will leave a note if I leave, goodbye guys, I wish you luck."
All of the blades said their goodbyes, hopped on their horses, and rode off into the woods in the night, on their journey to Morrowind.

OOC: I think I may skip to where they at least get to Morrowind, and then right out how they got into Vvardenfell
I could get a mage to teleport me

The Altmer Empire War

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:27 pm
by Leonie Connor
OOC: Sorry guys I know I havent posted anything for AGES and theres a good reason im sorry to say I've gotta leave this RP because im extremly busy with my Game Project. Its about The Elder Scrolls infact... (PM if your intrested :P) anyway just wanted you guys to know that I havent forgotten its just im to busy now.

see ya it was rather fun posting before dispite not getting far into my characters acctual story but oh well.

The Altmer Empire War

PostPosted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 1:43 pm
by Klaire