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The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:05 am
by Ana
The Risen
Freeform RP by Tabasco

4E 24: it's a time of uncertain peace in Tamriel. After the tumultous events that marked the changing of the era, the political situation has changed more than a bit. With all potential Emperors dead, the Empire is governed by a council with representatives from all provinces except Morrowind, who had declared its independence two years ago. Rumor says the nation is led by the returned Nerevarine, but diplomatic relations between it and the Empire have ended, leaving only a few loose trade links. Cyrodiil is no longer seen as a sovereign state, although Imperial City is still the center of the Empire.

In these times of peace, unrelated individuals from across the continent developed some strange traits. They were normal people, until by unknown means, they changed. For some, the changes were marginal - maybe behaving like someone else, but nothing more. Some, though, transformed into completely different beings, and the transformation usually came with insanity. There were official records on an Altmer who grew wings from her back and screamed that she would go up and challenge the gods. She flew off to the ocean and nothing was heard of her ever again.

The Risen, though, as people began calling them, have more to them than people think. They can sense each other, to some extent, and feel an inexplicable draw to their kind. This is the only thing they seem to have in common, as their powers - or curses - are very different. None of them know anything about the reason to it all.

The rules:
1. PM your sheets to me before posting!
2. Keep amount of characters to a manageable level. By manageable, I mean that your fellow players should be able to follow, too.
3. Use proper English. We all like to know what's going on.
4. NO omniscience, NO omnipotence, NO character controlling, NO ubering.
5. No lycantrophes or vampires.
6. Tell me if you're going to do something drastic.
7. Have fun!

Note that while your character has super powers, he/she is new to them. You can't blow up the White Gold Tower or rebuild Kvatch in a millisecond. I suppose you get what I mean.

Here's a template sheet you can use. Note that many points are *essential*.


Facial hair:
Build: (feel free to be detailed here...)

Class: (doesn't have to be in-game)
Class description:
Skills: (again, no in-game-ness needed)



Powers/traits as a Risen: (or what changes when he/she transforms...)

You can bet I left a bunch of things out. Anyway... here's my char. I'll copy/paste all of them here as you send 'em.

tabasco's character:

Name: Reynold Justus
Race: Imperial/Breton hybrid
six: Male
Age: 59
Birthsign: The Mage

Height: 176 cm
Weight: 80 kg
Hair: Grey, shoulder-long
Facial hair: A braided grey beard, moustache
Eyes: Greenish grey
Skin: tanned
Tattoos/scars: The Mage tattooed on his back
Build: A bit overweight, but the fat covers muscles

Class: Scholar/savant
Class description: Travels and seeks knowledge on the world
Skills: Restoration, magic, history, languages

Apparel: Plain tan-colored pants and shirt, leather boots, leather belt. Over these he wears a long, black hooded coat/robe made to withstand almost any weather. His clothes are rather patched and old.
Items: A backpack holding the following: some books, food, potions, maps. In his pockets he has money and two dices. Carries a staff/walking stick.
Weapons: A silver-plated katana. Sheathed under his coat.

Personality/traits: Reynold is a generally outgoing and friendly person. His travels have made him tolerant and patient. He often has a fatherly attitude toward people, which annoys some. He loves to gamble and drink, and always carries two dices with him.
Born to an Imperial father and a Breton mother in Skingrad, he was a treasured child. He had always longed to explore the world, to meet strange people and see exotic places. At twenty, he traveled to Imperial City, and was awed by the cosmopolitan mix of people and cultures. He fell in love with a Nord woman and traveled to Skyrim with her. They lived happily, until she was killed by a band of reavers. Distraught, Reynold decided to visit High Rock, his mother's homeland, but boarded the wrong ship and ended up in Morrowind.

Morrowind left a huge mark on him. It took long, but he became a trusted member of the community. He returned to Cyrodiil, but longed back. At forty, he packed up everything he had and moved to Balmora, working as a freelance healer and scholar, tending the sick at the Temple and teaching at various places.

Reynold discovered his Risen powers when a Temple priest and dear friend of his caught corprus and was sent to the Corprusarium. He went to visit him, but instead of his friend, he found a wriggling mass of disfigured flesh that had to be held back from killing him. After the meeting, he had changed: he was grim, aloof and rude. When he went up to see Divayth Fyr, it struck him that he could "smell" magic.

Reynold stopped and cocked his head. He sniffed.
"What?" Fyr asked.
The healer looked around. "Smells here."
Fyr sniffed. "I don't smell anything."
Reynold turned and looked at a closet. He sniffed again. "That closet smells."
Fyr squinted and walked to the closet. "Nope."
"It does. It smells of... power."
The old wizard stared and opened the closet. It held the Cuirass of Savior's Hide.

He soon changed back to his normal self, but when in emotional turmoil, he changes into his "other" self.

Powers/traits as a Risen:
He's not overly powerful as a Risen, as he hasn't learned to control his abilities yet. His personality changes: the friendly old man becomes an aloof and suspicious person. When transformed, he has a perfect recall, but only on things he has experienced as a Risen. When he turns back, his memory becomes normal. He also becomes extremely intelligent and able to cast complicated spells. His senses become greater, and he can sense things normal people cannot. He also becomes brave to the brink of insanity.
Sryner of the Sword's character

Name: Lirian Ascadier
Race: Breton
six: Male
Age: 33
Birthsign: The Mage

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair: Short brown wavy hair he lets fly loose down his forehead.
Facial hair: None
Eyes: Piercing blue
Skin: Normal complexion for human races.
Tattoos/scars: None
Build: He has a tough upper body with muscle definition. Very athletic, he trains often to keep himself in shape due to the nature of his work.

Class: Bounty Hunter
Class description: Using an assortment of magic, blades, and tactile, this bounty hunter gets the job done regardless of his mission.
Skills: (again, no in-game-ness needed)

Apparel: Lirian wears dark red armor with blue and gold tassels and cloth flying freely from it. He has two short shoulder-capes at each side of his back, connected by a cloth collar of the same color.
Weapons: Aside from a variant of destruction magic, Ascadier wields two slightly shorter ebony longswords.

Personality/traits: In short, Lirian is a [censored]. His attitude is often tolerated because he is good at what he does, and what he does is kill people for the price on their head. He speaks out of turn and talks down to people he woulen't mind fighting with. He shows little respect for any of his superiors, and he somehow gets away with it.
Bio: I'll get to this later. Won't be anything out of line, just his training and past missions and whatnot.
Half Tooth's character

Name: (and again
Race: Wood elf
six: Female
Age: 19
Birthsign: The Antronach

Faction: Telvanni
Rank: Lawman

Height: 5 ft 1" (130cm)
Hair: She has soft black blue hair which hangs just past her jaw bone.
Eyes: She has large pale blue eyes.
Skin: Her skin is almost white but she has a hit of colour along her cheek bones.
Tattoos/scars: none (yet)
Build: Being short, she is also rather skinny. She has the look of someone who might get blown away in a high wind, looking rather physically weak.

Class: Artist/ Mage
Class description: Naril is highly skilled at painting, drawing? anything to do with art she also makes a small amount of money selling her artwork. Aside from this hobby Naril is natural mysticism and enchanting mage, although she can use other branches of magic she finds it a lot more difficult. She uses her skills at enchanting and mysticism for the good of the great house Telvanni.

Skills: Drawing, painting, speech craft, mysticism and enchanting.

Apparel: Naril usually wears black cotton trousers, dark leather boots, a purple cotton shirt, a soft green scarf and a long patched coat which comes down past her knees
Items: She has a shoulder bag which contains; her sketch book and artist's tools (paint brushes, pencils etc.) a leather pouch which she keeps her money in, some bread cheese , sweet rolls and fruit. There is also a collection of full and empty soul gems. She also has some strong restore magicka potions since she cannot regenerate magical energy herself due to her star sign.
Weapons: none aside from her Mysticism spells.

Personality/traits: Naril is a thinker. She wonders the ways of the world and despite being so young she sometimes speaks wisdom beyond her years. On the flip side of this she is permanently nervous, and on edge most of the time. She is tends to be scared of people and hates being the center of attention. She does not to speak her emotions and keeps them to herself.
Naril finds that mysticism magic comes naturally to her, what with her being a thinker she believe strongly that "the eyes are the window to the soul" and she is completely fascinated with the concept of souls and she will often look at people's eyes and sketch them.

Bio: Naril was born in Sadrith Mora to Bosmer parents. Both her parents were high ranking members of house Tevlanni, and she herself joined the great house Telvanni at the age of 11. Her parents wanted her to learn what they dubbed as 'useful' magic either restoration or destruction magic. Although Naril learned some of the basic spells in destruction and restoration she found herself more suited to mysticism and enchating.
Although her parents were at first unhappy with her choosing this branch of magic they soon grew to see it's uses. Naril learnt how to detect life and how to capture the souls of creatures in soul gems which she then used to enchant items. She has also been able to master Telekinesis and how to dispel magical effects from herself and others but she has yet to learn how to reflect damage and spells.
She still lives in Sadrith Mora, but recently she has noticed some strange things happening. People and creatures have been dying in her town and the nearby areas and she wants to know why.

Powers/traits as a Risen: Her natural abilities at Mysticism have had an effect on her risen form. As a risen the only changes to her body are that her hands and feet become elongated into powerful claws and her pupils become white so that she is blind. She can also climb any wall and hang off the ceiling.

Most of the changes to her are on the inside however. She is effectively blind to the physical world instead she can see it in a different form. She cannot see people as people instead she can see their souls. She can see the souls of creatures, undead, ghosts and people. She can see when someone is nearing death or if they have been marked by the Morag Tong or Dark Brotherhood and she behaves almost like a grim reaper. Once she has seen a marked soul or someone close to death she will hunt them and kill them.

Although she cannot remember doing any of this when she returns to her normal form, part of her risen form is seeping into her normal self. She has started to see ghosts walking around she can sometimes see glimpses into people's souls. This scars her however and she feels she does not want to know these kinds of things.
Jerod Kayne's character

Name: Julius Kell
Nickname: Jules, or Kelly
Race: Argonian
six: Male
Age: 17
Birthsign: Thief

Height: Roughly 5'8
Weight: 108lbs
Hair: Spines
Facial hair: A few really small spines on his snout, and chin-neck area
Eyes: Light blue
Skin: Mostly red, with some splotches of black and orange in some areas
Tattoos/scars: Has a lot of burn-marks on his body
Build: Skinny, not much muscle build up in his torso, but has a decent build up in his arms, and legs. Also, he looks a bit more 'reptilian' then most Argonians. IE: Longer spiky tail, slightly longer snout, larger teeth, more pronounced scales, naturally longer claws on his feet and hands.

Class: Assistant
Class description: Aids, and offers help to Scientists
Skills: Drawing Schematics/Plans, Planning things, Running and Jumping, Light Magicka spells, or in this case, control over Electricity

Apparel: Light brown trousers, green long sleeve shirt, leather boots, leather gauntlets with half-finger sleeves.
Items: Necklace, very little gold
Weapons: Glass Dagger used for self defense (He cant use metal weapons)

Personality/traits: Julius isn't your average teenager. He used to be very secretive, and normally never like hanging out with people. A Loner, if you will. Now, after an 'incident', Kells state of mind went through a complete re-haul. He is more friendlier, and out going. He's only got a handful of friends, that he hangs out with. A lot...

Bio: Julius was born and raised in a slave camp in the borders of Morrowind. He had no name, and life was very hard for him. Until a traveling Imperial, by the name of Jonathan Kell, whom was a scientist, stumbled upon the camp, and adopted a 10-year old Argonian child. Jonathan named the Argonian 'Julius' after his wife, 'Julian', who died from a severe Blood-Lung infection.

Over the years, Jonathan bonded with Jules, and home-schooled him, teaching him basic to advanced education. When Julius was 14, he and Jonathan were running an experiment with lighting, trying to record how much energy it gave off. Julius, never wanted to do the experiment, seeing it as 'stupid waste of time' but reluctantly agreed to help. They waited until Cheydinhal (They're place of residence) was hit by a large storm.

Julius was struck by a deadly bolt of lighting, and received a large amount of burns all over his body. He was considered dead for several hours. But a strange thing happened when he was struck, most of the energy channeled through his body, and into the ground, but a small amount was unable to, and stayed. The small burst of energy managed to 'jump start' Julius's heart, along with major healing spells from mages. Although, the spells did nothing to start the Argonians heart back up.

Over the next few months, things went back to normal. Until, Julius began waking up with minor-to-severe burns on his arms, legs, and torso. He also began feeling different, as if something was changing inside of him. He realizes this, as he tried to pick up a metal object, and a bolt of lightning shot out of his hand. Also, when ever his body senses something, something which he cant explain, his heart begins to burn, nothing severe, just enough to alert him. For now, he tries to keep this a secret, fearing that if somebody knew, he would be locked up, and experimented upon. Or worse...

Powers/traits as a Risen: He has only experienced the transformation twice, both times, roughly 2-3 years after the incident. His scales turn from a light red color, to a deep blue, and is hands and feet revert back to their ancestral Lizard-like form. His hearing, smelling, and vision become incredibly enhanced. He has control over his mind, but acts a lot more animal-like.

He loses the ability to speak, but in place of that, he has an incredible power over electricity, which he barely scratched the surface in harnessing it (Think Dr. Doom) . When he transforms back, he can only remember bits and pieces of being a Risen, mostly in flashbacks and/or in dreams.
Verlox's character

Name: Lord Roger Blakefield, Baron of Glencreek Moor
Race: Breton
six: Male
Age: 34
Birthsign: The Lady

Height: 5 Feet 10 Inches
Weight: 174 Pounds
Hair Color: Honey Blonde
Hair Style and Facila Hair:
Eyes: Dark Blue
Skin: Sun Browned White
Tattoos/scars: N/A
Build: Roger, despite his height, is very well built. With the stocky build that makes him seem much larger than he really is, Roger moves with the the grace of a natural athlete.

Class: Aristocrat
Class description: Belonging to Tamriel's "best", Aristocrats are the most well-bred people of the Empire. They put great store by titles and blood lineage, and expect all others to see things their way. Despite this, Aristocrats can range from the the virtuous Knight-Errant to the schemeing Robber Baron. Known for their skills with weapons and the abiltity to move in even the heaviest armor, Aristocrats are a terror on the battlefield.
Skills: Horseback Riding, Dancing, Lute Playing, Etiquette, Long Blade, Block, Heavy Armour, Jousting

Items: Signet Ring, 1000 Drakes, Documents of his Lordship, Diary, Quill-Pen, Green Ink.

Personality/traits: The Soul of Chivalry. Roger is always their to defend those that are weaker than him, and give largesse as best he can. Despite this, he can be slightly arrogant at times, such to the point where he will challenge a foe that is obviously much more powerful than himself, just to prove that he is not a coward. He does have a dark streak, however, and when pushed to his utter limits, he will do anything to achieve his goals.

Bio: Born the eldest son of the Baron of Glencreek Moor in High Rock, Roger was given the best education avaible to the people of his station. He was taught manners, how to play music, and a myriad of other things expected of the Aristocracy. At the age of 9, Roger became Baron of Glencreek Moor after his father was killed in a skirmish against the Reachmen. Still having not reached the majority age of twenty, his mother acted as acting Baroness. She however, was not wise, and almost plunged Glencreek Moor into a private war against a neighboring fiefdom. She was prompted into this by her lover, who wanted to other lord's title for himself. Being 14 at this time, Roger knew his mind, and assumed the power of Baron, hanging his mother's lover, and banishing her from his domains. He then proceeded to surround himself with men and women who would help guide him through his minority until he was ready to assume the reins of Glencreek Moor. Having reached the age of 34, the Baron is living in a rented house in the Imperial City.
Arathorn's character

Name: Axel Bearclaw.
Nickname: Axel.
Race: Nord.
six: Male.
Age: 21.
Birthsign: The Warrior.

Appearance: Axel. Tall and powerful, his appearance is daunting with a hard face and a gain bone structure Axel towers above most men. Many scars cover the surface of the man's body, constant reminders of his past battles. Axel has a large scar running down the left side of his face, running through his eye and reaching a level with his nose. He has medium length black hair with a jagged fringe that seems to shade his face. Small, piercing hazel coloured eyes are an attractive feature of the young General. Axel has a well toned body; years of training and hard exercise had done him a world of good for his fitness, looking impressive and strong with eminent chest and stomach muscles.

Class: Army General.
Class description: Axel leads a small army, called the Rangers, that stay hidden deep within the forests at the feet of the Jerall Mountains.
Skills: Leadership, Axel can take charge and lead an army into battle in high spirits and morale. Combat, Axel has since he can remember been training in the art of combat, sharp senses and keen focus has lead him to be extremely skilled, blade is his most powerful area, with use of both of his sword and knife however he can too use hand to hand combat and is not bad with a bow and arrow.

Apparel: Axel's attire consists of a black robe top similar too the typical Ranger armour, a dark green armoured robe, the leaf emblem carved into the shoulder of the leather robe top and a black sash; his black jacket is ragged with an upturned collar. The inner lining is crimson, often the sleeves are rolled up with jagged edges and giving him a ragged look. Axel wears his robe top open, leaving his chest revealed and a large scar that slices diagonally down his chest and stomach, gained from a previous battle.

Items: Axel carries little with him, as he does not often leave the village, he has no need for money or a map. He often carries one or two bandages for any wounds he may gain.
Weapons: Axel carries with him a large black Katana, with green leaf engravings on the hilt, a symbol of the Rangers. He also, on his belt has a short dagger, used only for close up combat, as well as sometimes for throwing it. This too carries the leaf emblem of the Rangers.

Personality/traits: A great leader, having been an army general for some time he knows how to command. Confident and decisive, Axel knows how to manipulate his forces to turn the tide of battle. He thinks often about power and money and will challenge anything that stands in his or his peoples way of a good opportunity, utilising any advantages he is given.

Biography: Trained by his elder generations, Axel is used to the cold of Bruma. He has spent all his life wondering the wilderness with his fathers' armies and troops. It was a small battle with another clan that his father and a quarter the troops died as well as some important leaders. Axel at this time was 14 and took it upon himself to take control of what was left of the once great Ranger army. The survivors, some were not happy that such a young boy had taken control, however most felt blessed as he was the son of their previous leader. Over the last 5 years, Axel has raised a great force, with all the men and boys hard working and skilled. The rangers are a small tribe, that function in the wilderness north of Bruma, at the feet of the great Jerall Mountains. Hidden deep in the snowy forests lays the Grove of the Rangers. Determined and motivated, Axel pushes his people to be the best they can, training them hard and rewarding them well. Axel knows little of his strange alter ego, but without question he uses it for his advantage, in both fights and other difficult situations. Few people know of his secret power, and he does not often let it out, but when he does, he holds unmatchable strength.

Powers/traits as a Risen: Gnarl. Axels alter ego, as he calls it. Gnarl is a large wolf, powerful muscles emanate from under his thick coat of dark fur, his long snout and razor sharp teeth are certainly a force to be reckoned with, and his piercing claws aid him well in battle. Jet black fur lines his muscular body; the underside of his stomach has lightened with age and is now a dark shade of silver grey. Scars are something Gnarl certainly doesn't lack, fierce battles and epic fights have played there part on the wolf's hardened body, and the reminder of each encounter lay embedded into the rough fur. Axel maintains his human mind when in wolf form and can speak and think like a human; however his new physical attributes make it difficult for him to perform many human actions. Gnarl rarely is let out, and as far Axel cannot seem to unleash his inner animal at will. Headstrong and confident, though with no lack of power, Gnarl is not invincible, something he claims himself to be. Gnarl loves a challenge, taking pleasure in someone backing him into a corner and having to fight his way out, wanting the more powerful enemy to step up their game, so that he can try to overcome them, despite their superiority. Gnarl takes pleasure in pain and injury, claiming that sometimes the scars themselves are the lessons of life left permanently on your soul, and that you have not truly won a fight if the enemy cannot do as much as lay a cut in your flesh. Gnarl takes pleasure from any conflict, minimising his power to savour the feeling, the adrenaline and the fury that runs through him during a battle.
tayroc's character

Name: Belmont the Gent
Race: Nord
six: Male
Age: 48
Birthsign: The Atronach

Height: 6'6"
Weight: 215lbs
Hair: short and black
Facial hair: Short beard, curled moustache.
Eyes: Blue
Skin: fair
Tattoos/scars: Many deep scars on his face.
Build: Quite muscular, especially in his arms and chest.

Class: Highwayman
Class description: A better class of thief; Highwaymen lurk by the highways of the empire and waylay solitary travelers for their gold and valuables, but rarely kill. They are masters of the rapier, their weapon of choice, and there are few swordsmen who can best a skilled highwayman in a duel.
Skills: Dueling, riding, tracking, herbalism, speechcraft.

Apparel: A black felt Top Hat, a burgundy double-briasted frock coat over a white silk shirt, and leather breeches and boots. Under his clothes he is wearing a light mail shirt and steel bracers, but they are invisible to the unaided eye.
Items: long skinning knife, hatchet, herb pouch, assorted other odds and ends in his jacket and saddlebags. 4 skulls hang from the saddle of his horse.
Weapons: Mage's End (enchanted ebony rapier).

Personality/traits: A gentleman at heart, Belmont is always polite and cordial to the people he robs.

Born as Sigismund to a poor family of trappers in the Jerall mountains, he was always a happy child, and he never wanted any more than a simple life in the woods.

The Gods had other ideas.

When Sigismund was ten years old he was traveling with his parents and younger sister to Bruma to sell a year's worth of furs when they were waylaid by bandits. The brigands murdered Sigismund's sister first, then his mother, and then his father. They carved Sigismund's face horribly with a knife and tied him to a tree. They then hacked off the heads of his family and hung them from the branches around Sigismund.

He survived suspended there for a day and a half before the bandits returned for him. He lived among them as their prisoner and slave for the next 5 years, learning the ways of the thief. Later, when it came time for him to gain a title, he was forced to give himself a name. He decided that his years as Sigismund were behind him, and so he chose a more classy moniker, and swore to always be a gentleman to those he met.

His name was to be Belmont the Gent

Eventually the bandit warlord was killed and Belmont took his place. He promptly demanded that all the members of his band make oaths to always act like proper gentlemen and to kill only if absolutely necessary. Those who refused were executed on the spot.

Thus did he become Belmont the Gent, Robber King of The Silver Road.

Powers/traits as a Risen: The extreme stress of being tied to a tree overnight with the severed heads of his family hanging around him caused something to change in Belmont, the traits he inherited from his birth sign were increased exponentially. He is now one-hundred percent immune to all types of magic, and all magical energies directed at him are reflected back at the caster. As far as he knows, this is a permanent condition, as it has not left him for many years.
Swift-Blade's character

Name: Amilia (Ami) Reven
Race: Imperial
six: Female
Age: 22
Birthsign: The Steed

Height: 5'10
Weight: 140
Hair: Short jet black hair extending down to her shoulders
Eyes: light blue
Skin: Fair
Tattoos/scars: Several large scars on her back along with scars extending down her right arm and one on her cheek, they appeared after the first time her "powers" flared up
Build: Since Ami the last few years of her life as a prisoner of bandits, she is very thin and pale. But, as a former imperial scout, she is still in shape. Many consider her pretty, but she usually dismisses them.

Class: Former Scout
Class description: Ami was once a scout in the imperial legion, but after being captured by bandits, she has forgotten many of the things she learned in training.
Skills: Sneak, Long Blade, Light Armor, Athletics, And Marksman

Apparel: After searching the bandits warehouse, she found a chainmail shirt and boots. She wears brown pants also.
Items: She managed to find 52 gold in the cave and about 4 days worth of food to fit in an old backpack.
Weapons: A Steel Claymore that she stole from the bandits and an iron bow with 13 arrows

Personality/traits: Ami is very shy and prefers solitude over being around many people, which is part of the reason she became a scout. She loves nature, since it is usually quiet and peaceful. During her time as a prisoner, she was out of touch with society, so she has a tendency to make a fool of herself in social situations. She most of the time thinks of what's practical over what is necessarily right.

Bio: Born in the imperial waterfront, she was raised by a poor family. Her father worked at the docks, and her mother stayed at home. During the days, young Ami would get in the small rowboat the family owned and row across the lake and explore the wilderness. In fact, one time she stayed in the wilderness for a week, surviving on some food she brought with her. Ami's mother thought this was absurd, but Ami's dad, who also loved the outdoors, would sometimes go with Ami to the woods on his day off, and would take Ami onto the boats to show her around them.
When Ami was 17, her father was killed while working. The official report says it was a tragic accident at the docks. But, Ami investigated, and found that the wound was obviously a blade wound. She was crushed, since her father was one of the few people who she talked to and she felt open to. Her mom died of disease soon afterwards, and Ami was left at 18 living on the streets. Ami one time steal food from a store to feed herself, and the guards arrested her. She then had 2 options: Join the Imperial legion or serve time in jail. She choose to be a scout in the legion, hoping one day she could become an imperial legion forester.
She passed basic training, and was sent one day to scout a shipment of drugs from a bandit group. So Ami went alone to spy on the transaction. But, the legion underestimated the bandits preparedness. As Ami was walking up the hill where she would watch the bandits, a bandit shot her with an arrow poisoned with some sort of sleep medicine. She passed out, and for the next four years of her life, was a slave to these bandits. They abused her in every imaginable way, and this further made Ami even more reclusive. Her faith in humanity was shaken to the core.
One day, at around 12 o'clock at night, something happened. Ami felt an incredible rush of energy flow through her, and then black. She awoke her hands bloody and her clothing ripped. Looking sound she saw that all the bandits had been killed, some by what looked like concussive blows from punches, and others from blade wounds. Looking around further, she found a bloody blade by some of her clothing, and it clicked in her mind that she had killed the bandits. A mixed emotion f joy, disgust, and confusion swept over her as she searched around and gathered supplies. Now, she must begin her trip back to the imperial city, and find out why she was left for dead.

Powers/traits as a Risen: During her power flare ups, Ami's eyes and hair turns a sky blue color and Ami gets an incredible surge of energy. She acts only on emotion, and is able to communicate fine with the outside world. But she cannot remember anything during her black outs, and apparently, every blow by a normal weapon, even those that would prove fatal, only produce a scar that glows the same color of her hair during flare ups, but are almost invisible during normal everyday life.
falconjk's character

Name: Fenin Lejeune
Race: Imperial
six: Male
Age: 31
Birthsign: The Thief

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 9 and a half stone
Hair: Black, medium-length and unruly.
Facial hair: Slight stubble occasionally.
Eyes: Light blue.
Skin: Unusually pale.
Tattoos/scars: Has a scar on the right side of his neck ? an encounter with a Minotaur he was lucky to survive.
Build: Is slim but well-toned, and tall. Most of his strength is in his arms, built up from his many years using a bow.

Class: Forester
Class description: Skilled at hunting and surviving in the wilderness, foresters can eke out a living just about anywhere. Long hours spent hunting make foresters crack shots with a bow, quick runners, silent movers, and capable enough with a short blade in close combat. They can also quickly make healing salves and potions from natural ingredients. In short, they are experts at surviving any way they can.
Skills: Marksman, Short Blade, Athletics, Sneak, Alchemy, Wilderness Survival (bushcraft? tongue.gif)

Apparel: Basic leather armour, nothing more.
Items: A bedroll, knife, 50 septims, a mortar & pestle and a few small potions of healing.
Weapons: Fenin has a prized Elven Bow, well-stocked with steel arrows. If needs be, he has a small silver dagger too.

Personality/traits: Fenin Lejeune trusts nobody. He has lived variously in and around the city of Bravil for most of his life, and the 'characters' to be found in that town have coloured his judgement on people in general. To strangers, he can appear uncooperative, and even impolite, but once you earn his respect, he is a thoroughly good and trustworthy man. However, he is also very stubborn, and dislikes not getting his own way.
Bio: Fenin was born in the Imperial City, but poverty forced his parents to move south to the shabby town of Bravil when he was still at a young age. Despite having Breton blood in him, and having two magically-skilled parents, he showed little talent in the schools of magic beyond a knack for alchemy. Instead, his love for nature drew him to become a forester, collecting ingredients for the local Mages Guild for some time. He bought a house in Bravil a few months back, but is having some trouble finding the final bits of gold to pay it off. His Bretonic last name comes from a Breton ancestor far, far back.

Powers/traits as a Risen: To be revealed... wink.gif
Wednesday's character

Name: Jentina Ve'Sey.
Preferred Name: Jentina.
six: Female.
Race: Imperiton (Breton/Imperial)
Age: 22
Birthsign: The Lady

Character Focus: Alterior motives to gain the throne and rule Tamriel.
Skills and Abilities: Highly powerful witch/sorceress. Skilled hand-to-hand combatant.
Powers, Magick and Otherwise: Active Telekinesis and Astral Projection powers. Incantations for other spells memorized.
Class: Custom Sorceress Class.

General Physical Appearance: Toned, lithe body. Olive complexion. Busty.
Facial Appearance: Plush lips. Flawless, matte skin. Larger, almond-shaped eyes that give her an innocent, baby-faced look.
Hair: Softly wavy, raven-coloured. Reach just a little bit below her briasts.
Eyes: Tiger-eyed. An intense green mixed with blue.
Weight: 116 lbs.
Height: 5'7
Tatoos/Scars+Any Other Distinguishing Features: One tattoo above her right eye, and a matching one below it. "Flamma Saeva" tattooed on her right hip.
Power(s): Jen is able to manipulate the weather and create catastrophic weather and atmospheric conditions. Also, although not a power, Jentina is an incredible combatant.
Weakness(es): She often becomes unfocused and carried away in a blind insane rage while fighting (mental instability) and becomes drained if she uses her powers for long periods of time.

Weapon/s: She usually only carries a dagger, but will sometimes take weapons off of fallen enemies should the need arise.
Clothing/Armor: The only true piece of armor that Jentina wears is the gauntlet on her left arm. She often wears an enchanted, custom made dress that shows off her 'assets' (as shown in the picture) The dress itself is enchanted with mysticism properties that absorbs some damage that is thrown her way.
Inventory: She'll sometimes carry around an enchanted bag (bag of holding oblivion mod) with her witchcraft items inside. This includes her spellbook (although she rarely uses it, she memorizes most of her spells) her ritual book, candles, potions, scrolls, knives, etc.

Short Bio: Jentina was born the bastard daughter to a Breton waitress and the Imperial, Corvus Umbranox (before you all knew him as the 'Gray Fox' and his marriage to Millona.) When Jentina was younger, she was always fascinated by the works of Magicka. She always frequented the Arcane University (since she lived in the Waterfront District) and it was the Arch Mage who Jentina acknowledges as her "true father". When she turned 15, she officially joined the Mages Guild and was promptly allowed access to the University to study further. When this happened, this opened up a whole new chapter in Jentina's life - she was always told that dark magicka would be the downfall of the Empire, and that it's practice was forbidden throughout the land. Throughout the years of her studies at the University, Jentina had always secretly studied Witchcraft on the side. She never cracked open a book about Necromancy, however, because she felt the manipulation of dead bodies was disgusting and that there was no honor in not letting the dead rest. Her days were filled of innocent studies, and her nights were filled with witchcraft rituals and the practice of the dark arts. Throughout this, though, she never considered herself tainted by the dark arts because she only necessarily practiced so she could protect herself and become one of the most powerful women in the world. On Jentina's 18th birthday, she came home to find her mother's lifeless body sprawled out on the floor, surrounded in a ritual circle with candles on the five points of the pentagram. That's when the guards busted into her home, and arrested her for the murder of her mother and the practice of the forbidden arts. Even though she pleaded that she would never harm her mother, the fact that she was a witch faltered her pleas, and she was sentenced to be hanged after serving 5 years in jail. The night she was thrown into jail, was the night everything was changed for her. One year passed - and after dealing with that cruel-mouthed dunmer in the cell across from her - Jentina broke herself out of the jail. She summoned powerful, dark energies that blew apart the iron doors that held her for so long. Every single guard that came at her was killed, and hanged from the ceiling, their own intestines wrapping tightly around their necks. Nobody has heard from her since then - Jentina built her own house in the middle of the thick forest so that she could live in peace and continue her study. People mistake her to be a villain - she is not. She only does things that she feel are the right moves for her OWN benefit; she is selfish.
ADETH's character

Name: Leon Archer / Noel
Race: Imperial
six: Male
Age: 30 / 25
Birthsign: The Steed

Height: 5'6 / 5'8
Weight: 160lbs / 155lbs
Hair: Dark brown, short and swept back / darker brown, long and reaching his cheeks, also swept back but instead of being cut from the middle, his hair is split from the right side.
Facial hair: none / none
Eyes: Blue-Green / Clear Gray
Skin: Fair / Tanned
Tattoos/scars: numerous scars along his hands / None
Build: Not too muscular but they are there, of slightly lean due to working with ingredients and not working out that much. / Very well defined, pretty much ideal for a well built man.

Class: Alchemist
Class description: Alchemists know how to use their instruments and what an ingredient does. They usually live off by selling their works to guilds.
Skills: Alchemy, Short blade, destruction, mysticism, long blade, short blade, acrobatics

Apparel: Blue silk dress shirt, loose dark pants and boots
Items: In his backpack he has mortar & pestle, lots of vials with suspicious fluids and various ingrediens and of late a bottle of booze. He also carries an inkwell and a small notebook.
Weapons: a silver dagger suited for slicing ingredients

Personality/traits: Leon appears timid, minorly paranoid and nervous but decisive when he wants to be.

Leon's counter part, Noel on the other hand is the exact opposite of Leon. He is a ladiesman, loves violence and very outgoing.
Bio: Leon worked in Leyawiin mages guild as an alchemist. Going to the wild, gathering ingredients and writing down his recepies Until recently. Leon has started to space out and after hours not remembering what he's been doing and sometimes finding himself in a totally different place. He has taken up writing his new notifications into his notebook but sometimes starting to write things he didn't mean.

After a few months since the space outs started he got fired from his job because his assistant had made a complaint aobut him making a move on her. Now Leon has found himself in the Imperial city.

Powers/traits as a Risen:
Leon's power is split personality. Unlike your average split personality disorder, not only his personality changes but also his body. He grows taller and thinner with more muscle, good looks and an unexplainable headache in the morning. That means it's not his body when Noel is in control.
Elgen's character

Full name: William Halford
Name for other RPers to call your character: Bill, Will, whatevah.
Race: Breton
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Focus: Stealth
Skills: Marksman, Blade, Wilderness survival.

General appearance: Dark, half long hair is just barely reaching in front of William's eyes, not hindering his sight. He has a body unlike most bretons, as he is rather fit, but not really outrageously strong, since most bretons tend to be silly wizards and the likes.

Hair: Dark. Almost black.
Eye colour: Grey.
Height: 6ft
Mental description: Usually normal, but tend to be annoyed over some rather trivial matters, like the "stupidity" of other people. He has a firm belief in what he thinks right or wrong, and can be stubborn at times. He is still pretty nice, and try to consider other people when making choices.

Weapon: Steel longsword and wooden bow.

Clothing/armour worn most often: Leather armour, green cloak, leather boots and otherwise black clothes.

Clothing/armour worn less often: His spare brown set of clothes.

Inventory: Quiver with 20 arrows, dagger, waterskin, some septims, meat. All of this placed quite neatly in a backpack.

Quick Bio: William was born in Morrowind. Strange place for a breton, some might say, but his location was
not his biggest difference from other bretons. WIlliam had often felt an urge to wander the lands, the forests, if you want to (Although forests are rather few and far between in Morrowind). When he grew up, he became a ranger, or a pathfinder, if you like, in the lands of Vvardenfell.

Powers/traits as a Risen: When the transformation takes place, William's eyes turn red as a dark elf's. His body at the same time gets pumped full of adrenaline, making him very on edge, and having a hard time thinking too far. His actions become rushed and often not very calculated. But due to the heightened state of his senses and body, he's able to do things he wouldn't be able to before the transformation. He's fast as lightning, and his sword skills become equally better. This rush through his body will however leave him incapable of resting or relaxing much, and will thus bring him mad if the change persist for too long a time.
William III's character

Name: Lewen Eriksson
Race: Breton-Nord hybrid
six: Male
Age: 28
Birthsign: The Mage
Height: around 190 cm
Weight: 85 kg
Hair: Dark brown, slightly curly, chin length at longest point
Facial hair: None, also grows very slowly
Eyes: Blue that fades to yellowish-brown in the centre
Skin: Pale (He's a Nord/Breton what did you expect)
Tattoos/scars: badly scarred fingers on his right hand, a scar that reaches from the left corner of his mouth and extends for about five centimeters. Navy tattoo's cover his left arm
Build: broad sholdered but other wise surprisingly skinny for a sailor

Class: Liuetenant-Commander
Class description: Is a Lieutenant-Commander in the Imperial Navy
Skills: Swimming, Basic Conjuration, History, Mathematics, Art

Apparel: Navy officer apparel which consists of: a blue jacket, white shirt, white pants, dark leather boots .Also wears a copper gauntlet on his right hand
Items: Shoulder bag that contains: Map, compass, writing utensils, food, water, money
Weapons: His officers sabre and a permenantly bound clannfear named Fawkes

Personality/traits: Manic-deppressive, when 'happy' it's almost unbearable, will drink at the slightest nudge, breaks into song for seemingly no reason, when 'sad' is aloof, sullen and makes scathing remarks whenever possible

Bio: Born to a succesful merchant and a teacher, Lewen never really wanted for much in his childhood. Conscripted into the Imperial Navy at the age of 19, the things he saw in battle changed him, he seemed to have two distinct personalities, the sullen cold-hearted one who wouldn't think twice about slipping a knife in your ribs and the overtly-cheerful one who makes jokes at the most inoppurtune time. His wife couldn't take his mood swings and left him for his former captain, he was imprisoned for a period of time over their well publisised demises, he was released with a pardon 2 years later.

Powers/traits as a Risen: Slightly magnetic at all times, can unleash 'waves' of magnetism at will or when feeling incredible emotion.
w00tz's character

Name: Hassan-i Sabbah

Race: Unsure, possibly Redguard with a hint of Bretonic blood.

Age: Approximately Twenty four, Date of birth is unknown.

Birthsign: Yilan, The Serpent.

Description: Hassan, possibly due to his appearance, is often misjudged by others. Although he does not have as dark skin as some of his former comrades, it clearly shows features originating only from Hammerfell. Long, jet black hair falls down over his shoulders, and light stubble covers the lower half of his face. His clear, light blue eyes made him stand out in his mountain village, often outcast by the others. Hassan's work has given him a slim, lithe and muscular physique. Climbing have calloused and hardened his hands, making them less prone to injury and wear. Strangely, he has no scars, and his only distinguishing mark is a white dot in the center of his left eye, suspected to be caused by cataracts but bears none of its symptoms.

History: Something seems to have repressed the majority of his memories of his past, knowing only bits and pieces. From what he does know, he has gathered that he has worked as an assassin and a thief on occasion. For the years he can remember, he has lived within the Imperial city, on the Waterfront. Does jobs delivering items, messages, and sometimes mercenary work, supplementing his income sometimes with less legal measures.

Skills/Proficiencies: Skilled in blades and wearing little to no armor, excellent at moving unknown and infiltrating nearly anywhere. Proficient in hand to hand, and very athletic as one would need for the various acrobatics and climbing. Has knowledge of a few basic spells.

Armor/Apparel: Black hooded robes going down to his shins and split to allow leg movement, dark brown pants underneath, thin, flexible leather boots with a padded sole, and steel vambraces with a leather padding underneath his robes.

Weapons: Several throwing blades just within his robes, along with a curved dagger similar to a Kukri, and a samshir across his back.

Items/Equipment: Tends to keep whatever he needs within his robes, and has a waterskin and sack of coins tied to his belt.

Personality:Hassan is a fairly quiet, and very humble man. Although he stays to himself, he likes to wander through the city during the daytimes, visiting the markets, libraries, and taverns, simply taking in the city. Friendly and polite to most, sometimes even if they do not deserve such kindness.

Powers/Traits as a Risen: Hassan has become the host of The Darkness, an ancient creature which can only function in darkness. When under the influence of the Darkness Hassan loses all notions of fear, mercy, compassion, he becomes inhuman. His eyes glow, large, black, terrifying serpents with gnashing teeth protrude from him, he gains the use of dark tendrils, and the ability to summon small sentient beings, that also feed on darkness, crumbling in the light. For years it has made small appearances, but lately Hassan has become more wary, fearing that it grows in strength.
Illusionary Nothing's character

Name: Evvereen

Race: Formerly Argonian.

Gender: Female

Age: Appears early twenties.

Birthsign: Signs do not apply to Evvereen.

Class: Nomad

Skills: Evvereen is a peculiar young woman. Her skills encompass a blend of stealth and social. Evvereen is no acrobat by any means (hindered as she is by her fear of heights), but she is rather agile and surprisingly graceful, though her dexterity is somewhat wanting. Her strong will and sharp intelligence are probably her greatest assets, however, and this affords her the subtlety of the spoken and written word. She's got a knack with locks and mechanisms in general, and is rarely fooled by enchantments of any kind. Evvereen does not claim to be a mage, but her grasp of Alteration is phenomenal at those moments when she uses it; her ability to visualise the world anew gives her great strength in this. Illusion comes easily, but she hates it and thus never uses it, and it is believed that with some practice Mysticism too might be her gifting, but Evvereen has given up on the magical part of her life, and so these skills can be considered nothing more than potential.

Physical Description: Her one wish from the Mad God granted- albeit skewed- Evvereen is more human than she ever was before. In body, she is essentially a young breton- petite and curvy in body, fit but well-fed. Her features are wholly human with perhaps a slightly feline look in the roundness of her face, the shape of her small nose, the tilt of her large brown eyes and the quirk of her lips. Though not a warrior's build, Evvereen is no beanpole, and has an endurant body. Her dark hair is short and curls around her face. Her fingernails are an almost painted silver.

When not under illusion, the bizarre nature of Evvereen's 'humanity' becomes clear. Two ram's horns curl on either side of her head, dark red, leathery wings sprout from her back, and a reptillian tail extends from her spine. After two years, flight still does not come easily to Evvereen, but it is now possible. This bodily alienation from the rest of the world combined with the pain of the physical changes has drawn Evvereen further down the Golden Road.

Mental Description: Evvereen is the mortal embodiment of creativity. She is over-flowing with eccentricities, peculiar verses and jokes, and given time to herself her head is often in the clouds. Those who know and appreciate her find her quite funny, but many just think she is weird, or possibly even insane.
This is not so- or at least, not overtly- Evvy just expresses herself differently from the rest of the world. An intelligent, strong-willed free spirit, not many people are actually capable of keeping up with her anyway. But Evvereen is a subtle creature- while she likes to amuse herself, and particularly to please others with her own brand of eccentric, there is much more to her than meets the eyes. When Evvy is serious, the world becomes serious with her, and when she offers advice, it is not to be taken lightly. She has an amazing understanding of the minds and emotions of others, and appears quite wise behind the oddity.
But though she gives the impression that she does not care what others think- and it is her philosophy not to be deterred by others- Evvy's self-esteem is quite low, having taken many hits in her life. She does not trust easily, and one must be wary- her mood's shift suddenly and violently, and she can be quite confrontational.
Her nature has become darker in recent years, more unstable and likely to act out; the Dementia side to her nature taking precedence over Mania. She is becoming increasingly cynical, rude, and sometimes even violent.

Weapons: Crysword- a slender crystal shortsword, transparent in appearance, etched with strange symbols. The hilt is black, and appears normal, save for a daedric-looking pommel. Crysword is sheathed at Evvy's side.

Clothing/Armour: Evvereen usually appears to be wearing casual adventurer's clothes, nothing outstanding. This is due to the blue crystal amulet around her neck, charged rather powerfully with an illusion spell. When she removes the amulet, her clothes are more curious- a shirt and bodice, both with a long slot across the shoulderblades, allowing her wings to come through, and which tie at the back, and leggings with a slit for her tail. Apart from that, she wears knee-high soft leather boots, and belted gauntlets which also act as wrist and arm guards.
Evvereen cannot wear clothing which has not been prepared for her shape. She cannot move too quickly or suddenly, nor attempt to fly; the illusion frays slightly at these times, though it solidifies once more when she is more stable.

-Evvereen's mood is catching- she sets the tone for a group, especially when quiet.
-Evvereen's sword is her most cherished possession, though it has never been valued, and she is quite protective of it.
-Evvereen will occassionally see things that she cannot explain. This is not common knowledge, and she does her best to pass it off as nothing.
-Though she enjoys sunning herself as much as any argonian, Evvereen has low tolerance for extreme heat- but good tolerance for cold.
-Has a raw but pretty singing voice, and her voice is quite lyrical and expressive.

Short History: Evvereen did not know much about the circumstances of her birth. Thus, her story really started when she was about three years old. A chilly blue argonian child in Skyrim, she was never going to be normal. Orphaned, she lived off the charity of the mead halls, until a dark khajiit came to her village when she was nine years old. His name was Qa'Nari, and he became father and brother to her in the following years.
They travelled together, Qa'Nari taking the argonian's exuberant and unstable nature and episodes in his stride, seemingly used to such phenomena. She learned of his past, and he what she knew of hers, but she noted that the khajiit seemed distant and unable to express himself or understand others.
Evvereen compensated for this failing very well, as she did with the rest of her skills, working to teach herself things that would be useful to Qa'Nari rather than learning from him what would only be inferior. This was part of an independent streak Evvereen has never outgrown.
Since then Evvy has parted ways with Qa'Nari, although always happy to meet up with him again, and has searched for her own path. Though never claiming any one profession as her own, she has worked as diplomat, spy and even on occasion a thief to get by. Though sometimes appearing as a loner, and working as one, Evvy is always in search of a cause- and a group- to take her on, to create for herself a sort of surrogate family that she desperately craves.

On a trip to the Shivering Isles, Evvy discovered the truth about her birth, that she was born in the Madhouse, and that Sheogorath had claimed her mind. Defiant to the last, Evvereen outright refused to complete Sheogorath's task for her, and although eccentric, she was not yet insane. Thus, Sheogorath offered her one wish. Eventually, Evvy came to him to finish the deal; she would do as he bid, if he would make her human.
Ever tricky, Sheogorath made her human, but then continued the transformation over time, and Evvereen became the creature she is now. The physical pain of the transformation combined with the emotional pain of losing something she had wanted to badly flicked a switch in Evvereen's mind, leading her further down the Golden Road.
Paperbag Boy's character

Name: Rasheed Zai'tirr
Race: Khajjit
six: Male
Age: 25
Birthsign: The Lover

Height: 172 cm
Weight: 63 kg
Hair: Short khajiiti mane
Facial hair: Whiskers?
Eyes: Khajiit
Skin: Suthay-raht, light brow with black spots.
Tattoos/scars: None
Build: A bit short and somewhat athlete-skinny.

Class: Street performer, pickpocket and con artist
Class description: Sometimes he performs various "magic" tricks for honest money, but mostly he scams people. Pickpocket, fake charity, pretending to be a beggar, and the likes.
Skills: Sleight of hand, speechcraft, sneaking, acrobatics.

Apparel: A black tunic with blue stiches and details, an azure hooded cloak, darkbrown breeches and some ornate leather leggings.
Items: Lockpicks, fake septims, rope, journal, maps, and some small props for his con artisting.
Weapons: A small iron knife, though mostly used to other things than combat.

Personality/traits: Around other people, he is extremely/suspicously friendly, outgoing and jestful. Always the one to compliment a person on his looks or wits, and never the one to decline a good conversation og cool drink.
In reality, he is a bit different though. He sees every person that thinks kindly of him as a potential victim for one of his scams. He loves getting people to lower their guard towards him, only decieve them, though he tries to avoid that they discover this.

Bio: Rasheed was raised in the Waterfront district, by two poor parents. Being a street urchin, he spent most of his youth stealing from shops and pickpocketing unsuspecting bypassers. However, as he grew older, he found that he was very gifted in the arts of persuasion, and he started being a con artist. But as this could prove to be rather unpopular with the law, he also started doing honest street performances.

As of lately, he's begun to feel... watched. Ever since he discovered he had an extraordinary power, he's seen things out of the corner the eye. When all alone, he stops and listens. Couldn't he just hear someone breathing? Wasn't there another pair of footsteps?

It is to be noted that Rasheed has never travelled outside the Imperial City.

Powers/traits as a Risen: Rasheed has the ability to quite litterally have an out-of-body experience. His spirit can actually leave his body behind and enter a parallel world. In this etheral world, he is free to pass through objects and walls, but is able to make parts of him corporeal, meaning he can still interact with the real world, even though he's invisible and incorporeal in it. However, his physical strength in this world is limited and his fatique is drained by being in it. This also means, that he can't stay in it for long, his current maximum being around a minute. Another downside with the power is that his body is left lifeless, empty and very vulnerable.

He is starting to believe that if he trains more in the use of his power, moving physical objects isn't the only things he can do in the ethereal world.
[b]Cirith's character

Name: Cirith Franek III
Race: breton
six: male
Age: 18
Birthsign: the tower

Height: 6"1
Hair:short brown hair
Facial hair: none
Skin: slightly more pale then an imperial's skin color
Build: slender build and fairly tall, he doesn't appear as a tough guy or physically strong but he is in good shape otherwise

Class: Sorcerer
Class description: Besting the most well-equipped fighters, they rely on the spells of the mystic arts. Unique to these mages is the bodily stamina to be armed with the thickest armor.
Skills: Alchemy, Alteration, Destruction, Mysticism, Conjuration, Heavy armor, Restoration

Apparel: Cirith is usually dressed in black jacket over a maroon shirt with grey trousers , his travelling cloak is black with red lining on the inside
Items:a small alchemy set including mortar, pestle and calcinator along with a bag filled with herbs
Weapons: if he doesn't summon an axe or other weapon from the deadlands he relies on his own spells such as a strong frost spell he calls "wintergrip" or his 'thunderclap' which sends a nasty shock trough the air in a 10 feet radius around him, usually knocking over people caught in the blast, the thundering bang can be heard miles away

Personality/traits:usually a very confident student in the magical arts, he is a respecting and usually patient young man. He is a proud colovian and keeps his family name in honour like his father and grandfather did. He tries to avoid using his transformation as a so called Risen because it is so dangerous and because he feels like he is drowning every time he transforms, a very unpleasant feeling.

Bio:His grandfather Cirith Franek senior lived in Kvatch as recharger and alchemist in the magesguild and was a loyal member of the Skingrad city militia during the Daedric invasion before settling in Skingrad to rebuild his life as mage of the magesguild.
His father Cirith Franek junior became a specialist enchanter of the magesguild in Skingrad
And Cirith Franek III traveled to the Imperial City at age 16 after receiving recommendations of all guild halls he had earned the three years before that, he became a student in the Chironasium to learn the arts of enchanting and to research the nature of certain enchantments affected by astral magic concentrations in the Wellspring island area.
After his transformation he has become more cautious about his power after he froze several people including a few of the city guard (no severe injuries) with his powers he avoids using his ability and relies on his skill in his normal spells.

Powers/traits as a Risen: Cirith only changes when he sees the reflection of his eyes. As soon as that happens he is engulfed of the feeling like he is drowning in icy water before dissipating in fog and snow, before re-emerging as an ice elemental usually taking the form of an animal adapted to winter conditions such as a wolf or a polar bear made out of white light, enveloped in crystals of ice around their shoulders, hips and back making him look more dangerous and magical as he is also surrounded in an aura of cold air and fog.
When he is in this form, he has little control now, as he fear being in this form, the extreme cold and sense of drowning sometimes bring him in a panic so his animal body takes over and acts on instinct. The Ice Nightmare as Cirith calls it, can 'explode' in a wave of freezing air and takes a while to return to his form, the time it takes depends on the amount of his power put in the frost blast and the climate he is in.
Because the ice Nightmare is made almost completely out of magic he gets turned back to his human form.
The current form of his Ice Nightmare is not yet fully developed as Cirith hasn't been able to control his power for longer then a few minutes, let alone train it.

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:00 pm
by Steve Fallon
OOC: Awright, I'll start, even if we're few now. I hope the others will join soon.

Reynold Justus
Imperial City, Waterfront District

Imperial City. After nineteen years, he was back in the Imperial City. The harbor itself was just as he had remembered it: smelly, noisy and full of people who looked less than respectable. He gripped his staff a bit more tightly as he walked on the street, looking around for someone he would dare to ask about an inn or tavern nearby. He found a guard, who directed him to a place called the "Bloated Float" - apparently a ship turned into an inn.

The place was badly-lit and quite dirty, but Reynold had seen worse places. At least it was cheap. He bought a bottle of wine and sat down at an empty table. There were only a few people inside, all talking to someone, and nobody seemed to have an interest in him. He sipped his wine, for once glad that he was alone. There was much to think about. He knew he wasn't normal. That much was evident. But what was more interesting was that he could feel that there were people like him around. He just couldn't say where. But what was a better place to start searching than Cyrodiil, the heart of the Empire?

He also had this obscure book he had bought from a traveling merchant in Seyda Neen. There was no title on the cover, and most of the few pages it had were unreadable. However, on two, he saw that the text looked like Ayleidic.

After ten minutes, Reynold took his bottle and entered his room. It was small and dark, but he didn't even notice it. He left his stuff on the floor and threw himself on the (uncomfortable) bunk, staring at the ceiling.

How in the Vehk-damned world am I going to find these others?

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:14 pm
by kat no x
Naril Mortacaro: Sadrith Mora

Naril was down in the undergroudn beneath the Telvanni council halls. She loved it down there away from the busyness of the city and all the noise.
In front of her was a soul gem containing the soul of a nix hound and a plain jade ring.
"I've always wanted to try an invisibility enchantment." Said Naril hopefully.
"You'll need a more powerful soul for a constant invisibility enchantment" Her teacher said with a slight frown although her tone was not unkind.
"What kind of soul do you need for invisibilty?" Naril asked.
"Perhaps the soul of an elemental. Frost, eart or fire, it doesn't really matter. Now with the soul of a nix hound we can put a restore health or minor shield charm, maybe a protection from diseases."

Naril looked down at the ring and the soul gem with disappointment. She really wanted to move onto more powerful enchantments. Her teacher had obviously sensed this;
"Listen Naril, I know this can be dull sometimes doing the same thing over and over again but with more powerful souls theres more of a chance the souls will escape before you can encase them in the item, and that can be quite nasty."
"I understand." Naril sighed and stretched, she had slept terribly last night, her body ached so much she could swear she hadn't been to sleep at all.

At that point two Spellwrights came down the corridor and for seom reason decided to have a conversation right outside the door where Naril was having her lesson.

"Another murder? Really?"
"Mmhmm, yes no one knows how the killer got into his room since all the doors were still locked with magic when the guards got there."
For some reason Naril felt completely embarassed to be overhearing this conversation.
"They could have used a levitating potion or spell."
"Yes I suppose, but due to the way the man was killed I don't think they used a potion."
There was a pause and the first voice continued talking,
"The body had scratch marks all over it, and the front of the torso was ripped open, ribs were snapped and the organs were spilling out."
The other person gasped and so did Naril.
"Oh sorry, are we disturbing a lesson,"
"Yes you are," replied Naril's teacher. Pretneding they had not just overheard a rather disturbing conversation she turned back to Naril and began instructing her how to enchant the ring.

Naril on the other hand was feeling disturbed and found it very hard to concentrate on what she was doing.

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:16 am
by lauraa
Cheydinhal Bridge Inn

The Inn wasn't very packed tonight. Which was somewhat odd, because, well, it was an Inn. It didn't matter to Dara, no, in fact she preferred it not packed. She was always so sick and tired of all the vulgar and inappropriate comments the older men gave her, it always made her grumpy.
Now... she was happy, which was rare for her.

She zipped out of the kitchen, with a platter filled with drinks, and a small assortment of appetizers. Immediately she headed table-to-table, setting down drinks for the few that stayed in the Inn.
A quick burst of laughter diverted her attention to a small table, in the corner of the Inn. Seated there, were four people, an Imperial, Redguard, Altmer, and last but not least, an Argonian. Dara smiled to herself as she realized who they were.

This specific group came to the Bridge Inn a lot, once or twice a day. Everyone seemed to know who they were. They always seemed to stay in a small group. The Imperial, Wulf Leonid, was the groups 'leader', he made all of the major decisions for the group. He was also the oldest, and seemed to have a large build-up of muscle . The Redguard, whom only went by the name of 'Gary', seemed to be the groups 'know-it-all', and liked to pull pranks.
Emilia, the Altmer, seemed to be the groups voice of reason, and was also engaged with Wulf. And last, there was Julius. The youngest of the group, only being 17 years old. The Argonian lad didn't speak that often, but to make up for that, he was very friendly.

The Waitress approached the table, greeted by 4-pairs of eyes. ''Hey guys'' She started, setting down small mugs filled with some sort of drink, ''What type of trouble have you been getting into know?'' she asked jokingly, earning a few chuckles.
''Oh you know...'' said Gary, ''Causing widespread destruction and panic'' He took a long swig, then set the mug down.

''Yeah, if you get drunk like last time, then you'll definitely cause some panic'' snorted Wulf, then began laughing, along with Julius and Emilia. Gary looked at Wulf with a playful look, ''At least I got the gold...'' , it was an incident that happened a year back, the Redguard had (''Accidentally'') gotten drunk, and someone made a bet that if he took off all his clothes, he would pay him 100 gold septims. Gary went through with the bet. It didn't end very well...

Dara chuckled, ''Alright, I'll be back with your orders in a bit...'' at that, she trotted back the the kitchen.

When she was out of sight, Wulf's expression turned from happy, to suspicion. ''Alright Gary, why did you want to meet us here?'' he said, Gary fumbled around in his pant pockets for a moment, before pulling out a folded up piece of brown paper, ''This is why...'' he said, setting the paper in the center of the table. Julius sat up slightly, ''What is 'this'''? he asked idly, then picked up the folded sheet.

Gary grinned, ''That my a treasure map''

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:54 am
by sharon
North West of Bruma.

His hood was pulled down, covering the bridge of his nose, and all his facial features above it. Shaded by the darkness, his eyes were closed, softly, and he relaxed, breathing slowly in and out. Buried deep within the forests north of the city of Bruma, Axel, the ruler of the small tribe of rangers slept. It was a warm day for the standards of the north and the rhythm of chopping wood only lulled the general into a deeper sleep, his men were working hard, and soon he would have to join them.

There was a gentle knock at the door, failing to catch the dozing general's attention, another round of knocks, but these too went unheard. Pushing open the door, the fresh aired breeze rolling in as the door was inched further aback.

"Ehem." The messenger coughed aloud, hinting for the snoozing general to awaken. Hope fell as Axel stirred, but did not rise, so once again the messenger made the obvious cough.

"Huh?!" Axel awoke suddenly, the cough had been much louder than the messenger had truly intended. But after a few seconds of coming round and gathering himself, Axel lifted his hood and scanned the intruder of his serenity. He was a small, man, not in the uniform of one of his own men, nor any he recognised. He had short, close shaved hair, and small thinned eyes with a large sharp nose, and a sly smirk. The messenger approached Axel at pace, thrusting a note into the cautious general's hand.

Reluctantly, Axel split the envelope, dragging the parchment out from within. It was addressed directly at him, using his full name. He looked up, the messenger still watching him. "Well? Can you please leave?" Axel asked in a stern tone, without much room for a negative answer. The messenger said nothing, and turned, walking towards the door, before finally exiting.

Axel returned his focus to the parchment that was placed in his hands, and began reading.

Axel Bearclaw, General of the Rangers of the Hidden Grove.

This is a formal request. An order if you will from the Royal Guard. We have only recently discovered of you and your tribes' existence, yet in such a short time, we have learnt much about you, what you do, and how you do it. We would enjoy a meeting with yourself, and perhaps your next highest ranked officer. Merely to discuss with you any chance of an allegiance.

Anymore information will be given once you arrive in the Imperial City. We look forward to meeting you.

The letter was finished with a date and address of when the meeting was set to occur, and Axel didn't have much time.

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 12:39 pm
by danni Marchant
Amilia Reven, Noon, Bandit Cave

Ami walked through the dark cave as if it were a fully lit room. Of course, she had been shackled here for four years, abandoned by the legion, and tortured ruthlessly. In all honesty, she shouldn't be alive right now. And last night... what had happened? Her hands still smelled of the bandits blood, and Ami hated it. She wasnt a killer, she didn't want to be known as one, either. Killers were the kind of people who killed her father, killers were the kind of people who tortured and abused her. She refused to be like them. But she had no idea of what had happened to her. Not even a survivor to explain it. Why her?

Ami approched the wooden door to the cave. She could see the rays of the sun creeping into the cave around the edges, hear the birds singing thier songs of freedom outside, even smell the forest and its caress. Ami wanted to run through that door and get out of the hell that had become this cave. But she stopped. Not because she felt emotionaly attached to this place. That would be like bieng emotionaly attached to prison. But, it was fear. And not just a fear of what was outside, but a fear of herself. Could what had happened to her threaten people? She had no idea on how to control herself during that transformation.

But one way or another, she was going to lave this cave. Either as some kind of monster, or a normal person. So, she took a deep breath, put her hand on the door, and opened it.

The sun was much brighter than she expected. She hadnt seen light in 4 years, and it was wonderful, but it also hurt her eyes. She shuned her eyes, squinting to look around the cave enterance. The whole place was hidden by trees, and flowers grew by the caves sides. Eventually, Ami stood up and adjusted to the light. She picked a flower and looked at it. Its pink petals were beautiful in the soft sunlight.

"It's beautiful..." she said to her self. ...then what is such a thin of beauty doing here? she pondered.

She dropped the flower and watched as a gentle breeze blew some of the petals away. She realized that she had no idea where she was in correlation to anywhere in cyrodill. But, she didn't fret, because she knew all roads led to where she wanted to go, where she would finnally get awnsers:

The Imperial City.

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:38 am
by Steven Hardman
Cheydinhal Bridge Inn

''Your not serious, are you?''

''Yes, I'm completely serious...''

''Your talking about going on some half-assed treasure hunt, that will probably end in one of us getting hurt, do you even know where this cave is?''

''Ummmm... kinda...''

Wulf, and Gary argued for several seconds, before Emilia jumped in to stop it like she always had. ''Guys, knock it off, arguing never helped anyone...'' she said, and wrapped her arms around Wulf, seducing him with a sincere look. ''Now, Garyllen, start from the beginning...''
Emilia was the only person, who called Gary by his full name, he frowned slightly, he never like his full name. He cleared his throat, and set his hands on the center of the table.''Okay... Like I said, I stumbled upon an old Diary at Mach-Na's books. Nice, nice price, although the book wasn't in very good condition. Anyway, the Diary belonged to some sort of Bandit King, named Reen Dred, who kept a very large stash of hidden treasure in some cave-''

''Dread's Hollow'' Finished Julius, who unfolded the map and was reading it. Gary looked at the Argonian beside him, ''Wheres it say that?'' he asked. Julius then set the horribly stained map on the center of the table, then tapped his finger on a red 'X' that imprinted on it, as well as some very small black text. The three others leaned in to get a look. Jules watched them as they studied the map.
''Hmmmm... I didn't see that there...'' mumbled Gary, then leaned back up. ''Anyway, that's the story. Lots of treasure in a cave, ready to be found''

Emelia was didn't take her eyes off the map as she spoke, ''You said this 'cave' belonged to a Bandit King, right?'' Gary bobbed his head side to side, ''What makes you think they haven't left?'', the Altmer girl turned her gaze to her friend. ''Well...'' Started Gary, ''Dred and his Bandits were driven away from Cheydinhal about 25 years ago, the cave's empty. Nothing there, except for rats and mud crabs''.
Julius thought for a moment, Jonathon's at the Arcane University doing some sort of experiment, he won't be back for a while. Hmmm... this could be fun.... ''I'm in.'' He said aloud, and unexpected, even to himself. In return, Wulf sighed heavily, and nodded slowly, ''I have to admit, it sounds a little interesting. But there's obviously a catch.''

Gary clenched his teeth together, ''Yeeeeah.... the cave is about a three days walk..'' Before anyone could reply, he interjected, ''And...the cave hasn't really... been found yet...'' And again, before anyone could say anything, he began speaking, ''But... the people who tried to find the cave, didn't have this map... luckily.... we do.'' At that, he clenched both of his hands together. ''You guys in or what?''

Julius nodded, and looked at Wulf, whom seemed to be thinking. After a few seconds, Emilia grew tired of her boyfriends indecisiveness, and answered for him. ''Yes, we're both in'' Wulf would have protested, but Emilia gave him a seducing smile. He reluctantly nodded, and looked straight at Gary, ''Just one thing.... No funny business Gary, I mean it...''
The Redguard returned the look, and smiled ''You've got my word...''

ooc: I svck at doing dialogue scenes with myself :(

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 4:59 pm
by Jeremy Kenney
Naril Montacaro: Sadrith Mora

When the lesson was over, Naril examined the ring she had just enchanted. It would give her body a shield, but only to minor wounds such as scratches and thin cuts, nothing major... all the ame Naril was still pleased with her work it was very tricky extracting the soul from the gem and forcing it with her will into the item. Now she was tired and was hoping she might be able to catch a few hours sleep before this evening when she was supposed to be attending some sort of formal gathering, not that it was her sort of thing at all, since she always found her self tense around people.

"Before you go Naril." Her teacher said with a smile. "I have some news. I was sent a letter this morning from the Arcane University about you."
Naril looked confused. What could the arcan university possibly want with her?
"Due to your natural talent at Maysticism, and they're lack of anyone with a talent at it they have requested that you go there to help them conduct a few studies."
"But.. aren't - I mean isn't the Arcane univeristy owned by the mages guild why are they asking me when I'm not even in the mages guild?"

"Well The great house Telvanni is a house of magic and wizards. There are many contacts between us and the mages guild. Plenty of Telvanni's also happen to be in the mages guild which may explain why the Arcane university knows about you."
Naril was at a complete loss for words she was stunned that out of all the people in Tamriel they had manged to track her down and invite her to the Imperial City.
"This isn't a joke is it?"
"No Naril, it is not a joke, you may see the letter if you want proof."
"When do they want me there?"
"As sson as possible. I will miss you while you're gone Naril, please take this with you." she handed Naril an amulet. Aside from the chain the amulet was about the same size as a septim coin and a strange pattern was engraved into it. Lines upon lines forming almost but very vaguely into two dragons. (ooc: like the necklace in the picture)

"I enchanted it myself it will replenish your magicka slowly over time, not as fast as most people's but it's better than having no regeneration at all." And with that her teacher hugged Naril tightly and pulled back smiling at her.
"Thank you so much." Naril beamed. She felt incredibly happy but sad at the same time. She did not wish to leave her teacher but she was going to the Imperial City! An exotic place most people in Morrowind talked about with longing always wanting to visit it.

Naril rushed up through the roots of the Telvanni council chambers mushroom and ran home to pack.

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:13 am
by Jessica Colville
The Bounty Hunter rode slowly around the bend, his horse's hooves clattering lightly on the stony road. The Highwayman was ready for him.

Belmont was sitting tall on his chestnut horse, his top hat perched high on his head. He turned to face the Bounty Hunter, doffing his ridiculous headwear.

"Hail, sir!" he called, "Right on time!"

He rode alongside the Bounty Hunter, a wild grin on his deeply scarred face. He saw the Bounty Hunter reach for one of the longswords slung at his hips, and moved like a snake. He drew his Rapier with his left hand, knocked the Hunter's hand from his sword, and set the point lightly on the Hunter's wrist. He did this in less than a second.

"Very rude of you to attempt to draw a weapon Sir, and very unwise too..." He scolded, "You are quite outnumbered."

Belmont took in the Bounty Hunter's suspicious look and raised his rapier into the sky. He whistled once in a high-pitched tone and two arrows struck the point of the sword from different directions. One landed beside the Highwayman, the other whistled off into the woods to his left. He sheathed his rapier and removed his hat, placing it over the horn of his saddle and leaning on it slightly with crossed arms.

"Now then, shall we talk?"

OOC: Yes Sryner, i am talking to you.

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:07 pm
by Marcia Renton
Something strange had overcome everybody in every city that she came across. The scent of dark magicka lingered upon everybody, causing bumps to rise to her skin. It was something nefarious, something that she hadn't come across yet. Jentina lay in bed, next to an Altmer she had met a few days ago. He was handsome, and a smooth talker; Jentina could see through the womanizer, however, and took it upon herself to wake up in the early morning hours. Her feet swept silently over the wooden floorboards, her hands falling upon the windowsill, the open glass ushering in a cool morning breeze that swept across her bare chest, and through her raven locks. She let off a soft sigh, and turned to look upon the Altmer man once more. "I would leave a note," She spoke to herself, her soft accent (sounding british, in modern society) rolling off of her tongue. "but I forgot his name." her voice was ever so delicate and quiet.

Her hand rose, moving her dark waves behind her ear ? her manicured fingers grasped her dress from the floor, moving it under her legs and pulling it up and over her lithe frame. With just a thought, the lace on the back of her corset was tied together by an invisible force; the straps on her shoulders were tightened just right. The active powers she had allowed such things to happen, the laws of mortal men were broken by her. Grasping the fabric that pulled her briasts together, Jentina gently tugged it up to at least cover some of the cleavage she bore, but to no avail.

Her head tilted back to the man she had spent the night with. She had heard around town that he killed many women, but he was never persecuted because he was a friend of the head of the imperial legion. A smirk rose to her crimson lips, and her hand rose up beside her, speaking a silent incantation to herself. Her four fingers fell onto her lips, her lips letting off the sound of a kiss. Her palm flat out before her, Jentina blew a kiss to the Altmer man, causing a line of flames to dance from her fingertips. The flames caught onto everything they possibly could, even the covers that he lay under. Jen turned on a heel and walked out of the room, the cries of the man sounding behind her.

Her heels clicked as she walked down the stone steps, those screams dying out behind her as she descended every step. When she came upon the door, the wood was being pounded on by the Guards; he must have had some security team watching his house at all times or something of the like, because she had JUST started the fire a minute ago. She bit her bottom lip, and quickly spun around and headed towards the basemant door, where she found another door that led her towards the gardens in the back of the Altmer's house. While down in the basemant, her eye caught onto small jugs of oil. "The perfect timing.." She grinned lightly, her hand letting out another fireball. She made sure she ranged herself from the jugs so she could have enough time to escape; and that, she did marvelously. By the time the fireball struck the oil, Jentina was out in the gardens making her escape.

The whole structure had caught ablaze now, and justice had been served. Her hips swayed to their own beat as she walked down the back alleyway, the roof letting off a large explosion of flames overhead. That smirk never leaving her features.

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 4:30 am
by Julie Ann
Fenin Lejeune, just outside Bravil

It had been another unsuccessful day.

Every time Fenin had gotten close to a deer, or a boar, something had happened. The creature had looked the wrong way at the wrong time; a twig, hidden under leaf litter, had snapped under Fenin's foot; the sudden cry of a bird had startled it; and twice, the animal had fled for no apparent reason at all. He sighed as he trudged back along the path to the run-down city of Bravil, a collection of ramshackle wooden houses perching out on the shores of the Niben. He'd even had little luck in finding any alchemical ingredients to sell. Most of the usable plants nearby had already been found. He disliked venturing out of Bravil for more than a few days at a time, but at this rate he'd have to go on a serious expedition to find anything of worth. He was so lost in his thoughts he barely noticed the Orc stepping out in front of him.


He was snapped out of his daydreaming. His eyes narrowed as he saw who it was, making no attempt to hide his displeasure.

"Kurdan," he said carefully. "What do you want now?"

"That's Mr. gro-Dragol to you," the Orc said aggressively. "And the details of our little deal are being changed. I've decided you have three more days to repay me what you owe."

"You know full well I can't do that. Mr. gro-Dragol," shot back Fenin.

Kurdan snorted. "You're lucky I even agreed to lend the money to you. Nobody else would give money to a guy whose job is picking flowers. It's my money I lent you and I can do what I want to get it back."

"You want something from me," said Fenin without a moment's hesitation. "Spit it out."

The Orc moved his unsightly features a little closer to Fenin's. "I want you to meet me. Midnight. The alley next to the Fair Deal. We'll talk about it then."

"I don't like the way this is heading."

"You'll like it even less if you don't turn up, flower picker," replied Kurdan, evidently pleased with the new insult he had come up with. He said no more, but turned and walked back towards Bravil, leaving Fenin standing in the middle of the road.

Kurdan might be getting old, but he's still strong. Besides, he has a lot of shady connections, knows a lot of shady people... Fenin cursed himself under his breath. Why would nobody else just lend me some money? Why did I have to get involved in all this?

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 2:51 pm
by Pants
Naril Montacaro: Waterfront District

Naril was extremely tense when she got off the boat at the Waterfront District. So tense that it almost hurt to walk, her muscles felt very rigid and it seemed hard work stepping into this new city.
The Imperial City was nothing like Sadrith Mora, her home town. Everyone seemed busy here and rushed around going about their business. In Sadrith Mora people took their time about things there was no need to hurry this much. Not only that it was much more artificial than her home, having grown up inside magically grown mushrooms the amount of clean white brick in the just the waterfront alone hurt her eyes to look at.

"Watch where you're going!" a man said angrily as he walked straight into her causing her to be snapped out of her thoughts. watch where I'm going? I wasn't even moving Naril thought to herself completely puzzled. Her hand reached up for the amulet her teacher and given her and closed tightly around it giving her comfort in this new and strange city.

Naril looked around for someone who looked official, surely the Imperial City itself would have patrolling guards and sure enough it didn't take long to find one.
"Excuse me" Naril said in a shakey voice "I need to get to the Arcane University, could you tell me how to get there?"
The guard looked at her with no expression on his face.
"Go through that door past the lighthouse, keep going anti- clockwise through the city until you reach the Elven gardens district, then leave through the door on the outside, NOT the inside and the University will be right in front of you."
"Errr..." Directions usually just flew over the top of Naril's head and this time was no exception
"Thank you, you've been most helpful."
"Just doing my duty to the Citizens of Cyrodil Ma'am" the guard replied, still with absolutely no expression on his face.

The only part of those instructions Naril could remember was to go through the door past the lighthouse. As she made her way past all the ships and boats and people hurrying along, she was cure she wasn't going to like the Imperial city very much.

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:00 am
by sam
Jentina decided it was best if she got to the place she used to call home, long before they had exiled her for being a rogue witch. As the flames were brought down behind her, her elongated legs were already taking her through the doors, in the direction of the Arcane University. So many things ran through her mind as she moved through the streets ? she actually got nervous. Her hands began to tremble lightly; the smell of the ocean no longer had a calming effect on her. Black and white visuals in her mind turned into vivid colours as they raced through, that nostalgia filling her brain to a part where it felt as if she was walking through time.

flashback through time "I can't teach you. I want you to go." A much younger Jentina stood before the Archmage, a rugged leather bag in her hand. "B..but, You can't.." The ArchMage looked down at her, a cold gaze sending chills through her body. "You must go." His voice completely emotionless, monotone, without remorse. The teenage Jentina huddled her bag, and turned, only to walk a few feet away. "I don't have anywhere to go.." She spoke under her breath, but loud enough for him to hear. As the last words rolled off of her tongue, she headed for the door. Heat rose to her cheeks, those pearl tear streaks falling down her porcelain skin. She was truly lost now.

Coming back into reality, Jentina found herself already on the Arcane's grounds. Her eyes averted to the ground, she slowly lifted her head. It was turning to dusk, and the orange glow of the skies reflected beautifully off of her skin. Just as her eyes became leveled, her body came into contact with another. Her shoulder bumped into the chest of another girl, the impact causing her body to shift awkwardly around the other girl. She took a few steps back, and met the other woman's eyes. "WATCH where you're going." Jentina hissed, speaking in her familiar cat-like voice. When she stopped speaking, she felt an odd sense come over her ? an aura from the other woman. Something different, yet something that felt close to home. "I'm sorry.." Her attitude changed drastically, almost bi-polar-like. "You look..lost." She would know what lost would look like, wouldn't she?

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 4:43 pm
by Christie Mitchell
Reynold Justus
Imperial City, Waterfront District: The Bloated Float inn

Reynold snapped awake from his restless sleep. He gazed around, still unfocused, wondering what had caused it. There was nothing, save from the usual furniture and his equipment dumped on the floor. He was about to fall asleep again, but then it came again. This time he got it. The disturbance was in his mind.

Other Risen were nearby.

He quickly took his equipment, got dressed and half-ran out of the Inn, throwing some gold to the proprietor. He didn't know where he was going, and why. It just felt imperative that he meet these Risen. He walked quickly, followind the mental trail, which took him to the Arcane University. There, he looked around, searching for the causer of this disturbance.


He saw two women - or a woman and a girl, really. The girl had bumped into the other, and she was saying something to her, probably telling her to watch where she was going. As he got closer, the aura he felt divided: he could sense the personalities of the tho women. The girl felt lost, and a bit scared, and also what felt like intimidation. She was afraid of the woman.
The woman, though... something in her made him grip his staff harder and his right hand search the hilt of his sword - under his coat, of course. From five meters, he spoke to them.
"Excuse me. ladies." he looked at them, giving the younger one an encouraging smile. "I believe we have something in common."

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 3:31 pm
by Dark Mogul
Naril Montacrao: Imperial City

Naril was in a world of her own, part of her marvelling at the grnadness of the city the delicately carved statues the many people bussling about but another part of her felt considerably lost and vulnerable. Suddenly someone walked into her with such force that she was brought out of her thoughts in an instant.
"WATCH where you're going." A rather frustrated looking woman hissed she had long raven black hair and the look of someone with a lot of magical power. She paused for a second "I'm sorry... You look..lost."
Naril was about to reply when;
"Excuse me. ladies." Interupted a man who could be mistaken for either an Imperial or a Breton with shoulder length grey hair, and eyes to match "I believe we have something in common."

The young Bosmer stared at both these people for a few moments. Was it just her or could she feel an energy, something pulling them together for although both people were complete strangers, Naril did not feel as firghtened of them as she usually did when talking to new people.
"Excuse me?" She said, suprised. "I am just lost, I'm not from Cyrodil, I grew up on Vvardenfel, I was summoned to the Arcane University but I have no idea how to get there." Her eyes widened and she pressed one palm to her forehead. She had barely been here half an hour and she was already feeling incredibly stressed out by the place.

"I don't suppose you could tell me?" She asked glancing back at the grey haired man, she had never in her whole life been approached by an old man and told that he and her had soemthing in common, not that she was disgusted by it, she felt more curious and scared than anything else.

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:32 pm
by remi lasisi
Reynold Justus
Imperial City, Arcane University

Reynold snorted gently. "Well, it's been, what, something like twenty years since last time I was here, but I'm pretty sure we're standing on the courtyard of the University." He looked at her kindly. A young Bosmer, no more than twenty years old, he guessed. What was she doing at the Arcane University? Got to be special, he mused. Oh Vehk, she's a Risen. How special is that?
"Vvardenfell, you say?" he then said. "I just came from there. I was a teacher in Balmora, but... as I said earlier, we have something in common. I came here because I thought I would find folks like you two here. And Vehk, was I right." He stroked his beard and eyed the two women. The older one was very quiet, even though she didn't look like a quiet person. "So tell me. Or don't. Maybe we should discuss this under more comfortable circumstances. Or is your business urgent?"

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:15 am
by Vincent Joe
Race: Imperial
six: Male
Age: 30 / 25
Birthsign: The Steed

Height: 5'6 / 5'8
Weight: 160lbs / 155lbs
Hair: Dark brown, short and swept back / darker brown, long and reaching his cheeks, also swept back but instead of being cut from the middle, his hair is split from the right side.
Facial hair: none / none
Eyes: Blue-Green / Clear Gray
Skin: Fair / Tanned
Tattoos/scars: numerous scars along his hands / None
Build: Not too muscular but they are there, of slightly lean due to working with ingredients and not working out that much. / Very well defined, pretty much ideal for a well built man.

Class: Alchemist
Class description: Alchemists know how to use their instruments and what an ingredient does. They usually live off by selling their works to guilds.
Skills: Alchemy, Short blade, destruction, mysticism, long blade, short blade, acrobatics

Apparel: Blue silk dress shirt, loose dark pants and boots
Items: In his backpack he has mortar & pestle, lots of vials with suspicious fluids and various ingrediens and of late a bottle of booze. He also carries an inkwell and a small notebook.
Weapons: a silver dagger suited for slicing ingredients

Personality/traits: Leon appears timid, minorly paranoid and nervous but decisive when he wants to be.

Leon's counter part, Noel on the other hand is the exact opposite of Leon. He is a ladiesman, loves violence and very outgoing.
Bio: Leon worked in Leyawiin mages guild as an alchemist. Going to the wild, gathering ingredients and writing down his recepies Until recently. Leon has started to space out and after hours not remembering what he's been doing and sometimes finding himself in a totally different place. He has taken up writing his new notifications into his notebook but sometimes starting to write things he didn't mean.

After a few months since the space outs started he got fired from his job because his assistant had made a complaint aobut him making a move on her. Now Leon has found himself in the Imperial city.

Powers/traits as a Risen:
Leon's power is split personality. Unlike your average split personality disorder, not only his personality changes but also his body. He grows taller and thinner with more muscle, good looks and an unexplainable headache in the morning. That means it's not his body when Noel is in control.


Leon stepped down the stairs of the arcane university. He was frustrated and puzzled since obviously he had been reported there too and not just in his own guild hall. It had been a chaotic moment, him going into the administrator's office and in the middle of it being told off. Somehow he felt like the man at the office had feared him. It was the smell. What? There was no smell. He thought as he reached the final step. He was deep in thought but he could hear things around him.

There was an elderly man and two women, well one of them was a girl rather than a woman. But Leon didn't pay them any attention, or he tried to. He felt drawn to them but instead of stopping by them he walked by them. From the corner of his eye he acknowledge the beauty in the women and felt something move in his mind, Almost like during his spacing outs. He just shook his head.

Leon was just a modest mages guild alchemist. Former. he corrected as he thought along the lines. He felt he had been sold out for something he didn't do or remember doing. He was average in every sense. His strength, his work with ingredients and his wealth. He was your average citizen. A bit clumsy but still.

He was thinking so hard he actually walked into the huge door leading out of the arcane university. Rubbing his face and not really thinking anything he walked through the door now.

(dunno if that's a good entry :P )

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:29 am
by Heather Kush
OOC: Good enough. :thumbsup: BTW, you wouldn't have had to post your sheet. I have it up at the first post...
I'd post IC but I'll let the ladies have a word, too.

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:21 am
by Luna Lovegood
Hooves thundered across the cobbled ground, kicking the dust high behind them as they moved the large beast forward. A hooded figure sat atop the horse, his cloak trailing over the great brown stallion's hind. It was a beautiful horse, a chestnut brown, scattered with flecks and spots of white, brilliant chestnut eyes reflecting the light of the dusk as it rode on to the gargantuan city ahead. Axel was travelling at quite a pace, he didn't fancy getting caught short of the city before nightfall, and him and his trusty steed still had much ground to cover. He loosened his grip on the reigns, before a swift kick on the beast's underside and a short tug on the reigns.

Axel had gone against what the letter had asked, and instead travelled alone, to his meeting within the grand city, but the journey had taken longer than he had foreseen and time was wearing short. This was by far the furthest Axel had ever been from his forest home, venturing only as far as his own territory reached. The terrain was different. Flat, with fewer and shorter trees than in the north, he too had noticed the rapid change of temperature and how much warmer the centre of Cyrodiil was in comparison.

The sunset was striking, the range of pinks and purples, golden browns and dusky blues filled the skies, scintillating through the clean, fresh air and reflecting in the lake that lay below the stars. Axel had heard wonders of the cities inspiring beauty and the surrounding area, but added with the magnificence of the dusk, the sight was truly astonishing.

Axel considered, as he rode on, what the Imperial Guard would want, or need from his own colony, for they could offer little in the world of politics and empire, as well as being no comparison to the legion armies. The letter had mentioned that although the Legion had only come across their existence, they had learnt so much about the rangers, this too puzzled Axel, and he sped the horse up once again, eager to find the answers.

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:22 pm
by Mike Plumley
Belmont The Gent
Somewhere along the Silver Road

...The Bounty hunter didn't move.

Belmont looked at him with mild disapproval.

How extremely rude... Belmont thought.

He motioned toward the Bounty Hunter and whistled once in a low pitch. Two Redguard bandits stepped out of the forest and a Khajiit dropped down from a great hemlock tree beside the road, all three of them wore mottled forest-green coats.

Belmont nodded toward the Bounty Hunter, "Bind him." One of the bandits unslung a length of rope from his shoulder, another quickly drew a small dagger and used it to make a shallow cut on the Bounty Hunter's leg. He instantly stiffened and they dragged him off his horse, binding his ankles and wrists together. They unbuckled his swords and the Khajiit slung both scabbards over his shoulder. Belmont reached over and tore the paralyzed man's purse from his saddle, searching it. He quickly found what he was looking for; a small, crumpled note.

"What now, Sir?" asked one of the Redguards.

Belmont read the note quickly before throwing the purse to the Bandit. "This man has come to murder me for profit. He is a scoundrel and a fiend." Belmont placed his hat back on his head and regarded the Bounty Hunter with the utmost contempt, "Hang him for treason. Pike his head along Malauch's Causeway."

The Bandits' eyes gleamed with savage pleasure. "Yes, Sir. The dog shall be executed as you request."

Belmont glanced at the immobile hunter again as his bandits searched his saddlebags and distributed valuables. The Khajiit had removed the odd little capes the man had been wearing and wrapped them around his neck and face, creating a not-altogether unstylish scarf. "Stick him again, don't let him move until he feels the noose's grip."

Belmont looked at the note again, his lip curling in disgust. It was an assassination order on his own head, which was apparently worth a small fortune. The vermin who had written the order had even been foolish enough to sign his name at the bottom of the contract and where he was to be met after its completion.

The name looked strangely familiar. Have i met this man before?


Belmont wheeled his horse around, stowing the note in his coat and adjusting his raiment. The shadows were growing long as the day wore on. "See that he is dead before nightfall," he commanded to his minions, before taking off at a full gallop south, toward the Imperial City and his meeting with the Contractor.

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 8:40 pm
by Alyesha Neufeld
Fenin Lejeune, Bravil

Midnight. The sky was a gaping blackness hanging over the town of Bravil, the street lanterns and the soft glow from the windows of the Chapel of Dibella providing the only light inside the city’s walls. A tall, slim shadow slipped across a pool of light thrown onto the floor by a lamp as Fenin Lejeune made his way towards the Fair Deal. He couldn’t help the nervousness he felt; he didn’t know what Kurdan would have in store for him. When he at last reached the shop, he peered into the small alleyway to the left of the shopfront and saw the flickering light of a torch - he could make out the large bulk of Kurdan, and a far smaller individual next to him.

“I’m here.” Fenin stepped into the alleyway.

“Good,” growled Kurdan. “Now we can get down to business. This is my... associate, Nordinor,” he continued, gesturing at the small man to his right. Fenin could now make out that he was a Bosmer. “Nordinor was in a similar situation to you, and I worked out a... deal with him. He became my personal skooma seller.”

As Kurdan spoke, Fenin registered the appearance of two shadowy figures at the end of the alley. They were both as big as Kurdan, and he thought he could make out the glint of a sword in the faint light.

“Now, Nordinor has repaid his debts to me, and isn’t in my service anymore. Which is wonderful for him. But now my friends in Cheydinhal need another dealer. Here’s where you come in. In exchange for not having to pay me back my money, you’ll work for me. Are you going to accept?”

“You’ve completely set me up,” stated Fenin. “You shortened the deadline for ‘your’ money by a whole month, just so I could become your personal drug pedlar? I... I’m not doing it. I’m not getting involved with skooma, OK?” He couldn’t help a note of uncertainty from creeping into his voice. He can’t just do this... this could be dangerous, though... damn it! I’m stuck dead between a rock and a hard place.

“I’m going to put it a different way,” said Kurdan. “You’re going to agree to it, or me and my friends are going to break you.” At this point, he gestured and the two men stepped forward. They were both large Orcs sporting heavy armour. One had a sword – already drawn – while the other was in the process of taking a warhammer from his back. “Well?” asked Kurdan threateningly. His axe glinted in the torchlight.

“OK – I – ” Fenin began to back off and protest, but something cut him off.

A sudden, inexplicable feeling washed over him. All his fear dissipated. Why should I be scared of these.... these... barbarians? “I will not submit to your scheme,” Fenin intoned calmly. He was smiling now. They can’t touch me. He barely noticed Kurdan roaring and charging at him, aiming simply to knock him to the ground.


Fenin’s eyes fixed on the Orc and, as Kurdan was almost upon him, he stretched out his arm. His smile widened as he touched the Orc on his shoulder with two fingers.

Kurdan stopped dead in his tracks. His roar of anger changed to a cry of agony and the big man crumpled to the floor in front of Fenin, writhing on the ground in pain.

The scene in front of Fenin swam. Time slowed to a crawl. He looked around him, registering every detail of what was happening. Everything was at once hazy and clearly defined. Kurdan’s two henchmen sprinting towards him, weapons drawn. Kurdan himself on the floor, screaming out loud. The Bosmer flat against the wall of the Fair Deal, wide-eyed. Masser, silhouetted against the dark blanket of the night sky, and the stars up in the plane of Aetherius. He surrendered himself.

I’m invincible!

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 6:42 pm
by Sian Ennis
Jentina stared harshly at the girl before her. She watched her lips purse, as if she was about to say something, but then she was cut off by an old man butting into their conversation. Jentina blinked, and her expression turned to one of disgust. "Does it look like we're prosttutes?" A thin eyebrow was raised, and so help him, she'd kill him where he stood if his answer was anything but 'no'. "And what exactly do you mean people like us?" And just as she spoke, the man walking by her gave her a chill. Her body shook slightly, and from the corner of her eye, she saw that same man staring at her. "What in all the layers of oblivion is going on today?" maybe she was paranoid over the fire, or maybe she was just going completely off her rocker.

Either way, she turned her attention back to the old man and the younger girl. Just as she did so, she heard a loud CLUNK come from behind her. Those icy, kohl-lined turquoise eyes opened wider, and she spun around, just in time to see the man fall flat onto his back. "Well this is just icing on the scrib," She shook her head, and once again turned around to the people she was speaking to. "I was not summoned anywhere, but I do believe this girl here is lost. So, if you're going to sit here and babble inconsistently, I'm gonna help her around the city." Even if she was already where she was supposed to be, she wasn't leaving alone. Pulling the girl by the hand, she was off in the opposite direction.

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 7:20 pm
by Robyn Howlett
The Imperial City

"My Lord, forgive me for speaking plainly, but why must you insist on mingling with the common folk?" The Lord of Glencreek Moor, in the act of pulling on a pair of doe-skin boots, paused to regard his Steward with a crooked eyebrow.

"Gervaise," his voice was dry, "I do not need you to constantly hover around, reminding me that we are surrounded by the lesser folk. I know well my rank, but to mingle with the common people with do nothing to tarnish my honour. Nay, it could well do wonders. To observe these people, to see how they live....Gervaise, it's fascinating! Granted," his mouth quirked into a grin, "I would never desire their life. These people no nothing of Honour, but they are good, honest folk, and well could we do to emulate them in some ways."

Gervaise had gone white as soon as Roger had begun to expound on the virtues of the peasants. Being the child of gentility, the steward was very prickly about his dignity, but how could one of the elite, a baron, a member of the Nobility! How could one such as Lord Roger be so negligent in maintaining the barrier between himself and his lessers.

"My Lord, I simply do not-" Roger frowned and threw up his hand.

"I will have no more of your words, Steward, it is not for you, a gentleman, to question the descisions made by one of my rank. Now fetch me my cloak, the wind howls outside, and I have no wish to freeze." With a look of defeat, Gervaise the Steward left his Lord's chamber to retrieve the cloak his master had requested. Now left alone, the Baron returned to pulling on his boots. Finally slipping on the rough footwear, he stood from the chair he had been sitting in to look at himself in the mirror. He was dressed in rather common looking clothing, a dark green tunic with a brown mantle that covered his shoulders, faded blue chausses reaching just past his knees, brown boots, and to set the entire outfit off, a jaunty cap.

Pleased with how he looked, Roger turned to the door when his somber steward re-entered his chamber, carrying two cloak. One was a simple woolen garmet, a simple brown, while the other was a fine example of what money could buy. The color was a deep blue. The cloak itself was made out of finest linen, and was lined with silver Fox-Fur. It was quite obviously Gervaise's choice of garmet for his Lord, but Roger instead chose the simpler cloak. Grinning at his steward's horrified look, Roger moved past him and pulled open his chamber door.

"No need to wait up for me, Gervaise, I will be back late."

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:20 am
by Danger Mouse
ooc: hope no one minds that I do a tiny time-jump

Black Waterside Stables, Outside Cheydinhal

The next day, the group met at the Stables, early in the morning. Gary, and Emilia went inside to negotiate with the two Dunmer that worked the place about their horses. Whilst Julius and Wulf waited 'patiently' outside, Julius was glad he was out side. He could not bear to be near those Dark Elf's, it was their race that enslaved Julius and his people, and were still doing it to this day, he had mixed feelings about them though. Some of fear, and some of anger. He kept his mind off of it, and began cleaning his claws with his dagger for no good reason.
Thinking too much gave him migraines.

The Argonian was laying down on the flat surface of a large mossy boulder. He was wearing a light brown, leather trench coat that his father, Jonathan, had given him, underneath that was a dark green long-sleeve shirt, and brown trousers. A small sheath, that belonged to a glass dagger was strapped to his side. A brown backpack lay on the ground, resting against the rock. ''They almost done?'' Julius asked, he stopped his claw-grooming, and peered at his friend.
Wulf was leaning against a wooden post, connected to the Stables' Fence. He wore a black jacket, and leather greaves. His natural long black hair was covered by a brown linen hat. He also wore a set of Chainmail Gauntlets and Boots, and a sheathed steel shortsword rested on his back. The Imperial shrugged, ''I don't know'' He sighed heavily and kicked a small rock. Sending it flying down the cobblestone road.

''All I know is, that they'd better hurry their asses up...'' He paused to yawn, ''Before one of us slips into a coma'' Julius forced a small chuckle, then forced himself up. Immediately, his heart began to burn a little. He had gotten this feeling earlier in the day, in fact, in the middle of the night too. It had hit him too quickly, and it felt like nothing he had ever felt before.
He was never sure what this feeling was, but always got it whenever something felt... disturbed. He couldn't explain it. Wulf caught his expression and removed himself from the post. ''Jules, you alright? You don't look good man...''

Julius frowned slightly, he couldn't tell anyone of this. They'd probably think he had some sort of health condition. ''I'm okay, I was just laying down for too long...'' Wulf gave him a hard stare, before nodding silently and returning to his wooden post.

Julius was about to get off the mossy rock, before Wulf shouted ''Finally!'', his head was turned to a small hut, where three figures emerged; Gary, Emilia, and Mivryna Arano, one of the stable-runners. All three headed towards Julius and Wulf.
''We got the horses'' Gary said disappointingly, ''Except only two...''

Wulf seemed puzzled, ''Two? Why only two?'' The small Dunmer women beside Gary then spoke up, ''It is all Selvani can spare for the moment, he's not happy that he let you rent the horses for such a low price...'' She then turned tail, and headed to the stables.
Gary looked at all of his compadres, he wore a basic fur jacket, greaves, boots, and hat, ''So, how are we going to do this? Two horses, and four of us...'' he asked, stroking his chin thoughtfully.
''Me and Wulf can share one...'' Emilia suggested, causing Wulf to stupidly grin.

Julius leaped off the rock, grabbed his backpack, and slung it over his back. Gary frowned, ''That just leaves 1 horse, and me-'' Julius held up a hand, ''Go ahead and take it Gary, I prefer my feet''
Emilia gave the Argonian a curious stare, ''Whats the matter? Dont you like horses?'' She asked. ''Sure, I like horses, I just prefer my feet over ... riding those animals'' He replied, then flicked his snout slightly towards two black horses, being led by a small Dunmer women, And my crotch in one piece... He thought as the Dark Elf handed the horse's ropes to both Gary and Wulf, then without a word, walked back to the small hut.

ooc: There, that has some good quality to it :)

The Risen [RP]

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:52 pm
by Madeleine Rose Walsh
OOC: A timeskip is exactly what i needed.

Belmont the Gent, Camp Golden Tooth

Belmont awoke early in the morning, as usual. He was at one of the many strongholds that his gang of bandits had set up along the Silver Road leading all the way from Lake Rumare to Bruma. Nobody travelled the Silver Road without Belmont knowing about it.

Camp Golden Tooth was special; it was the last stronghold on the southern extremity of the Silver Road, and it marked the boundary of Belmont's territory. As such it was heavily fortified, and densely populated (relatively speaking) with almost 40 settlers of all races and skills. Some of the more important structures had even been built of wood and there was a tall palisade around the encampment. Though it was nothing compared to the majesty of Belmont's main settlement at Camp Yellow Foot, it could almost be classified as a good-sized town, had it been marked on any major map. It included a barracks, smithy, stable, tanner, and a weaver, as well as all the tents for the settlers to live in. In the dead center of the camp was a tall watchtower that gave a commanding view of the surrounding countryside.

Belmont rolled out of bed and stretched languidly, he had a long journey to undertake today. The great Nord dropped to the grassy floor of the tent and began his morning exercise, breathing in the fresh morning air mixed with the smell of baking bread that wafted in through the open tent flap. A short while later he was buttoning up his silk shirt and inspecting his beard in a polished silver mirror. His scars were as deep and horrible as always, but he didn't notice them anymore. He curled the tips of his moustache with his fingers and turned to buckle his rapier to his belt.

It was an incredible weapon, more of a three-foot scalpel than a sword, and it never seemed to lose its edge. A decade ago Belmont had borrowed it from a travelling Breton Aristocrat, back before he had become the Robber King.

Once Belmont was dressed and armed he grabbed his frock and hat and stepped out into the cool air. A refreshing breeze coursed through the deep scars on his face and rippled the sleeves of his shirt. Belmont donned his hat and frock and made his way toward the stables. When he arrived, two young Bosmer attendants were already waiting for him. A fresh horse had been saddled and packed, and the Bosmer youths looked up at him in anticipation. He flipped them both a gold sovereign each and set off once more for the Imperial City.

Three hours of riding later and he was travelling west around the edge of lake Rumare. Two hours after that, a pigeon landed on his arm carrying a message about the Bounty Hunter he had ordered executed yesterday.

ooc again: Sryner, the news i receive from the pigeon depends upon whether you post in the next 24 hours.