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TES V Ideas and Suggestions # 145

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 9:37 pm
by Austin England
Seriously I have no idea what this discussion is about anymore.

Can someone elighten me?

TES V Ideas and Suggestions # 145

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:50 pm
by Laura Wilson
Therefore, if you take away magicka - creatia - then you would indeed unravel the entire TES universe.


TES V Ideas and Suggestions # 145

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 1:54 pm
by ShOrty
:rolleyes: But can't you atleast have people who deny this theory?
Also, how do you KNOW the world was created through magic?

Say hello to the
While every race has its own personal spin on creation, beneath all the allegory and anology, it's the exact same myth with different names.

Even the and the echo the same.


Now, let me say this: I would consider it very possible to have a group of magic-users lambasted by another group for practicing what is seen culturally as "improper magic." Like Daedra worship, or necromancers. Under a cultural view, yes, you could have certain types of magic-users as outcasts from the accepted social practices of that culture. The Dunmer did much the same with worship of the "bad" Daedra and necromancers.

However (and correct me if I'm wrong), I feel that is somewhat different than what you were suggesting, which was magic itself being seen as outlawed. The trouble there is, magic is rooted in virtually everything that goes on in Tamriel. Even the Dwemer, who were the only race to decry magic, still used magic at the core of their working, just calling it a different name. Even the Nords have their Greybeards, who tear things apart with their very voice. Even the Redguards have their Yokudan ancestors, the Ansei, who attack with spirit-swords and can cut the atomos (and did). The Khajiit in birth are a perfect example of magic, being affected by the Lunar Lattice and taking on multiple forms accordingly. The fact that stasis and change do not bleed into Mundus like a sieve and rip it apart like Oil and Water is due to the Towers (the first Ada-Mantia, White-Gold, Red-Tower, Crystal-Like-Law, Snow-Throat, etc), which is the epitome of magic.

You see, while the Dunmer may have attacked the worshippers of perceived bad Daedra and necromancers, they did it comfortably using magic. Never mind that they themselves still venerate the bad daedra in a way, and they themselves still practice necromancy (binding the dead to guard their tombs), just calling it a different name.

TES V Ideas and Suggestions # 145

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:33 pm
by Eileen Collinson
since when is hitting someone on the head = dead ever applicable in RPG games? If Bethseda decides to go that route then they might as well just turn ES into a open world action game.

Ever since the very start of Tabletop RPGs where hitting someone over the head can easily result in a one hit kill.

BTW we aren't supposed to be discussing guns as the moderator stated a couple pages back.

Wow, another banned topic, great work, why don't we change it "General discussion about topics we tell you to talk about"?

TES V Ideas and Suggestions # 145

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:12 pm
I really like the suggestions about making skills more relevant besides just combat related skills. It's one of the reasons I like playing games based off DnD rules(well more specifically Bioware DnD :P). It would be nice if they did it and maybe even bring back language skills from Daggerfall). It would help for roleplaying and immersion.

TES V Ideas and Suggestions # 145

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 2:54 am
by Mandy Muir
Say hello to the Monomyth.

But, as Daniel and I have stated before, is it fact?
I, too, have an expansive collection of books, most of which of read. But I sincerely question their value.

TES V Ideas and Suggestions # 145

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:41 am
by IsAiah AkA figgy
Post limit.