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What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:50 pm
by AnDres MeZa
I would never not buy TES V, not in a million years, unless it was an MMORPG. I love MMORPG's, but making TES one would ruin the feel. Nothing svcks more than walking into a major city and see two people dueling with their Mehrune's Razors in one hand and their Goldbrands in the other.

I'd be dissapointed if they continue on the path they're on. A quest arrow, fast-travel, 3 skills, (Combat, Stealth, Magic (NO NOT SPECIALIZATIONS, SKILLS!)) being a level one altmer warrior who is a god (oh wait we already have that)

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:05 pm
by Austin England
The MMORPG is so flooded I can't see gamesas deluting their brand in a game that is likely to be forgotten, or marginalized. If The Lord of the Rings, with hits 150 million books in print, and billion $ worldwide movie franchise is marginalized by you know what game, and D&D the progenator of virtually ever RPG game, is marginalized by you know what game, why would gamesas want to go that route? An MMO would kill The Elder Scrolls for me.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:51 am
by Leah
DaMuncha: 12 mage LFG...
1337m13573r: cMon givE me sum mONEYS.
1Hadonus[tr]: Aww man you svck cmon give me back my Zweihandler man.
DaMuncha: 12 Mage L F G
1337m13573r: Give mE money NoW!!!!
1337m13573r: 1M 50 1337
1337m13573r: !3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
DaMuncha: 12 Mage L F a damn G
55d0n7B4HATER: selling 5 gold bars here for jsut 2 copper, just send the rare bow me in teh mail and ill send you teh gold bars in return ^.^
1Hadonus[tr]: Hey did you se MacGuiver last night, m,an the crazy **** he does with that poket nife.
DaMuncha: Awwwww cmon some one invite me.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:35 pm
by ^~LIL B0NE5~^
If the game comes out for console only, it's a no-buy for me. I'm not going to invest in both a console and a TV just to play it. The PC version should take advantage of the unique advantages of the PC, rather than being "watered down" to make it usable on both console and PC, with the worst of both.

If the next game gives up any more reliance on character stats as opposed to player skills and reflexes, like it did between MW and OB, then it's no longer a RPG and I won't bother. I was misled into thinking that FO3 would have at least some of the same heavy dependency on character stats as its predecessors, and bought it. What I got was "perks" and "triggers" for a sneaking and shooting game, and not much in the way of a RPG. I won't make that mistake again.

If the game has a linear plotline, without the famed Bethesda "sandbox" approach to the world, I'll pass on it. The diversity and freedom in MW was what sold me on the series, not the voiced dialog and fancy graphics. Adding a little more depth and "consequences" to choices would be a big plus.

If the game doesn't have a CS, or at least a usable set of modding tools, then it's not a "likely" purchase. I refused to buy FO3 until the GECK was released, and will do the same with TES V until it either has modding tools available or winds up on the "budget" shelf at a price that's appropriate to an "unmoddable" game of this genre.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:48 am
by Skrapp Stephens
the only way i wouldn't buy ESV is if it was console only. there absolutely nothing else that make me not but it.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:58 am
by gary lee
Would not buy if:

- no CS, or a dumbed down CS
- Games for Windows DRM, or another draconian DRM
- console only
- PC downloadable only (i.e. no retail version)
- Dragon Age: Origin's scheme of DLC money-milking
- it got poor reviews from people/sites whose judgements I somewhat respect

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:33 pm
by Jerry Jr. Ortiz
Agree with most of these.
However I expect a TES game to be pretty buggy out of the box. TES II-IV all were. Between Beth patching and the mod community I don't see that as a big problem. Biggest single factor would be no modding. If that were the case I can't see myself buying the game.

Concerning the bug issues?

Say I'm only playing on a PS3?how often will Bethseda fix bugs on new batches of their disks? I'm assuming not until they release, say, a GOTY version? Right? So I either need to start playing on a comp (need to purchase one that can handle games) or I'll have to wait until the GOTY version comes out. This is ridiculous.

Also, when I'm looking at the UESP Wiki and a page talks about glitches and bugs, how do I know if my PS3 and my disk version of TES IV has those bugs? This is pry a pointless and unanswerable question?but what the heck... I should be able to ask as I put a million hours into accomplishing everything in OB and then when I went to start the Shivering lsles expansion, (on my GOTY ed. Of course) it glitched up! Al;dkfja;osdijf

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:03 am
by sara OMAR
A game can't be an Elder Scrolls game without first-person.

I could handle guns. I could handle MMOs, even. Hell, I could even handle some retconning and annoying DRM.

But if they humanize the argonians any more, it'll be skull-crackin' time.

I actually liked the human-like OB argonians, but we must draw the line THERE. Not one step more forward. And not-human argonians are OK, just remember that they were much more human than in Vvardenfell for the first two games. Hell, they were about the same in OB and Daggerfall.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 9:35 am
by gemma king
just remember that they were much more human than in Vvardenfell for the first two games. Hell, they were about the same in OB and Daggerfall.

Yea, they just seemed to go a certain path, they where almost completely human in Arena, very humanoid reptiles in Daggerfall and very animal like in Morrowind, Oblivions just seemed like a step down from that. And remember it wasn't done from a style point of view, the Devs admitted they only did it in order to not have to do extra animations for them... and re-use the same body type for ALL races.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:19 am
by Dale Johnson
No, MMOs, anything, ANYTHING but an MMO. If it had ridiculous DRM (like spore) I would just buy it for console (even though I would be pissed off about not getting mods).

Bethesda won't remove fp perspective or open world or anything because then it wouldnt be a tes game. But (azura forbid) they might do an MMO.

If Bethesda wants to kill the Elder Scrolls, all they have to do is make one. There can be nothing worse than a bunch of 13 year olds running around, talking about how l33t they. I don't care if its 100% free-to-play, I will not be getting an TES MMO. Bioware turned KOTOR 3 into an MMO, and even though I love the KOTOR games, I will not be getting SWTOR because of what they did.

There are other series for pwning noobs and listening to people scream over their mics. TES is not one of them.

The only way I could tolerate them making an MMO if it wasn't made by Bethesda (maybe another Zenimax subsidiary) and whose sole purpose was just a cash cow for the real elder scrolls games.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:24 am
by Keeley Stevens
The only thing I can see as remotely likely is gameplay that required reflexes faster than mine. Twitchy combat that depended on player rather than character dexterity would be a non-starter for me.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:58 am
by BrEezy Baby
It'll be frustrating if TES 5 is particularly console-oriented, and if its writing is as bad as Oblivion's was. I actually wouldn't mind an MMO--the genre gets a lot of grief but they can still be fun. Plus, hey, at least it'd be sure to have a PC UI.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 9:31 am
by Umpyre Records
I don't give a **** for Argonians and Khajiits ,there are much more important things to worry about !!!

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:10 am
by Kat Lehmann
If it was a MMO , if it changed game play style unless it was KOTOR style and then I'd orgism but that's a little off topic. Small area , few quests and some bad bugs.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:04 am
by Laura Cartwright
I don't get why people are still afraid of an MMO. We've known for, what?, a year that Bethesda doesn't develop MMOs, Zenimax Online would be the studio to develop an MMO.

Anyway, the only way I would not buy it is if it was console only or couldn't be modded. Having that Games for Windows LIVE garbage would make me almost certain not to buy it either, but there would still be a small chance.

Am I the only one that liked Oblivion's Khajiit and Argonians? I'd be disappointed if Bethesda changed them back for TES V.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:23 am
by Ells
Am I the only one that liked Oblivion's Khajiit and Argonians? I'd be disappointed if Bethesda changed them back for TES V.

There are some who prefered the Oblivion ones, there's just a LOT who liked the Morrowind style beast races more. And honestly having the Morrowind style ones is the better choice in my opinion since the Oblivion style ones could very easily be MODDED but the other way around is nearly impossible.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:35 am
by Jennie Skeletons
Am I the only one that liked Oblivion's Khajiit and Argonians? I'd be disappointed if Bethesda changed them back for TES V.

i liked them better, too :(

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:29 am
by Julia Schwalbe
There are some who prefered the Oblivion ones, there's just a LOT who liked the Morrowind style beast races more. And honestly having the Morrowind style ones is the better choice in my opinion since the Oblivion style ones could very easily be MODDED but the other way around is nearly impossible.


I wish this were one of the IN-GAME options, frankly. Let the modders work on more important stuff.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:33 am
by jodie
Changing the beast races won't affect me buying the game. There will be new features I don't like, that's fine. Mods can take care of most of that. The only thing really that would keep me from playing the game is the MMO idea. That's the entire idea of TES - it's an MMO where you're the only player and the world revolves around you. That's the niche they've created and while I'm sure one day a TES MMO will happen I doubt that it will be TES5. Possibly an offshoot like someone mentioned earlier.

On the beast issue, I prefer the more beast like MW Arg's and Kha's, partially because of the excuse mentioned by and earlier post (dev's not wanted to do the extra work) but the Oblivion ones were fine in the end. It would be kind of neat if they included the different races of Khajit to kind of explain why arena and daggerfall's cats were so different, but I'd be willing to wait for TES: Elsewheyre for that stuff.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:17 pm
by Holli Dillon
Any more loss of skills, unless it makes excellent logical sense (LOLBLUNTAXES) and also greatly increases the quality of the game.

Level scaling on the scale (pun intended) of Oblivion. I think they learned their lesson, as Fallout 3 felt extremely natural. In fact, I rarely noticed any scaling in the game. When I was weak, I felt weak. When I got more powerful, I felt more powerful. Yeah, I noticed some enemies stayed with me for a few levels, then they hit a brick wall and I crit their heads off.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:28 pm
by Casey
I would still buy it, but turn based combat would be a massive annoyance for me.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:17 am
by Micah Judaeah
If Craig Sechler and Wes Johnson aren't in the game again, I might boycott it =P

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:11 am
by Amy Smith
DRM, modding, and Games for Windows Live (achievements, etc.).... especially the last one. I know it's just a brand but that GFWL tag makes me feel like I'm playing a product rather than exploring a world, and achievements in a single player PC game (the platform I play on, which logically leads to the case that if TESV is only on console I cannot get it) is just too stupid to comprehend. Besides that though, the most heinous errors are fixed by modders within a year and by two or three years out the game is something truly remarkable as everything bad can be eradicated if you have the dedication and some Wrye. Even vanilla though with stupid NPCs (MW and OB), a banol plot (OB), bad voice acting (OB), and tiny settlements (MW and OB) the games are still enjoyable escapism as you run around the land and go sightseeing. I'd like to say if they made a lot of the same mistakes as Oblivion I wouldn't buy it but the fact is I probably would......... unless they made it really generic and completely destroyed the lore, because then it wouldn't be so fun to run around and read the in-game books.... but I wouldn't really know that until I actually played the game.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:19 am
by Grace Francis
Incredibly buggy
Console gamer focused
Extremely easy
Weak RPG elements(level scaling svcks)
Any online/multiplayer capabilities

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:10 am
by Taylah Illies

I wish this were one of the IN-GAME options, frankly. Let the modders work on more important stuff.

No, that would svck, I want the game out of the box how it's meant to be played, and I might install mods if there's something cool or something I dont' like, but to have "modders do the important stuff" is a bad idea.

Edit: The above criticized design philosophy will make me absolutely not buy the game and even put anti-propaganda to stop dev laziness.