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What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:38 am
by Devin Sluis
The solution there, of course, would be for Bethesda to design primarily for the PC in terms of UI and graphical settings, and then port over to the consoles with a redesigned UI and culled GFX options if needed.

THAT would be sweet, actually it WAS like that for Morrowind and, behold, it worked.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:39 pm
by Oscar Vazquez
if only it would be AGAIN, then i wouldnt have to play with some sort of console joypad UI/game menu other stuff clearly modeled for console controls and not keyboard.

Pretty huge sacrifice to simply avoid a console UI for pc gamers. If it became again I wouldn't be able to play at all.

Dragon Age managed to create a PC and console version without one interfering with the other. If they can, so can Beth.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:08 am
by Toby Green
Any more loss of skills, unless it makes excellent logical sense (LOLBLUNTAXES) and also greatly increases the quality of the game.

Level scaling on the scale (pun intended) of Oblivion. I think they learned their lesson, as Fallout 3 felt extremely natural. In fact, I rarely noticed any scaling in the game. When I was weak, I felt weak. When I got more powerful, I felt more powerful. Yeah, I noticed some enemies stayed with me for a few levels, then they hit a brick wall and I crit their heads off.

...In FO3, there was suspense. Try walking past the mall as a level 2 punk, I dare ya. I did it... and it scared the living [censored] out of me. But I made it. And I felt like I had done something, dammit. I had pooled together all of my skills and made it out by a hair, with broken limbs and not a stimpak left.

I wished Oblivion had been like this. Instead, the hardest quest was the one where you had to race against the clock, and I decided the best way to do that would be stripped naked, running through lava and jumping off towers like a [censored] maniac. And I didn't have to reset once. I had about ten minutes to spare, I think. After the initial fear, it was a hilarious suicide run that managed to work.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:34 pm
by Tamika Jett
if it was "too" polished and not bugged at all. i would think twice about buying it. Or i'd buy it then sell it because the bugs and glitches of TES imperfections is one of the funnest things about these games. i mean, when i guy gets stuck halfway through a doors and twitches like a retard. or when my guy hits (or gets hit) and flys, rolls, and bounces around the screen, or even the way you can jump in circles. its just TES. MMO? never. id hate it. no 3rd or 1st person. also. would hate it. keep the buggies though...they are fun n_e.

PS: duplication<3

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 9:05 pm
by Maya Maya
If it had the same level and treasure scaling that Oblivion had. I would just walk away. I hate what level-scaling is doing to games. I even disliked it in Fallout 3.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:31 am
by Jason Wolf
Err... Do you mean new tech in the world, or the developers using new tech?

New technology in the world. I'm perfectly happy with new tech being used to make the game, in fact I want them too. Oblivion's engine had some major faults.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:40 am
by Alyce Argabright
I don't think anything will stop me from buying the next TES game. Well, maybe if it's an MMO ... but then it wouldn't be TES would it? :)

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:20 am
by Wayne W
well, im not going to buy the game but! if i find that they abandoned that horrable engine gamebryo and caught up with the world of gaming...i might give it a try but they'd have to revise A LOT of crap

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:22 pm
by Sami Blackburn
-It's possible to play a "free" MMO without spending a dime, if you're willing to not get all the features of course. But paying a subscription fee just isn't my style. I don't want to pay $20 a month for a game that I could potentially play for months at a time. Subscription based MMOs are nothing more than pretty looking money pits, in my opinion.

-You misunderstood me. I've played Dragon Age, and I liked it. I don't mean that the story is linear, which it isn't. But the world is very, very linear. In Dragon Age, every single worldspace is in it's own cell, cut off from the rest of the world, and the only way to get from one to the other is to essentially fast travel, where you watch your party cross miles upon miles of terrain on a map that you never get to see. In TES, you actually get to see the miles and miles of terrain in between worldspaces that games like Dragon Age never show you. That's what I mean, and that's why I'll always prefer open world games.

Yah, I understand personal preference and all. But I mean, no matter where I look, people are bashing subscriptions, and it's like... wtf? Do they not understand economics? Do they think this game is run by magical faeries than fart out patches? And most of the people who do bash subscriptions actually have statistically paid more for their "Twink gear".

And I understand now what you mean on Dragon Age. Yes that's true, but people assume Bethesda's way is the only way. I DO Prefer Bethesda's way of game design, if only slightly, but to actually tack on that as a negative point on, quite frankly, a different game? It'd be like giving a negative review to a Fantasy RPG because it doesn't have cybernetic implants The best would be TES world Design with Bioware Rulesystem and Storywriting. But the day that comes, the awesome will collapse in on itself and destroy all that is known.

I thought of a new reason I wouldn't buy TES5, and I know this is petty, but we need to set an example.


I swear on Vivec's polished head, that if there are no Spears in what (I can only assume technically) is a Fantasy RPG, it will not see my dollars.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:12 pm
by Joe Bonney
Honestly, I can look past some decisions regarding underachieving with voice actors and the UI and such and such, but when it comes down to it, the only two major deal breakers for me would be:

1. 2K as a publisher.
2. Securom/Horrible DRM.

I'm horribly fed up with both of them, and I'm exercising my power as a consumer by not giving my money to anyone if a game has either (and, obviously, if it's terrible by design). Money talks!

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 1:20 am
by Sophie Miller
Yah, I understand personal preference and all. But I mean, no matter where I look, people are bashing subscriptions, and it's like... wtf? Do they not understand economics? Do they think this game is run by magical faeries than fart out patches? And most of the people who do bash subscriptions actually have statistically paid more for their "Twink gear".

And I understand now what you mean on Dragon Age. Yes that's true, but people assume Bethesda's way is the only way. I DO Prefer Bethesda's way of game design, if only slightly, but to actually tack on that as a negative point on, quite frankly, a different game? It'd be like giving a negative review to a Fantasy RPG because it doesn't have cybernetic implants The best would be TES world Design with Bioware Rulesystem and Storywriting. But the day that comes, the awesome will collapse in on itself and destroy all that is known.

Differing opinions :shrug:

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:56 am
Is modding honestly that important to the game itself? Mods are fine in my opinion and I understand they add a lot of content and freedom, but why are they essential to a game?

If the next Elder Scrolls wasn't moddable then that would be reason #2 not to get the game, behind it being an MMO. OOO,MMM,Frans and FCOM in general, made Oblivion awesome the second time through. The first time through I didn't even like that much at all.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 9:27 am
by adam holden
FCOM is a great mod, fut I feel it is like "what oblivion lacks plus one thousand and one other stuff from everywhere(BALROGS, really :brokencomputer: )" just glued onto the original game without regard for lore, and it annyos me, even if the game gets a lot more fun with it.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:02 am
by .X chantelle .x Smith
FCOM is a great mod, fut I feel it is like "what oblivion lacks plus one thousand and one other stuff from everywhere(BALROGS, really :brokencomputer: )" just glued onto the original game without regard for lore, and it annyos me, even if the game gets a lot more fun with it.

I'm not as much a lore guy with Elder Scrolls, in as much, as throwing in lots of monsters who do not 'really' reside in Tamriel is ok with me. I get my fake world lore fix with the Lord of the Rings, The Silmarilion, etc..., but if one were a lore guy for the Elder Scrolls then I can definitely see how it would be annoying. Kinda like if someone wrote a fanfic based in Middle-earth and threw in some beholders and mindflayers.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 2:50 am
by Kevin S
Is modding honestly that important to the game itself? Mods are fine in my opinion and I understand they add a lot of content and freedom, but why are they essential to a game?

because Beth cant fix their own games to save their lifes so the community must step in and fix all those blaring errors, those that are fixable that is.

thats why modding is very important to the ES games.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:00 am
by Bereket Fekadu
If it was a PC exclusive. I own Oblivion and Morrowind on console and PC. I just much prefer gaming on a console rather then a PC even with mods.

These would make me sad. But I would most likely still buy:

If they removed readable books from the game. That is one of my favorite things to do in a new TES game, Collect every book and read it.
If they pull a fable2 and introduce guns and the like. (Azura forbid.)
I can't really think of anything else

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:40 am
by Tinkerbells
If Bethesda got taken over by EA, and/or the the game included John Madden.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 9:20 am
by Trish
If Bethesda got taken over by EA, and/or the the game included John Madden.

Nords and Orcs playing American Football, that would end it for me :ninja:

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:08 pm
by Laura Wilson
Another "Light" rpg. I want a Role Playing Game. Not "Action roleplaying game with a bad story". See Dragon Age and The Witcher for good examples. If the action is good then so much the better.

Being unable to mod. I enjoyed personally modding both Morrowind and Oblivion, even though I didn't really like Oblivion's gameplay. I also loved playing others mods, heck I loved that others mods existed. Just seeing all the different things people did for those games makes me feel better about the world.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:13 am
by Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
I loved Oblivion, but if the new installment does not greatly surpass Oblivion's capabilities, creativity, and originality (which wasn't the highest) I will be greatly dissapointed.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:03 am
by Anna Krzyzanowska
If you had things like cars instead of horses etc.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 10:27 pm
by Lily
If you can't mod away the default leveling system, I'll be avoiding the game like the plague.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:35 pm
by ILy- Forver
Oh another one.

If the combat system from Morrowind return, that was just terrible. But again, i might actually buy the game anyway.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:14 am
by matt
The only thing that would stop me from buying the game would be if it was exclusivly First Person View.

Everything else that was listed here would not stop me from buying it, just would limit the amount of time I spent playing it. But 1st person is not an enjoyable gameplay for me, I much prefer the over the shoulder/3rd person view.

Thats not to say I dont use 1st person view in Oblivion, I do, but only to aim my bow, or pick small objects up. I play the game predominently in 3rd person view.

What would make you NOT buy TES5? - Part 2

PostPosted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:14 am
by Hope Greenhaw
The 3rd person view in Oblivion is utter crap IMO. Sure its a camera outside of ur body, but, the aim needs to be offset (camera angle changed) so that I can see what im attacking, because I think the camera aim was pointed at ur head and I couldnt react fast enough (block) to the enemys attacks. First person was the only way I could play. I only used 3rd person to admire how sixy my chracter was :D.