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Argonia's Part in the Future?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 9:47 pm
by Lloyd Muldowney
We've heard little about the Argonians in recent lore, with the he only thing being patrols and the An-Xileel's tightening grip on the province following the Oblivion Crisis and the Red Year. Considering how radical the An-Xileel appear to be, would that be fair to say they have as much an impact on the future of Tamriel as the Aldmeri Dominion, Hammerfell and the Empire? Argonia has grew in size thanks to the invasion of Morrowind and we have no idea what the Argonians are doing. The An-Xileel seem quite similar to the Thalmor in some ways, so anything could happen. They might not be so dormant and passive anymore.