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Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 12:21 am
by Sheila Reyes

Hell no....

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 4:32 pm
by james tait
It's more of a Fallout-esque thing for me. If they chose to implement it, I wouldn't go further than what was seen in Hearthfire.

Also, fewer building sites would be a must. Only a handful of them and with a possibility to do some meaningful expansions in them. No need for the pointless tinkering that was seen in fallout 4. This build-from-scrap does not suit TES imo.

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 9:55 pm

It fits well in FO4 but there is a lot of it, too much IMO. It could be used to cater to things similar to what many of us would've liked in previous TES games like being able to rebuild Kvatch or Helgen.

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 11:07 am
by e.Double

Yep, this right here

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 12:44 pm
by Bambi

See ESO has this where the thieves guild and dark brotherhood are dlcs I really don't like this. I would much prefer what we had with skyrim and then once you rise to leader then design a new hideout. Actually if I remember I think the dark brotherhood in skyrim let you upgrade the hideout once leader, however the new system should allow for more freedom and creativity.

I do have to agree fallout did see to have too much settlement involved. I really had enough to just focus on my main settlement not every single settlement that there was it got old bouncing from settlement to settlement and not having resources and I lost sight of the main storyline because of it.

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 10:33 pm
by FirDaus LOVe farhana

I'd rather see this evolve into where buildings get damaged/destroyed and eventually rebuilt. just building up a new settlement or two wouldn't make much sense in TES unless there was a plot device involved.

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 4:17 pm
by Farrah Lee
Something that I was just thinking of it the environment is somewhere in the alik'r desert and pirate works of redgaurds would be ship building instead of homesteads...?? I don't know what do you think? There could be islands to claim and develop as trading centers or shipping ports. Creating a business or conglomerate instead of living settlements. And if it was in the desert than there would be vast lands to set up settlements on. I don't know just a thought

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 6:31 pm
by kitten maciver

That sounds like "TES meets CIV". Not sure what to think about that combination, but probably really interesting if handled well, and really stupid if handled poorly.

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 10:54 am
by sarah taylor

I enjoyed it in FO4, I enjoyed getting the settlements in Morrowind and I enjoyed the Hearthfire settlements. So, yes, I'd like to see it included as a side-feature of TESVI.

Buying a plot of lands and making a little settlement of my own would be nice.

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 2:14 pm
by Neil

100% YES!!! (3 exclamations!)

I vote for this :)

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 9:15 pm
by Lynette Wilson

I think its a bit overdone at least in an TES setting, go to skyrim, staring 20 settlements would be overkill, beeing declared lord or Helgen and getting support to rebuild it and perhaps a few farms would be more enough.

Ok let add winterhold if you are archmage. Both are endgame activity to let players have something to do afterwards who fit their position.

Not saying that FO4 was wrong, i liked it but it would be too much for tes who is pretty populated.

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 4:16 pm
by Natalie Harvey


Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 1:01 pm
by Fanny Rouyé

I really like the settlement building in FO4 now. Because at launch there weren't many options and verity to build things. But rather them spending lots of time and resources in settlement mode i would prefer the house system like in Skyrim but vastly improved. Where you could buy huge mansions or castles. Also decorate them with the furniture you like. And have rooms where you can show off your weapons, armour and cool stuff you got in the world.

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 1:40 am
by Auguste Bartholdi
Yea I would. Settlement building is a lot of fun and I'd like if there is DLC that has more uses then mods offer adds onto it like we're getting with Fallout 4.

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 4:52 pm
by Stace

Bethesda Game Studios should have them already included in The Elder Scrolls VI from from the start right out of the box instead of sell them as DLC's.

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 2:07 pm
by naomi

I think a good blend between Hearthfire and elements of settlement building would work wonders in TES. Just not the all out, full bore, city building.

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 1:43 pm
by Tyrone Haywood

I think Cider means that's its something they should continue to build on over the life of the game, rather than just implementing it at base and leaving it as-is.

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 3:10 pm
by SaVino GοΜ

I somehow see it ending up like Fable 3's endgame.

though I wouldn't mind tailoring a city to my liking for good or bad if I become a ruler, ha.

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 9:00 pm
by Andrew

Others have mentioned Morrowind and I enjoyed the stronghold building process there. I also enjoyed Building Up Ulvirith's Grave which added a lot to the settlement aspects of building up the Telvanni stronghold.

I would enjoy the opportunity to build or rebuild settlements in TES. Although the civilization is already built up, there is no reason why an adventurer rising to power shouldn't be able to build their own settlement. There is plenty of open space in TES and room for new settlements.

And in the last two vanilla games, the settlements outside of major cities are too sparse anyway, mostly (with a few exceptions) lacking any type of general trader, which I find unrealistic. Nearly every rural crossroads town I have ever been in in the real world had some type of general store to cater to the local population, so they don't have to drive 50 miles to get basic supplies. In an era of horses and no teleportation or levitation, how are the locals supposed to buy supplies without a trader of any sort in town? Seems like there are a lot of opportunities for commerce in some of these settlements and they could use some building up, or some new close by settlement that is well guarded and has a trading post so locals don't have to make the long journey to a major city.

Anyway, I see a lot of potential for building up civilizations in a TES game. The empire has long been in decline (even before the end of the Septim dynasty), Morrowind is in ruins, Skyrim is shattered by civil war -- seems like a huge need for well defended trading outposts.

Personally, I would enjoy a wide variety of potential locations. Just because the game offers 20 locations, doesn't mean you have to build them all with the same character.

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 4:39 pm
by krystal sowten

I got to thinking, if The Elder Scrolls VI's landmass is bigger than The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's video game world map combined, like very big we should be able to purchase empty plots of land by cities to build up farm houses, farms, and stables for live stock to raise, and we should also be able to build forts spread out here and there.

Would that be good? I don't want to have to grind for materials to build forts everywhere or whatever, just have the forts spread out to be able to build them. The cities also I don't want to have to go building house after house. Just have your own purchasable house which you can build bigger and furnish with furniture and paintings.

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 6:40 pm
by Manny(BAKE)

Agreed. I'd like the ability to actually build a house of my design instead of choosing from 3 choices for 3 wings only. Find a beautiful spot and lay down roots would be awesome :)

I did enjoy Morrowind's "little settlements" where our houses were small settlements (2 or 3 buildings inside a wall). I also appreciated the time it took to build them. I just did not "feel" involved with them, though.

A full blown town? I\m just not sure about that. Will economics play a part? Will we need to provide provisions and supplies?

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 9:57 pm
by Monique Cameron

Not sure about how Hearthfire was done, but the previous settlements (Raven Rock and the three Great House strongholds) were essentially pre-placed, but "disabled", rendering them invisible and immaterial to the player. When you chose to build a particular stage or option, that piece was "enabled", making it appear in the game. There was no option whatsoever for picking a different location other than the pre-selected ones, rotating the entire design, or doing anything else beyond choosing which of those pre-build pieces was switched on or off.

Being able to place a house or settlement wherever you wish sounds nice, but the programming to have it "work" (to have the entrance match the landscape, windows not half-buried in a hillside, portions of the foundation hovering above the ground, or other ridiculous placement issues) would be rather complicated. I suspect that the most likely scenario would be to have 3-10 alternative locations, and slightly more flexibility as to which "additions" to buy, but some of them mutually exclusive.

While I'd love to be able to design and build something totally different and unique, rather than simply enable the canned content, it takes a bit of thought about how it's all going to function together, and a lot of players are just going to plop stuff down and then complain when their grandiose plan doesn't work with the way they've placed the first piece or two. In some cases, keeping it simple is a good idea, even if I'd prefer more than enough rope to either realize my dreams or hang myself with.

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 2:33 pm
by Nicole Elocin
Kovacius, In hearthfire, you get to build houses in three preset locations. You can build them from a crafting table (if you have gathered the necessary components) and there are a few different design choices but it's all from preset plans that go together in a preset way, so your ability to customize is pretty limited.

Skyrim has mods that allow nearly unlimited ability to build structures and move furniture in a completely customizable way in any location. So it is possible, but not in the vanilla game.

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 2:42 pm
by Jesus Duran

I only want to build a settlement if it is part of a quest. The Bloodmoon quest to build Raven Rock is still the only good settlement-building quest to date.

I loathe FO4 settlements, it has nothing to do with the story, it feels like a tacked on theme park building game. Even the Hearthfire "quest" isn't really a quest.

When I played Bloodmoon, I really cared about the struggle to get this town up and running. It was intertwined with the other quests that you had to do and that's what's important.

Also, I don't need to gather wood and nails myself, and place every chair or beer mug personally in these settlements (like FO4), because this doesn't add anything of value to me. If I want total control over these things I'll use the Creation Kit !!

Nor would I want to see a complete town built overnight. That's the cool thing about the Raven Rock quest line, you would start out on an empty patch. Then you'd see the foundation of some buildings, then the completed buildings, then more foundations etc...

You actually witnessed this town being built instead of just magically appear:

Would you welcome the inclusion of settlement building...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 3:14 pm
by ..xX Vin Xx..

In fallout 4 though when you build at elevations depending on the floor you are using sometimes it will automatically adjust the foundation for the elevation, if they bring that to tes vi which I'm sure they will, then you would be able to be more flexible with your build location. Obviously the face of a mountain may be difficult. But someone designed morthal which had dwellings carved in the mountain I'm sure they could introduce something to make that work for tes vi.