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Armor in Elderscrolls 6

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:41 am
by Mason Nevitt

One of the issues I felt reduced immersion in Skyrim was the armour.

Everywhere in the game the people wore suits of armor which matched the setting - that of a Norse period. Fantastic suits of realistic-looking leather armor, hide armor and various mail and plate armor.

However, there was one glaring misfit in the game regarding armor, and it was the player him/herself!

All the best looking armor sets were soon left behind (or never worn at all) as the player moved through the more powerful armor sets such as dwarven, elven and then obsidian and daedric.

Meaning that whilst everyone else fit perfectly into the Norse genre, my fighter character never did. Perhaps the worst example was the suit of dwarven armour which left my character looking like a gilt-colored clock that used to grace the mantlepiece of my grandma's house.

Please, can we not have single sets of armor per material as before. Instead, I feel it would be a great idea to have armor designs in the game. This would mean that any smithing character could find/buy designs (or even purchase them from the marketplace).

Therefore when you make a new suit of armor, you choose the design for that suit from your existing list of armor designs. That way you have control over how it will end up looking.

The Skyrim plate armor was an outstanding-looking suit of armor, and I very much missed it when I felt I had to move on to the stronger suits of heavy armor.

As an additional idea I feel that the material used to make the suit could influence the overall color of the armor, or perhaps the color of filigree within the artwork on the armor.

Best, John

Armor in Elderscrolls 6

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:52 am
by Lifee Mccaslin
Welcome to the Forums! Its customary to give new members a fish stick, though I'm on my phone and can't hyperlink properly, so I'll make sure to present one later if no one else does...

Anyway, we have an ongoing series of threads for just this kind of idea, the latest of which is :

For the most part, I think many of us agree with you, and when we get around to Crafting again (we're half talking about Dialogue right now) I think I have some ideas you may enjoy.

Hope to see you in... Beyond Skyrim! That's a pun, because that's the thread name, and its about the next game post Skyrim...

It 6:30 am, and I've been up all night. Funny comes with sleep

Armor in Elderscrolls 6

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:27 pm
by DAVId MArtInez
I hope the Nordic armors look more realistic again. The Nordic armor in Eso and also a couple of the Nord armors in Skyrim looked like they were drafted from a He-Man cartoon. I prefer something that looks more real. Like the armors from GoTs or the Witcher series. I do like Dunmer armors like their bonemold, chitin Ordinator armors though. Definitely suits them and gives them a very unique look. I so wish Eso Dunmer armors were like Morrowind ones. Hopefully the TES 6 Dunmer will be more like they were in Morrowind

Armor in Elderscrolls 6

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:16 am
by Jessica Nash

My characters usually wind up using Steel or Leather armor through out the whole game. Smithing and Enchanting made them useful through out the game

Armor in Elderscrolls 6

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:32 am

Yes, welcome - and please do use the thread linked above to post your fantastic ideas for the next Elder Scrolls game :)