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Things you want to like about TES, but can't... #2

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 4:08 pm
by James Shaw

Since the reached 200 posts, here is another thread about stuff you wish you could like about TES, but can't get yourself to.

As I mentioned the Imperials and their lore/depiction separation in the first one, I will say the Dunmer this time. They do have the hallmarks of what I wish to see in each race in the TES series(cultural customs, diverse society, religion, etc, etc), but I can't get myself to like them much. Or at all.

I don't mean that in the sense I dislike, say, the Reach, where you are more or less supposed to hate the place, but more in a "they could be cut from the series without me caring much" sort of way.

Anyway, discuss away.

Things you want to like about TES, but can't... #2

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:24 am
by Nicholas C

I loved Dunmer in Morrowind. Ashlander Dunmer were very distinct from the more "urban" Dunmer we found in towns. And I thought it was all done in a very plausible and very fascinating way. To this day, the Ashalnder culture is probably my favorite cultural representation in the series. By comparison, Dunmer felt very bland to me in both Oblivion and Skyrim.

EDIT - I guess while I'm here I'll bring up another thing I wish I could like, but don't: the main quests. I have never been able to make myself finish any of them more than once. Lord knows, I've tried. On a second attempt I got about a third of the way through Morrowind's main quest. I've gotten as far as saving Kvatch a couple of times in Oblivion. I met the Greybeards a second time in Skyrim only because Dragonborn required it. Personally I think the main quests are just about the least interesting things about the Elder Scrolls games. I wish I could like them more, but I can't.

Things you want to like about TES, but can't... #2

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:23 pm
by Roberto Gaeta

Pretty much everything, except Morrowind. Not ashamed to say I love that immaculate miracle. 2000+ hours doesn't lie.

Things you want to like about TES, but can't... #2

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:05 pm
by Killer McCracken

The combat in Redguard. I got that and Battlespire from GOG and I am intent on playing through them both, but so far the combat is SO clunky and awful. I am hoping it is just because I am bad at it. Maybe I am just a scrub that just has to get GIT GUD. It's a shame because I know the story of Redguard, and I think it is excellent. And it is a big piece of TES history.

Things you want to like about TES, but can't... #2

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 10:36 am
by jasminĪµ

I agree about the main quests, perhaps due to the quests themselves requiring a niche character. Morrowind's was just too boring, and Oblivion's was too pushy; though I have come around on Oblivion's since using a main quest delay mod so that it plays more as a multi-part side quest now.

I liked that Oblivion's races were all bland and imperialized, it's be kind of goofy if everyone acted as newly immigrated with different customs. it set the tone of a complacent dull empire ready to fall.

I can't really get into MK's lore stuff.

Things you want to like about TES, but can't... #2

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:30 am
by Timara White

I can't love the immortal npcs, I wish evereybody is killable and then a massage like Morrowinds.

Things you want to like about TES, but can't... #2

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:43 pm
by Trevi

Yeah. Someone else might have made this comparison before, but he's a bit like George Lucas. Great in moderation, but no one give him full control, 'mkay?

I don't remember a feature like that in Morrowind :P

Things you want to like about TES, but can't... #2

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:15 pm
by KU Fint

Unique and interesting quest that does not rely on a broken radiant system

Things you want to like about TES, but can't... #2

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 6:02 pm
by Jake Easom

You don't like quests? I mean... It's possible, sure, but I think you may have misunderstood the thread. It's things you WANT to like, but CAN'T. Not things you simply don't like, or things you simply want.

Another one for me... The Blades. I know how important they are, I know where they come from, I know they're a multi-ethnic organization charged with protecting the Empire and Tamriel... But all I see is a gaggle of incompetent Katana-Fanboyz who have never successfully done anything without some Hero doing the lions share, and who dress up in hands-down the stupidest looking armour in the series.

Things you want to like about TES, but can't... #2

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 7:49 am
by Beat freak

"and then a massage like Morrowinds" - would that happen at some establishment in Suran, by any chance?

MK's ideas are often phenomenal, but when they're not, it really requires someone else to reign in his imagination at times. There's said to be a fine line between genius and insanity, and some people wander freely back and forth across that line.