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How Did You First Get Into the Elder Scrolls Series?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 5:01 am
by Cat

In about 2004, I was over my friend's house, and his older brother was playing Morrowind. I was too young to really get it, but I thought it was cool. The following year, I received an Xbox, as well as a few games, including Morrowind. I enjoyed it, although at first I didn't get very far. I would periodically go back to it over the years, including after Oblivion - which I enjoyed, but not to the same extent as Morrowind. Of course, I played Skyrim when it was released, and enjoyed more than Oblivion.

How Did You First Get Into the Elder Scrolls Series?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 5:41 am
by Kellymarie Heppell

Was talking to friends about NWN and bemoaning its limitations and they recommended MW to me as much better.

Tried it and loved it. Still my favourite crpg. Played Arena to Skyrim and ESO. Oblivion my least favourite of the series.

Like the open world exploration, ability to develop a character as I want, and rich background lore.

How Did You First Get Into the Elder Scrolls Series?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 4:55 pm
by Chris Jones

In 2002 I was wandering around a mall purchasing clothes, food, and other stuff and I went to a GameStop and saw the physical boxed version of the PC version of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. I picked it up read the back of the box and liked the art a lot and what I read.

When I got home I put the CD-ROM disc in my CD-ROM drive and installed The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind then played it when it finished installing and fell in love with The Elder Scrolls video games ever since then.

How Did You First Get Into the Elder Scrolls Series?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 3:58 am
by Amanda Furtado

I have told my story so many times in other threads, I'll just tell the short version this time. But I've enjoyed reading other peoples' long (or short) versions in this thread.

I was bored one night. October 24, 2008...I still remember the date. I was a Playstation 2 player, and those of you who were also on PS2 know how limited the medieval "RPG" type games were on that system. I didn't want to try the next Final Fantasy, didn't want to play Legends of Dragoon (again), didn't want to play any of the other titles I'd already done (again).

The RPGs and "RPGs" on PS2 are linear, for the most part. I wanted something more like a medieval version of Grand Theft Auto, with swords and magic instead of guns and bombs. :gun: But plenty of exploration opportunities. I had previously played GTA: Vice City for awhile. Though this isn't really my type of game, the freedom to roam anywhere is what I was looking for.

So I went on a gaming reviews site and tried to see if there were any new games on PS3. Figured if there was anything that fit the mold of a "medieval GTA" I'd get this game AND a PS3. So that's how I discovered TES4: Oblivion. :obliviongate:

Since my discovery of this awesome game, lots of people have told me that Oblivion is actually the worst in the series, but to me it is still several steps up from any game I had previously tried! Oh, and I don't have a fave. I enjoy Oblivion and Skyrim equally, and am finally about to finish the Main Quest of Arena pretty soon. :tes:

Hmm.... well, so much for the "short version".

How Did You First Get Into the Elder Scrolls Series?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 11:37 pm
by Ann Church

Great stories!

Ah yes, the good old PS2 days. Played some great games on there (and some not so great...). The concept of turn-based RPGs isn't really my thing, but I did actually enjoy Final Fantasy X, even though I think towards the end it became incredibly pretentious in the message it was trying to send.

I have tried to avoid having a favorite of the series, but I eventually came up with my personal list. Oblivion is perhaps my least favorite in the series, but I still enjoy it! I love all of the games!

And I look forward to having another Eternal Champion to welcome. I take it that your avatar on these forums is your character in Arena? Quick tip, if I may: in the final dungeon, paralysis is your friend, if you have not acquired that spell or an item that casts it yet.

How Did You First Get Into the Elder Scrolls Series?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 6:17 am
by Avril Louise

Same here, except for the gas station part. I think I got mine an EB or similar establishment :)

How Did You First Get Into the Elder Scrolls Series?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 6:33 am
by Mizz.Jayy

I found them back in high school, ten years ago, and decided to buy Morrowind and Oblivion. Good times ensued.

How Did You First Get Into the Elder Scrolls Series?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 15, 2016 4:29 pm
by Kyra

Noticed Morrowind and Oblivion on sale very cheap on Steam, and figured I'd try them out (I was aware of the existence of the series before that)