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Concept of CHIM and its relevance to the games.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 6:22 pm
by An Lor

So from what I understand, CHIM resulted in the creation of Nim, and has been achieved by Vivec and Talos. Talos being the only other dragonborn aside from the main character of Skyrim. But, from that perspective, Talos was a mortal being who acheives CHIM and then became a god? Would the same then apply to Vivec? That through managing to achieve CHIM a person in the elderscrolls universe would then become a god?(unlike Aedra and Daedra)

Those are the only two mortals that have achieved CHIM and managed not to have a zero sum outcome, as in, if someone achieves CHIM they view the tower, described as 'Encompassing the universe' and managed to keep their own individuality. So this begs the question of how many people in total have seen the tower and then been erased from all of existence.

But people disappearing is one thing, I'm curious as to how the tower relates to Daedra. Are they aware of its existence, can they too view the tower? Is the only source of information about this tower from both Talos and Vivec, and do we see any traces of it in any of the games. Are the elderscrolls related to the tower?

In summary; What is the tower? If every other thing in existence is some sort of reflection of the tower, then should we consider the elderscrolls in summary as some sort of Plato's cave. Where even the Daedra have no actual concept of what reality actually is?