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New Aldmeri Dominion (Thalmor)...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:02 am
by neen

... Ya know, the ones formed in the 4th Era and we get to meet and interact with in Skyrim? Yeah. They are, potentially, the most deadliest thing in all of The Elder Scrolls Universe, in a sense at least.

I was watching things, reading up on the lore of the series of our beloved game, and all of that stuff. After awhile, I remembered what the New Aldmeri Dominion is trying to do and realize that this literally has the potential to really undo everything good and cause an alternate timeline where, well, everyone dies. At least if I remember correctly... The Aldmeri Dominion wants to basically end Talos. Using the belief that if they can find a way to end worship of Talos permanently, then the God would possibly die as well or something to that liking. Correct me if I'm wrong here. Now, this is just me thinking and speculating but if the Aldmeri Dominion actually succeeded at this, wouldn't this cause another dragon break which ends up rewriting history once again, completely undoing Talos from the timeline?

If that is the case, then technically speaking, the timeline will basically start rewriting itself at Daggerfall. For people who don't necessary know, Talos didn't existed in the timeline at all during the events of Arena and Daggerfall. It was the ending of Daggerfall which caused the dragon break which spawned Talos, rewriting history to make it seem like that Tiber Septim became Talos while in reality Talos is the combination of three powerful souls (one of which was Tiber Septim himself) that were combined in death at the ending of Daggerfall and caused the dragon break.

So, in essence, this new dragon break will basically undo this one. Which means, Talos was never created but also means a lot of other possibilities. Since in the game, you get to choose who you give the power to, many different possibilities could potentially happened. One of which could be where NONE of them happened and the power was really just never used. If it was never used, this means that the people of the Illaic Bay would still be at war with one another, possibly eventually causing the collapse of the Empire back then or at least partial collapse. This also means that the Underking would still be around, King of Worms never became a God, Orcs never became accepted, and so on. Causing a very violent struggle and possibly a constant warring between nations where the Nerevarine never would've been sent to Morrowind (eventually causing Dagoth Ur's plans to succeed) which would just add more to the pile... Then you got the Oblivion Crisis that would be happening, combined with the world ending by Alduin much much later (due to no "Last Dragonborn", if we assumed that the Last Dragonborn isn't a Shezzarine but rather someone created by Talos, or a form of Talos. Whichever you wanna believe)...

Tamriel and the world of Nirn would be totally dead and ended. Gone. Whatever you want to say... Which means, the Aldmeri Dominion is potentially the most dangerous enemy to well everyone, including themselves, since world ending means everyone dies. In a way, it sounds kinda cool to see this alternate timeline happening but at the same time as an "what if" rather than an actual continuation of events. Because I really don't want to see Nirn ending and I really want to see the Aldmeri Dominion to basically get defeated...

Anyways, what you guys think would happen if the Aldmeri Dominion ultimately win? You think another timeline would be made or what? I mean, I feel like a dragon break could easily happen if Talos is ultimately removed/destroyed (however you wanna say it) but who knows... Bethesda's game. Bethesda's lore.