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Redguard's 3D files: need help with MAXscript

PostPosted: Wed Sep 14, 2016 10:08 am
by Epul Kedah

Since a while now i'm a fan of the old Adventure game Redguard (1998) and when i recently learned 3D modelling, i wondered if it was possible to access the files of that game to edit them, mod the game or just have fun with them.... i googled quite for a long time, but it turns out that a facepunch user actually created a script for 3dsmax for exactly this purpose, and used it successfully. unfortunately, this happened a few years ago, and today it seems like he doesnt have much time for thhings like that anymore. So i tried to use this script, and 3dsmax 2017 showed the user interface as expected, but in the end nothing happens when i try to import a random 3DC or ROB file. I know there are still some Redguard fans in this communnity, and it seems like i have to request someone's help, who is willing to test or improve this script.

you will find it here:

pastebin [delete this because i cant post links yet] .com/YgfPeXVX