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A quest idea for TES 6

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 9:10 am
by Robyn Lena

Hi all. I am new to the forum. So, if these kind of posts have a separate thread, please tell me so that I will move it. That said, I had a idea for a side quest in TES 6 and wanted to know if anyone else like it.

Imagine a powerful dremora lord, someone like a general of Mehrunes Dagon, who came to Tamriel during Oblivion crisis. However, this guy is not happy with his life. So, when Dagon was defeated, he chose to live in Tamriel instead of returning back to oblivion. He has lived in secrecy all these years, enjoying his freedom. But now Dagon has found him and wanted to punish him. I think this could be a cool daedric quest. Dagon could enlist the player to kill the dremora. The player can work with Mythic Dawn in hunting the dremora. And ultimately given the choice of either killing the dremora or helping him fight Dagon. Maybe we can have him join us as a companion. How awesome it would be to roam around Tamriel with a dremora lord as a follower? :-D

So.....what do you guys think?

A quest idea for TES 6

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 11:00 pm
by Robert Bindley

We have a thread for suggestion on future TES games:

Feel free to repost there.