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Disable "Questing for idiots" map/compass markers?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:51 am
by Neliel Kudoh
Is there some way to completely disable the quest markers on the map and the compass?

I want to experience the joy of discovery and finding solutions to quest puzzles on my own without the game hand-holding me through the entire process. If I want that help I want to be able to toggle it on, and then turn it off again.

Why can't I click on the selected quest to unselect it, so that NO quest is selected? I have seen this occur in Fallout 3, such as after solving a quest line. For a while no quest is selected and there are no map markers. But as soon as I find a new quest it becomes actives and cannot be unselected.

At least with Fallout 3, I was able to leave the Replicated Man until the absolute very end to solve, because that quest has no markers on it. I have not yet run across a Vegas quest without markers like that.

Disable "Questing for idiots" map/compass markers?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:44 am
by Spencey!
Is there some way to completely disable the quest markers on the map and the compass?

I want to experience the joy of discovery and finding solutions to quest puzzles on my own without the game hand-holding me through the entire process. If I want that help I want to be able to toggle it on, and then turn it off again.

Why can't I click on the selected quest to unselect it, so that NO quest is selected? I have seen this occur in Fallout 3, such as after solving a quest line. For a while no quest is selected and there are no map markers. But as soon as I find a new quest it becomes actives and cannot be unselected.

At least with Fallout 3, I was able to leave the Replicated Man until the absolute very end to solve, because that quest has no markers on it. I have not yet run across a Vegas quest without markers like that.

If you're on PC, there is a mod or 2 out there that disable this feature. I'd try a quick search for what you're looking for, if that's the case.

If you're on a console, well... tough cookies, I guess. You'll have to learn to live with it. :sadvaultboy:

Disable "Questing for idiots" map/compass markers?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:17 pm
by Flutterby
Should have been a trait. :lol:

**Honestly I don't mind markers in theory... It is usefull sometimes to get your bearings... But I'd prefer the accuracy of the pointer be :shrug: toned down a bit... For example if you had a quest with Sneaky Pete, then the pointer could loosely point in the direction of Goodsprings ~not personally at Sneaky Pete. (The fact that he may not be in Goodsprings is fine by me).

Disable "Questing for idiots" map/compass markers?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:45 am
by Amy Cooper
I understand how you feel, however you need to keep in mind that this game, like Fallout 3, is 100% reliant on quest markers. You WILL NOT receive directions to specific locations, and will have to look at your map and see the map marker the quest added to know where you're going. But if you do that, it's not really much different than using quest markers.

Disable "Questing for idiots" map/compass markers?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:21 am
by Maya Maya
Should have been a trait. :lol:

You're very good at writing down and remembering directions to the general area you have to go. The problem is, you never know the exact location in that area that you need to go.

When given a POI to go to, the directions to it are stored in your Pip-Boy in text under the Misc tab. However, no compass markers show up on your compass or any of your maps.

Exactly like the journal system in Morrowind.

That actually sounds like an interesting mod idea... :huh:

Disable "Questing for idiots" map/compass markers?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:34 am
by Loane
Or implemented in future games since it would be an improvement. I also resent the easy mode options in games like this. Sure I choose not to use them but it still feels lame in a sense, that it exists.

hardcoe mode shows that people are interested in removing the training wheels that have been accepted for too long in games. SOME games simply should not be easy, and Fallout is one of them! imo. Maybe in future hardcoe mode the compass won't be as all knowing.

Disable "Questing for idiots" map/compass markers?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:07 am
by April D. F
Or implemented in future games since it would be an improvement. I also resent the easy mode options in games like this. Sure I choose not to use them but it still feels lame in a sense, that it exists.

hardcoe mode shows that people are interested in removing the training wheels that have been accepted for too long in games. SOME games simply should not be easy, and Fallout is one of them! imo. Maybe in future hardcoe mode the compass won't be as all knowing.

Given the lack of a journal and proper quest descriptions in the log im glad to have the waypoints. Proved quite useful in the heavilly radiated camp searchlight.

Disable "Questing for idiots" map/compass markers?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:07 am
by Breanna Van Dijk
Is there some way to completely disable the quest markers on the map and the compass?

I want to experience the joy of discovery and finding solutions to quest puzzles on my own without the game hand-holding me through the entire process. If I want that help I want to be able to toggle it on, and then turn it off again.

Why can't I click on the selected quest to unselect it, so that NO quest is selected? I have seen this occur in Fallout 3, such as after solving a quest line. For a while no quest is selected and there are no map markers. But as soon as I find a new quest it becomes actives and cannot be unselected.

At least with Fallout 3, I was able to leave the Replicated Man until the absolute very end to solve, because that quest has no markers on it. I have not yet run across a Vegas quest without markers like that.

That'll be useful there are some quest that i really dont want to do just yet or just dont want to do them.