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Weather Reseting

PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 11:07 am
by KIng James

Hi there good people of the forums,

First of all, I'm sorry if this kind of question has been asked before. The search, and advanced search options seem to give me absolutely 0 results no matter what I ask it to give me, and no matter what settings I apply...

Anways, I've been trying to make a mod that does some rather significant changes to the weather of the Mojave wasteland, and have gotten the weather to correctly appear whenever I enter the wasteland, or travel to a different part of it. The problem occurs (very suddenly, I might add) when I'm playing: all of the sudden, the weather will go from what I had it as, to completely clear, and stay as a very generic weather, until I fast-travel or use COC. I can confirm this is not caused by mod conflicts.

Has anyone run into this trouble before? Does anyone know how to fix this kind of issue?

Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated!