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Trying (And failing) to create first script

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 2:09 am
by Dale Johnson

Greetings, people and similar! I come before you today as a lowly script-kiddie - confused and lost, but determined (and slightly hungry). I made a post several months ago along the lines of "OMG I'M NEW WHAT AM I DOING". Well, I've been taking a few computer science classes since so I'm not quite as totally inept - but I'm still having trouble creating perks using scripts. I can't quite work out what's going wrong.

The idea behind what I'm trying is creating a series of "grinder" perks. Grinders, Biohacking - modifying the body to function better, and my interpretation (thus far) mostly revolves around collecting chems and stacking them in inventory for a passive benefit rather than actually using them. This attempt in particular I call "Resurgence" - with this perk, once a day, a limb which would become crippled will be replenished with a small percentage of condition left - as well as giving a short-term boost to speed and strength. It revolves around hydra - from Greek legend, cutting off the head of the hydra causes it to grow another three. So similarly, with this perk, crippling a character's legs causes them to - if only briefly - run much faster while restoring a little portion of condition.



So, the idea is that hydraCount is the number of hydra in inventory, and when a limb is crippled, it is restored to (hydraCount) condition. Each limb has its own counter (which I took from implant GRX's refresh script) which determines if it that limb has been healed already today. I haven't implemented it yet, but hConcussion, lForce, rRush etc. would be short-term bonuses applied on the crippling.

So there's the script thus far - the result in-game is ... well ... nothing happening. I'm entirely unsure if the fault is in the script or how I've applied the script, so I figured I'd put it here so one of you lovely attractive intelligent individuals might be able to point out if it has gone wrong - then I can work my way through what might be the issue via process of elimination.

Cheers all