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Has it ever bothered you that damage only considers total AR

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 1:26 am
by Lew.p

I was looking through the fallout wiki in order to determine how and if your head gear affected how much damage you received if receiving a head shot and vice versa for enemies you kill.

Short answer? Doesn't matter. If two enemies have the same overall armor value from their armor, one wearing a bandana and the other with power armor helmet, a headshot will do the same damage to both (everything else equal).

It's one thing I wish the Fallout series did better on. I love that location damage is in and has different effects (perception issues if head is crippled, movement speed reduction if legs are crippled, 2x damage to head), but it's unfortunate that armor value on different body parts isn't reflected in the damage caused calculations.

Unless I'm wrong?