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THIS IS ENOUGH - DLC content glich (Sink Auto-Doc)

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 3:39 pm
by Silencio
I played the game with a lot of crashes, with a lot of visual bugs and a bugs, i have a bug in a mision and i cant complete it, i have to replay the game because in the ending the game not stop crashing, YEARS have past and Obsidian/Bethesda never fix these problems.
I like the game, i love some characters, i loved the story but this is enough and if i dont have a solution (and for the others players too) i really considering demanding Bethesda.
In the DLC ''Old world blues'' literally i cant use the others options of Sink Auto-Doc. This problem ONLY affects the spanish version of the game/dlc.
I searched for a solution and i only saw a lot of people trying to get response but obviously, they never got a answer.
This is inaceptable, bugs in the main game are 'ok'', bugs in not much relevant mision ''ok...'' but content of a dlc who affects only a idiom version because probably is just a translation problem, i don't will accept that.