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Looking for combat simulator mod

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:38 pm
by Rex Help

I'm working on some Challenges that relate to using as many weapons as possible to defeat enemies.

But even with the Improved Wasteland Spawns mod, there still isn't enough carnage to go around.

I tried a portable NPC spawner, but it's not really contained enough for my liking.

Does anyone know of an Arena or Combat Simulator mod that meets the criteria listed below?

1. Isolated from the main map.

An instanced room, preferably a large one, so I don't get damage from the blast of my rocket launcher.

Sniper Nests would be appreciated, since some of the weapons specified only work over long range and need frequent reloading.

2. A function to call in enemies, as few or as many as I want.

That way I can replace them when they are defeated.

3. A clear function.

When the battle is over, I would prefer that the defeated enemies are removed from the map, so as not to tax the game's memory.

Looking for combat simulator mod

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 8:14 pm
by Saul C

Well there's for one. It has it's own world space separate from the main game world and there's some ample space to use explosives. The battles are random but infinite and the map does get cleaned up after each battle.

I haven't used it yet but might be of interest to you, just read through the description.

Looking for combat simulator mod

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:22 pm
by Ricky Meehan

Thank you for the recommendation of Checkpoint Gary, it is precisely what I need to work on my Perks.

I am confused by the way the NPC Troopers are reacting to the use of

They keep shouting like they don't want it pointed at them when I am aiming it out into the canyon.

Looking for combat simulator mod

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:54 pm
by Emily Martell

Thats controlled by a dialogue topic "PLAYER IN IRON SITES"

Why that particular mod is bringing it up so often that I'm guessing you find it annoying ... Can't really say.

But you can disable it for those particular NPC's

Just load up that mod file ... then bring up those NPC's ... click the dialogue button to bring up all their topics ... and select "PLAYER IN IRON SITES"

At the far left of the Info box will tell you what quest to find it ... Probably GenericadvltCombat ... Then notice what voice type the NPC's are using , and open that quest. Then go to "Topic Tab > PLAYERINIRONSITES > and remove their voice type from the conditions of each response info.

Thats to make that change with as little reprecussions ... but you could just delete the Quest , Topic , or responses.

Add edit : Wanted to add ... to make that change specific to only certain NPC's instead of all that use that voice type.

You can add a condition of "GetIsID {their ID} != 1 ... which means not equal ... just like the "Lucky38Marylin" condition for that topic in the GenericadvltCombat quest.