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Random Freezes/Crashes?

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2011 3:05 am
by kiss my weasel
I was curious if there is something in-game that triggers some of the freezes. All of my freezes occur randomly and I can't seem to find a pattern. How is this happening? I thought maybe it occurs because of playing too much at one time, but that theory was crushed when I turned the game on and played for about 20 minutes today before experiencing a freeze.

Random Freezes/Crashes?

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 4:39 pm
by Amiee Kent
My crashes always happen when i attempt to go anywhere near the western part of the map. For me this is a huge gamebreaker as i cannot do half the quests i have left over since they require me to travel to that part of the map.

I have no idea why i cant access it, it seems there is a 'barrier' than when i reach it the screen either freezes, goes grey or i get a dirty disc error (installed on HDD, not installed and tried on 2 different disc's!) other than that ive only had 1 game freeze outside of that area.

I have no idea what trigger's it, from what ive seen the people who cant get into the strip dont have problems travelling the world map, maybe for me having access to the strip there had to be a trade off lol -.-

Random Freezes/Crashes?

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 7:21 pm
by Jennie Skeletons
Ah finally, a thread that shares my problem. The game crashes randomly and I've clocked about 110 hours. I've had the Black Screen of Death twice in Novac (and nowhere else). I have no idea what's going on but I'm not playing it anymore. If I can't workaround the issue (or even figure it out) then it's officially screwed in my book. These crashes can happen at anytime with no common denominator.

In addition I have one more (potentially minor) problem. I'm a hoarder and I want 2 (100% condition) of everything (Armour, Weapons etc). With Weapons I get 2 perfect unmodded examples, 1 perfect fully modded and 1 of the unique weapon (obviously). With Armour/Clothing, I have just 2 of everything. With Food/Aid/Miscellanious Crafting Items I gather 100 of those (ie Gecko Steaks, Stimpaks, Wonderglues, Wrenches). All in all, my Motel Room in Novac is full to overflowing with stuff, however I have 2 critical problems.

First problem : I get 2 items at 100% but when I store them together, one of them disappears. When I remove the one copy of said item, the other one reappears again. Why is this happening?

Secondly, instead of disappearing, the item will be stored as a separate item (most notably an issue with Powder Ganger Clothes). For example, I'll have 4 Powder Ganger Guard Armours and as I add each one to the Wardrobe they'll appear like this :

Powder Ganger Guard Armor,
Powder Ganger Guard Armor,
Powder Ganger Guard Armor,
Powder Ganger Guard Armor.

When they should appear like this :

Powder Ganger Guard Armor (4).

This is infuriating and may be causing my freezes (imo). And don't even get me started on Weapon Repair Kits. 95% of items repaired via Weapon Repair Kits will not stack/store properly, yet when repaired otherwise (Major Knight, or "the hard way"), they work fine.

So, given the mess, I've decided to stop playing because I can't do anything. I'm just totally lost for what to do.

Random Freezes/Crashes?

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 8:06 pm
by Strawberry
I have noticed an item storage issue myself when i store apparel at the Lucky 38, also for weapons i had 2 service rifle's, 1 was modded the other was standard yet it always puts away the modded one first when infact thats the one i want to keep in my inventory.

Hopefully a patch can fix crashes but i fear since my crashes are limited to the exact same quarter of the area map, im buggered.