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[RELz] More Perks for New Vegas

PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:25 pm
by Benito Martinez
Name: More Perks Mod (MPM for abbr.)
Author: Dree74
Version: 1.0.2
Requirement: Fallout NV.esm
Date: October 30th 2010.
Nexus Link:

More Perks from Fallout 3 continues in New Vegas!

There are currently 75 perks at the moment, many of them came from Fallout 3 Version of More Perks Mod.
In NV version, most of them are revised to fit into NV and take advantage of NV assets, but the core concept
that be able to make Luck and Action Points much more useful remains the same.

Also, many scripts have been written from the scratch and I optimized and fixed many errors that I made from the original More Perks.
Even so, I haven't fully tested all the perks and they may not function as expected.

Back in Fo3, one thing that bothered me the most was the fact that some people can't figure out how the perk function and what the FormID for each perk.

If you come across a problem, first look at the perk details in data\more perks\perk details folder, all 75 perks have each of thier own perk detail.txt
and the file includes specific condition and script and some abilities that are now shown in the little perk description screen.

And Finally, I offer +1 Kudo/Rep to whoever finds bug/glitch/spelling error/technical error/annoyance in More Perks Mod.

Thank you and enjoy.

Table of Content

1) Installation/Uninstallation Procedure
2) Colored Word List
3) Perk List
4) Version History
5) Credits
6) List of Contributors
7) License/Contact

1) Installation/Uninstallation Procedure.

I) Installation Procedure

a) Download the More Perks Ver.
c) You will need unzipping applications such as 7zip or WinRar to extract the contents.
d) After the full installation, copy the entire contents in ..\fallout new vegas\data
e) Run the Fallout NV launcher or Mod Manager and load the More Perks.esp
f) If bInvalidateOlderFiles=0, set it to bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 in fallout.ini
(Fallout NV has set it to 1 as default, so if you didn't alter the fallout.ini before, you are set to go.)
(All the critical documents are installed at ..\fallout new vegas\data\More Perks Documentation)

II) Uninstallation Procedure

a) Unload More Perks.esp by using Fallout NV Launcher or Mod Manager.
c) Delete the following content:
..\fallout new vegas\data\meshes\More Perks
..\fallout new vegas\data\textures\More Perks
..\fallout new vegas\data\sound\voice\More Perks
..\fallout new vegas\data\sound\fx\More Perks
..\fallout new vegas\data\More Perks Documentation
..\fallout new vegas\data\More Perks.esp

2) Colored Word List

(Passive) = The effect is on all the time.
(Activate) = Player can activate this talent by pressing E button (default). Most of the Activate perks require player to be sneaking.
(Craft) = Add Blueprint to the workbench or campfire.
(Permanent) = This perk cannot be reverted by using console command "Player.Removeperk"
(Upon Drinking) = This perk requires player to drink alcohol drinks.
(During Invisibility) = During invisibility available via this mod or vanilla Fallout NV.esm
(Item) = Player receives a primary item and all effect is shown through the item.
(One-Time Only) = Event happens only one time.
(Toggle) = Player trigger this event and control the event.

3) Perks (Ver.1.0.2)

- Drink to Last! (level 2) (rank 1) (Activate) (ID: 000801) (Req: +20 Survival)
Only the people who almost died out of thirst knows how precious water is regardless of where it got pumped out of. With this perk, you can fill up any empty bottles from any toilet.

- Bonsai (level 2) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000000) (Req: +20 Science)
Through careful nurturing you have a small fruit tree going growing out of your head. Fruits will appear in your inventory from time to time.

- Destiny Gambler (level 2) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B00) (Req: +6 Luck)
Your journey ahead is full of surprises. Let the dice of destiny decide your fate.

- Bright Side of Life (level 2) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AE0) (Req: +20 Survival)
At least those bullets hitting your body aren't mostly critical...that is one thing to be happy about.

- Swing for the Fence! (level 2) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000ADF) (Req: +20 Melee Weapon or +20 Unarmed)
With Swing for the Fence! perk, you will be able to deal slightly more damage with unarmed or melee attack.

- Where's my pants? (level 4) (rank 1) (One-Time Only) (ID: 000AE1) (Player was allowed to enter New Vegas)
You woke up with bags of money and caps in the middle of nowhere with your pants off.

- One of Prospector (level 4) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AE5) (Req: +30 Barter)
You are now officially a prospector. Thus, you get a trade discount and better repair service from the traveling merchants. Also, your barter skill increase by +5.

- Sunny and Smiling (level 4) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AE4) (Req: +3 Charisma)
Your bright attitude during the day makes other people happy.With this perk, your speech skill increase by 15 from sunrise to sunset.

- Persistent Manner (level 4) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AE2) (Req: +6 Endurance)
You have learned to stay frosty and wait for the right timing. This allows you to score more critical shots in VATs when you aim at an enemy who is reloading.

- Tech Junkie (level 4) (rank 1) (Activate + Passive) (ID: 000AE3) (Req: +30 Repair)
The fun never ends while tinkering around with robots. With this perk, you are able to salvage more scrap metal from dead robots.

- Autodidact (level 6) (rank 1) (Permanent) (ID: 000AE6) (Req: +5 Intelligence and No Power Armor Training)
Congratulations! You have trained yourself how to equip the Power Armors and Helmets.

- Doorbuster (level 6) (rank 1) (Activate) (ID: 000AE8) (Req: +50 Explosives)
Bobby pins are nothing but girl's accessories. From now on, with only a cherry bomb, you will be able to blast the doors open no matter how hard they are locked.

- Field Medic (level 6) (rank 1) (Activate) (ID: 000AFB) (Req: +40 Medicine)
You are a dedicated medic among the comrades. During combat, you can attempt to revive a fallen ally at cost of a super-stimpak.

- Shells for Shelly (level 6) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AEA) (Req: +40 Guns)
You are likely to notice others with shotguns and vice versa. You get to loot more shotgun shells from other shotgun gunners and purchase more shells from the merchants.

- Professional Courier (level 6) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AE7) (Req: +6 All SPECIAL Points)
One of the true talents being a courier is to carry more and move faster and now you have it. You run 10% faster and can carry +20 lbs more.

- Nikola's Shockwave (level 6) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AE9) (Req: +1 Nikola's Shockwave Book )
After reading this "Nikola Tesla and You" over and over again, you discovered a secret method of enhancing yourself from energy projectiles up to +20%.

- Roach Lover (level 6) (rank 2) (Passive) (ID: 0010E5) (Req: +5 Endurance)
Perhaps you should start washing your feet. Everyday at random, groups of radroaches crawl beneath your feet.

- Big League Slugger (level 6) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 002E68) (Req:+30 Melee Weapons)
Your each swing is equivalent to an out-of-park homerun. With this perk, your baseball bat smacks with +25% more damage.

- First Thing First (level 8) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AFE) (Req: +5 Perception, +40 Guns)
You are a careful shooter who knows what the first thing to do when the combat starts. With this perk, before combat starts, you can aim at an enemy's weapon for extremely high accuracy.

- Blind Luck (level 8) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AF3) (Req: Less than 3 Perception)
Your are blind but not doomed. During combat, your luck will be maxed.

- Bottle Rush! (level 8) (rank 1) (Permanent) (ID: 003D18) (Req: +6 Luck)
You are a most thorough scavenger on wasteland. With this perk, you will be able to find more nuka cola and sunset sarsaparillas from crates and refrigerators.

- Fortune Favors Brave (level 8) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AF1) (Req: +6 Strength)
Fortune smiles on you as you are the bravest warrior on the wasteland. Whenever you are charging forward with melee or unarmed weapons, you have +15% to hit critically.

- Friend of Friendless (level 8) (rank 1) (Permanent) (ID: 000AED) (Req: No Companion or friend)
Today must be your lucky day because there is a small animal outside that wishes to be your loyal companion. Be nice and friendly, and it might grow out to be your only life saver.

- Poker Face (level 8) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AF0) (Req: +6 Charisma)
You have a face that is totally unpredictable, and being such person, people who listen to you cannot figure out your real plan. With this perk, you gain +10 speech skill along with some bonus luck at the casino.

- Mutant Hunter (level 8) (rank 3) (Passive) (ID: 000AEE) (Req: +6 Perception)
You are a natural hunter of the wasteland, and thus you can aim more accurately in VATS while hunting supermutants.

- Potato Farmer (level 8) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AEF) (Req: +40 Explosives)
You have realized that some enemies carry more explosives than they appear. From now on, you get to loot extra granades and mines from fallen enemies.

- Too Drunk to Die (level 8) (rank 1) (Upon Drinking) (ID: 000AF2) (Req: Get addicted 5 times or more)
There is absolutely nothing that can put you down as long as you stay drunk. With this perk, your damage threshold raises up by +5 under the effect of alcohol.

- Run Like Winds! (level 8) (rank 5) (Passive) (ID: 000AEC) (Req: +6 Agility)
After a long period of practice, you have finally managed your cardiac level to overcome your natural speed. With each rank of this perk, your speed is boosted by +20%.

- Beanballer (level 10) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AF6) (Req: +60 Explosives)
You have learned to throw your grenades more accurately. With this perk, each grenade that you throw has higher chance to hit the target while in VATS.

- Civilized Bravery (level 10) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AF5) (Req: Player is wearing a pre-war cloth at the time of level-up)
Your braveness comes from a nice and neat look from the past. With this perk, you gain an extra +1 strength and bonus to damage while wearing any pre-war clothing and gambler suits.

- No Time to Think (level 10) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AFA) (Req: +50 Survival)
There is no time to think when your life is at stake while handling your launcher. That's why you are now able to reload 75% faster when your health goes down below 50%.

- Outsmarting Booletz (level 10) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AF9) (Req: +7 Agility)
You may not outsmart your enemy..but maybe you could outsmart their bullets? With this perk, your damage threshold goes up by +5 while moving around.

- Sense of Emergency (level 10) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AF8) (Req: +50 Survival and +30 Medicine)
Your life has been full of fear until you started to get drunk. With this perk, you reach out to alcohol when your health goes down below 80%.

- Two Faces (level 10) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AF7) (Req: Neutral Karma)
Your actions differ by the time of the day. During the day, your medicine and repair skills rise while sneak and lockpick skills rise during the night.

- Unexpected Happiness (level 10) (rank 1) (Permanent) (ID: 000AF4) (Req: +7 Luck)
Today could be the day. From time to time, you will come across certain treasures from the most unexpected container.

- Chemical Engineer (level 12) (rank 1) (Activate) (ID: 000AFC) (Req: +50 Science and +50 Repair)
You, goo, and ammo are in a love triangle. With this perk, you can turn goo and ash into energy ammo.

- Famous Survivor (level 12) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AFF) (Req: +30 Days Passed)
Yup, the one and only one, the famous courier has done it again! and this time, all the wastelanders know your deed. Your charisma is increased by +1 and the traders of the Mojave will now grant you a+25% discount.

- One Way or Another (level 12) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AFB) (Req: +50 Guns and +50 Explosives)
...and here you thought sniper rifles were the only weapons that could score headshots. With this perk, aiming at heads in VATS with launcher weapon will deal a fatal amount of damage.

- Tactical Strategist (level 12) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B00) (Req: +6 Intelligence and +60 Guns)
You mastered the use of VATS and thus, your overall damage in VATS is increased by 10%.

- Tech Wizard (level 12) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AFD) (Req: +6 Intelligence)
You spent your formative years hunched over a bench learning tech stuff. Your science and repair skills increase by +5. Also, you gained a +5% resistance to all types of energy projectiles.

- Dubious Craftsman (level 14) (rank 1) (Craft) (ID: 00515C) (Req: +200 Crafted History)
Your crafting skill is beyond limit. With this perk, you will be able to forge NCR money with pre-war money and Legion Coins with scrap metals.

- Ghoulficated Heart (level 14) (rank 1) (Permanent) (ID: 000B02) (Req: Very Good Karma)
Your angelic mind waves throughout the Mojave. Now the Feral Ghouls show respect for your presence. With this perk, nearby feral ghouls will come to aid you in combat.

- Heavy Marksmanship (level 14) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B03) (Req: + 7 Perception)
The chance to hit the target in VATS with your launcher weapons becomes more precise depending on how long you observe their movements.

- I seeee yooou!! (level 14) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B0E) (Req: Sniper Perk)
No one can escape from you regardless of how desperately they run. With this perk, your rifle will have a higher critical chance while ironsighting or zooming in when you aim at those who try to flee.

- Pipboy Upgrade (level 14) (rank 1) (Passive + Toggle) (ID: 000B04) (Req: +50 Medicine and +50 Science)
You decided to add extra functionality into pipboy. The pipboy will announce when there is an enemy nearby and inject chems automatically during combat.

- Sharpshooter (level 14) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B05) (Req: +7 Perception)
You have learned how to use your brains in battle. You are able to quickly calculate how the a bullet will fly under current conditions. With this perk, you can aim more accurately when the target is farther away.

- Smooth Criminal (level 14) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B06) (Req: +50 Sneak)
The experience of becoming a legendary thief starts with the Smooth Criminal perk. With this perk, you are granted a +10 sneak skills and a bit of invisibility while slowly sneaking into someone else's property.

- Turret Expert (level 14) (rank 1) (Activate) (ID: 000B01) (Req: Robotic Expert Perk)
Tired of using terminals to turn off the pesky turrets? Well, with this perk, you can now deactivate and reconfigure turrets anytime.

- Fading Fingerprints (level 16) (rank 1) (Item + Toggle) (ID: 000B0C) (Req: +50 Sneak and +50 Science)
You have successfully salvaged a set of pre-war tech that seems to be some stealthboy prototypes. After some proper repairs, you managed to make to make it so this unique stealthboy drains the user's action points instead of a one-time-only battery.

- Heavily Trained (level 16) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B07) (Req: +60 Guns)
Due to your outstanding training technique, your skill in using heavy weapons has been broadly improved. With this perk, When you are using a heavy weapon, both reload speed increases and gun spread decreases.

- Play with Fire (level 18) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B0B) (Req: Pyromaniac Perk)
You have mastered the handling of flames coming out of pyromaniac weapons. With this perk, your fire resistance is instantly increased by +25% and an extra +15% while using any fire based weapons.

- Art of Pain (level 18) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B0F) (Req: +8 Endurance)
You have overcome the incurable disease. Your overall damage and critical damage is raised as you get hurt and irradiated.

- Pathfinder (level 18) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B0D) (Req: +8 Perception)
You have mastered being a rat in a trap, and as such, your perception will be maxed whenever you are indoors. Also, your overall speed is increased by 10%.

- Wimp in Silence (level 18) (rank 1) (During Invisibility) (ID: 000B10) (Req: +70 Sneak)
You have grown up to be shy in public. Thus, your real potential only comes out when you use a stealth boy. With this perk, you inflict significantly more damage while under the effect of any stealthboy.

- Limb Grinder (level 18) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B09) (Req: +6 Perception and +60 Guns)
The joy of killing is when body parts of your enemy break apart. With this perk, when you aim at body parts in VATS, you deal more damage and critical damage as you fire a handled weapon such as minigun or gatling laser.

- Burning Sunlight (level 18) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B08) (Req: Pyromaniac Perk)
Burn! Burn 'em all! With this perk, your critical hits for all pyromaniac weapons are more frequent and more lethal under the bright daylight.

- Kleptomaniac Punch (level 20) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B13) (Req: +70 Unarmed and +70 Sneak)
Your stealing technique is quite artistic. With this perk, each punch has a chance to steal all of their equipment.

- Mojave Investor (level 20) (rank 3) (Permanent) (ID: 000B11) (Req: +80 Barter)
The economy of the Mojave Wasteland is in your hands. Most merchants will now have much more caps to barter with you.

- Neutral Party (level 20) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B12) (Req: Neutral Karma and +70 Speech)
Nobody can attempt to mimic your persuasion of neutrality. With this perk, you look more charismatic as long as you maintain your neutral karma.

- Double Slash (level 22) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B14) (Req: +7 Luck and +70 Melee Weapons)
Within a blink of an eye, your enemy may get sliced in half...thanks to that stranger with blade. With this perk, when you fight with a melee weapon, a vault dweller with a sword will occasionally appear during the battle.

- Mutual Attraction (level 22) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B16) (Req: +9 Charisma)
You are a fair fighter and usually gain respect among your enemies. With this perk, some enemies that you are fighting randomly surrender and join your side.

- Knife in the Shadow (level 22) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B17) (Req: +70 Melee Weapons and +70 Sneak)
You have mastered a most devastating backstab move. With this perk, your critical hits inflicts fatal damage when you sneak up on a target unnoticed and attack with your one-handed, blade weapon.

- Peer Pressured (level 22) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B15) (Req: +2 Followers or More)
You feel anxious when you can't meet the expectations of those who follow you. With this perk, your overall attack speed increases by the total number of followers.

- Ability to Focus (level 24) (rank 1) (Activate) (ID: 000B19) (Req: +8 Endurance and +8 Intelligence)
You have gained an ability to focus, which maximizes your science skill for 5 seconds. When you sneak in front of locked terminal, you are able to "Focus" to start hacking the computer at the cost of 50 action points.

- Inspiring Leader (level 24) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B18) (Req: +90 Speech)
You sometimes forget to distinguish between companions and slaves. Either way, your life is much easier. Your action points and carry weights increase depending on the total number of current companions.

- Grease Monkey (level 26) (rank 1) (Craft) (ID: 000B1C) (Req: Robot Expert Perk)
After all this time working with robots, you managed to create blueprints for almost all robots found in the wasteland. You can craft Robot Deployable Kits from workbench.

- Weapon Repair Master (level 26) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B1B) (Req: +90 Repair)
Searching for a pair of your favorite weapon just for repairing is no longer necessary. With this perk, your weapon will slowly repair itself at the cost of action points.

- Cancerous Growth (level 28) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B1E) (Req: +90 Survival)
You have mutated so badly that you gain health over time and even regenerate broken limbs.

- Steel Behind Suit (level 28) (rank 1) (Craft) (ID: 000B1D) (Req: +80 Repair and +80 Science)
Your outstanding repair skills and science skills have adapted the technique of converting any pre-war suits or gambler suits to power armors.

- Face of Deception (level 30) (rank 1) (Item) (ID: 000B1A) (Req: +10 Charisma)
You have invented a mask to disguise your true nature. Upon equipping, you can disguise your karma to any of your choice.

- The New Era (level 30) (rank 1) (Activate) (ID: 000B1F) (Req: +50 Quests Done)
With this perk, you can access the Love Tester Machine from Doc Michelle's house any time.

- Rise and Shine (level 30) (rank 1) (Activate) (ID: 000B20) (Req: +100 Medicine)
Rise and shine...and smell the ash. With this perk, you can sneak up on dead human bodies and resurrect them as powerful glowing ones.

- Special Op. (level 30) (rank 1) (Item) (ID: 000B21) (Req: +100 Explosives)
You have acquired what is left of a pre-war military device that retained contact with an automated silo. Once you upload the coordinates, upon pressing the button, the most devastating missiles will fall from the sky.

4) Version History

Ver.1.0.2. (10/30/2010)

- Changed the Perk Name "Compressionist" to "Steel Behind Suit" since player is not actually compressing the power armor.
- Fixed minor spelling and grammar errors.
- Unexpected Happiness: Fixed the issue that player always finds expensive items at every container.
- Both Unexpected Happiness and Bottle Rush can now be reverted by using console command.
- Fixed the incorrect messages in the documents

Ver.1.0.1. (10/30/2010)

- Increased the Doorbuster requirement to +50 Explosives.
- Fixed the spelling errors in the descriptions.

Ver.1.0.0. (10/29/2010)

- Initial Release.

5) Credits.

Many good ideas came from people who left comments on original more perks in Fallout 3 Nexus.
and there are people who I forgot to keep their names, some ideas came from the Bethesda forum.

I lower my virtual hat if you are one of those people.
And Special thanks goes to Bethesda and Obsidian for one awesome game.

6) List of Contributors

1) Weirwynn from Bethesda NV Mod Forum : Fixed and Corrected the spelling errors (10/30/2010)

7) License/Contact

To be frankly honest, most of the contents were already created by BlackIsle/Bethesda/Obsidian
All I did was just putting them together, If you wish to use the pipboy images that I uploaded, feel free to do so.
It would still be a nice gesture if you provide credits.

My e-mail is tied to this Nexus account, so if you PM me, I would see it within 24 hours.

Only thing that I wouldn't allow is to let someone integrate the entire More Perks into their overhaul mod.
If I don't respond to your PM within 3 days, take that as a "No."


[RELz] More Perks for New Vegas

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:34 am
by asako
really like this, some may be overpowered like the doorblaster one

also how does this affect other mods?

[RELz] More Perks for New Vegas

PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:26 pm
by Laura-Jayne Lee
really like this, some may be overpowered like the doorblaster one

also how does this affect other mods?

I have the same qualms about the Doorblaster. Reach 40 Explosives and the Lockpick skill becomes essentially irrelevant.

BTW, I noticed a few typos in the description of Special Op. I've edited it to my satisfaction.

You've acquired what is left of a pre-war military device that still keeps contact with an automated silo. Once you upload the coordinates, upon pressing the button, the most devastating missiles will fall from the sky.

Otherwise, very intriguing list of Perks.

[RELz] More Perks for New Vegas

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:41 am
by Enie van Bied
thank you pnutman, I am going to copy that descriptions over and update it.

I did my best and I didnt touch or alter any of the main content except the GREETING for travelling merchant. Other than that, there shouldn't be any conflict with other mods.

[RELz] More Perks for New Vegas

PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:38 pm
by alyssa ALYSSA
I think "Face of Deception" should be changed since Karma isn't as important. It should be changed to make disguising more effective so that you can't be discovered while disguised.

PS. I don't think Doorblaster is overpowered since from the description it only effects doors and most of the good stuff is in locked boxes and safes.

[RELz] More Perks for New Vegas

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:54 am
by jennie xhx
maybe instead of karma change it to reputation?

as for the doorblaster being door only, you should add a clarification saying it's purely for doors

[RELz] More Perks for New Vegas

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:48 am
by Robyn Lena
Just quickly glancing over the list and not fully reading it yet, I stumbled on this minor spelling error:

- I seeee yooou!! (level 14) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B0E) (Req: Sniper Perk)
Mo one can escape from you regardless of how desperately they run.

Should read "NO one" not "MO one".

[RELz] More Perks for New Vegas

PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:21 pm
by Lilit Ager
Just started a new game for this, sounds great. Whats the Destiny Gambler perk do though? I'm at the first level up screen right now and I'm not sure if I should take it.

[RELz] More Perks for New Vegas

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:49 am
by Chloe Lou
@ Daela: thank you, I can't believe I missed that one after reading it over and over again. I fixed it to "No one".

@ Necro: To be really honest, I haven't played the game..Im not familiar with reputation system.

Just started a new game for this, sounds great. Whats the Destiny Gambler perk do though? I'm at the first level up screen right now and I'm not sure if I should take it.

@ CaptainCannibal: once you download the file, find this document file.

../More Perks Documentation/More Perks for New Vegas/Perk Detail/Destiny Gambler.txt

It has all 44 effects possible outcomes, along with effect script to show you how and when it functions.

[RELz] More Perks for New Vegas

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:12 am
by Jessie
And Finally, I offer +1 Kudo/Rep to whoever finds bug/glitch/spelling error/technical error/annoyance in More Perks Mod.

Well since you specifically asked...

- Persistent Manner (level 4) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AE2) (Req: +6 Endurance)
You have learned to stay frosty and wait for the right timing. This allows you to score more critical shots in VATs when you aim the enemy who is reloading.

Should be "when you aim at an enemy who is reloading"

- Tech Junkie (level 4) (rank 1) (Activate + Passive) (ID: 000AE3) (Req: +30 Repair)
The fun never ends while tinkering around with robots. With this perk, you are able to salvage more metals from dead robots.

Metals should not be plural, we can't loot more than one type of metal. Either "salvage more metal from..." or specifically "salvage more scrap metal from..."

- Autodidact (level 6) (rank 1) (Permanent) (ID: 000AE6) (Req: +5 Intelligence and No Power Armor Training)
Congratulation! You trained yourself how to equip the Power Armors and Power Helmets.

"You have trained yourself"
"equip power[...]". Personally I'd also say "equip powered armor and helmets." but that's just writing style.

- Doorbuster (level 6) (rank 1) (Activate) (ID: 000AE8) (Req: +40 Explosives)
Bobbypin is nothing but girl's accessory. From now on, with only a cherry bomb, you will be able to blast the doors open no matter how hard they are locked.

"A bobby pin is nothing but a girl's accessory" or "Bobby pins are nothing but girl's accessories."

- Field Medic (level 6) (rank 1) (Activate) (ID: 000AFB) (Req: +40 Medicine)
You are a dedicated medic among the comrades. During the combat, you can attempt to revive a fallen ally at cost of a super-stimpak.

"During combat"

- Shells for Shelly (level 6) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AEA) (Req: +40 Guns)
You are likely to notice others with shotguns and vice versa. You get to loot more shotgun shells from other shotgun gunners and purchase more amount of shells from the merchants.

"purchase more shells from merchants" or "purchase a larger amount of shells from merchants"

- Professional Courier (level 6) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AE7) (Req: +6 All SPECIAL Points)
One of the true talent about being a courier is to carry more and move faster and now you have it. You run 10% faster and can carry +20 lbs more.

"true talents of being a courier"

- Nikola's Shockwave (level 6) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AE9) (Req: +1 Nikola's Shockwave Book )
After reading this "Nikola Tesla and You" over and over again, you discovered a secret method of enhancing yourself from energy projectile up to +20%.

"enhancing energy projectiles by up to 20%"

- Roach Lover (level 6) (rank 2) (Passive) (ID: 0010E5) (Req: +5 Endurance)
Perhaps you should start washing your feet. Everyday at random, group of radroaches crawl beneath your feet.

"groups of radroaches crawl"
"crawl beneath your feet" or "crawl out from beneath your feet" depending on the meaning

- Big League Slugger (level 6) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 002E68) (Req:+30 Melee Weapons)
Your each swing is equivalent to an out-of-park homerun. With this perk, your baseball bat smacks +25% more damage.

"smacks with 25% more damage" or "hits with 25% more damage"

- First Thing First (level 8) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AFE) (Req: +5 Perception, +40 Guns)
You are a careful shooter who knows what the first thing to do when the combat starts. With this perk, before the combat starts, you can aim at enemy's weapon for extremely high accuracy.

"before combat starts"
"you can aim at an enemy's weapon with extremely high accuracy"

- Blind Luck (level 8) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AF3) (Req: Less than 3 Perception)
Your are blind but not doomed. During the combat, your luck will be maxed.

"during combat"

- Bottle Rush! (level 8) (rank 1) (Permanent) (ID: 003D18) (Req: +6 Luck)
You are a most thorough scavenger on wasteland. With this perk, you will be able to find more nuka cola and sunset sarsaparillas from crates and refrigerator.


- Fortune Favors Brave (level 8) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AF1) (Req: +6 Strength)
Fortune smiles on you as you are the bravest warrior on the wasteland. Whenever you are charging forward with melee or unarmed weapon, you have +15% higher chance to score critical.

"or unarmed weapons, you have a 15% higher"
"to score critical hits." or "to hit critically" or maybe "to score criticals"

- Mutant Hunter (level 8) (rank 3) (Passive) (ID: 000AEE) (Req: +6 Perception)
You are a natural hunter of the wasteland, and thus you can aim more accurately in VATS while hunting the supermutants.

"hunting supermutants"

- Potato Farmer (level 8) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AEF) (Req: +40 Explosives)
You realized that some enemies carry more explosives than they appear. From now on, you get to loot extra granades and mines from fallen enemies.

"You have realized"

- Too Drunk to Die (level 8) (rank 1) (Upon Drinking) (ID: 000AF2) (Req: Get addicted 5 times or more)
There is absolutely nothing that can put you down as long as you stay drunk. With this perk, your damage threshold raise up by +5 under the effect of alcohol.

"threshold raises by"

- Run Like Winds! (level 8) (rank 5) (Passive) (ID: 000AEC) (Req: +6 Agility)
After a long period of practice, you finally managed your cardiac level to overcome the natural speed. With each rank of this perk, your speed is boosted by +20%.

"you have finally managed"
"overcome your natural speed"

- Beanballer (level 10) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AF6) (Req: +60 Explosives)
You have learned to throw your grenade more accurately. With this perk, each grenade that you throw has higher chance to hit the target while in VATS.

"throw your grenades more accurately"

- Civilized Bravery (level 10) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AF5) (Req: Player is wearing a pre-war cloth at the time of level-up)
Your braveness comes from nice and neat look from the past. With this perk, you gain extra +1 strenth and bonus to damage while wearing any pre-war cloth and gambler suits.

"from a nice and neat"
"gain an extra"
"pre-war clothing or gambler suits"

- Unexpected Happiness (level 10) (rank 1) (Permanent) (ID: 000AF4) (Req: +7 Luck)
Today could be the day. From time to time, you will come across certain treasures from most unexpected container.

"from the most unexpected containers"

- Chemical Engineer (level 12) (rank 1) (Activate) (ID: 000AFC) (Req: +50 Science and +50 Repair)
You, goo, and ammo are in a triangle relationship. With this perk, you can turn the goo and ash into energy ammo.

"in a love triangle. With"
"turn goo and ash"

- Famous Survivor (level 12) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AFF) (Req: +30 Days Passed)
Yup, the one and only one, the famous courier has done it again! and this time, all the wastelanders know your deed. Your charisma is increased by +1 and the
traders of Mojave will now grant you +25% discount.

Extraneous linebreak between 'the' and 'traders'
"traders of the Mojave"
"grant you a 25% discount"

- One Way or Another (level 12) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AFB) (Req: +50 Guns and +50 Explosives)
...and here you thought sniper rifle was the only weapon that can score headshot. With this perk, aiming at head in VATS with launcher weapon will grant a fatal amount of damage.

"thought a sniper rifle was the only weapon that can score a headshot" or "thought sniper rifles were the only weapons that could score headshots"
"aiming at heads in VATS"
"will deal a fatal"

- Tactical Strategist (level 12) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B00) (Req: +6 Intelligence and +60 Guns)
You mastered the use of VATS, and thus, your overall damage in VATS is increased by 10%.

"You have mastered the use of VATS and thus, your"

- Tech Wizard (level 12) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000AFD) (Req: +6 Intelligence)
You spent your formative years hunched over a bench learning tech stuff. Your science and repair skills increase by +5. Also, you gained +5% resistance to all types of energy projectiles.

"you have gained a 5% resistance"

- I seeee yooou!! (level 14) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B0E) (Req: Sniper Perk)
Mo one can escape from you regardless of how desperately they run. With this perk,your rifle will score higher critical chance while ironsighting or zooming in when you aim at those who try to flee.

"No one"
"perk, your"
"will have a higher"

- Pipboy Upgrade (level 14) (rank 1) (Passive + Toggle) (ID: 000B04) (Req: +50 Medicine and +50 Science)
You decided to add extra functionalities into pipboy. The pipboy will announce when there is an enemy nearby and inject chems automatically during combat.

"extra functionality into your pipboy."

- Sharpshooter (level 14) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B05) (Req: +7 Perception)
You learned how to use your brains in battle. You are able to quickly calculate how the bullet wll fly in current conditions. With this perk, you can aim more accurate when the target is farther away.

"You have learned"
"how a bullet will fly" or "how bullets will fly"
"fly under current conditions"
"aim more accurately"

- Smooth Criminal (level 14) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B06) (Req: +50 Sneak)
The experience of becoming a legendary thief starts with the Smooth Criminal perk. With this perk, you are granted +10 sneak skills and bit of invisibility while slowly sneaking into someone else's property.

"granted a +10 bonus to sneak skills"
"and a bit of invisibility"

- Turret Expert (level 14) (rank 1) (Activate) (ID: 000B01) (Req: Robotic Expert Perk)
Tired of using terminals to turn off the pesky turrets? Well, with this perk, you can now deactivate and reconfigure the turrets anytime.

"reconfigure turrets"

- Fading Fingerprints (level 16) (rank 1) (Item + Toggle) (ID: 000B0C) (Req: +50 Sneak and +50 Science)
You successfully salvaged a set of pre-war tech that seems to be stealthboy prototypes. After some proper repairs, you managed to make this unique stealthboy drains user's action points instead of one-time-only battery.

"You have successfully"
"a stealthboy prototype" or "some stealthboy prototypes"
"managed to make it so"
"drains the user's"
"instead of a one-time-only battery."

- Play with Fire (level 18) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B0B) (Req: Pyromaniac Perk)
You have mastered to handle flames coming out of pyromaniac weapons. With this perk, your fire resistance is instantly increased by +25% and extra +15% while using any of the fire based weapons.

"mastered the handling of flames"
"and an extra"
"any fire based weapons"

- Art of Pain (level 18) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B0F) (Req: +8 Endurance)
You have overcome the incurable disease. Your overall damage and critical damage gets lethal as you get hurt and irradiated.

"damage is raised as"

- Pathfinder (level 18) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B0D) (Req: +8 Perception)
You mastered being a rat in a trap, and as such, your perception will be maxed whenever you are indoor. Also, your overall speed is increased by 10%.

"you have mastered"
"whenever you are indoors"

- Wimp in Silence (level 18) (rank 1) (During Invisibility) (ID: 000B10) (Req: +70 Sneak)
You have grown out to be too shy in public. Thus, your real potential only comes out when you use stealth boy. With this perk, you inflict significantly more damage under the effect of any stealthboy.

"grown up to be shy"
"when you use a stealth boy" or "while using a stealth boy" or "while using stealth boys"
"damage while under the effect"

- Limb Grinder (level 18) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B09) (Req: +6 Perception and +60 Guns)
The joy of killing is when the body parts of enemy break apart. With this perk, as you aim at body parts in VATS, you deal more damage and critical damage as you fire handled weapon such as minigun or gatling laser.

"when body parts"
"of your enemy"
"when you aim"
"fire a handled weapon"

- Burning Sunlight (level 18) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B08) (Req: Pyromaniac Perk)
Burn! Burn 'em all! With this perk, your critical chance and critical damage for all pyromaniac weapons are frequent and lethal under the bright daylight.

"your critical hits for all pyromaniac weapons are more frequent and more leathal"

- Kleptomaniac Punch (level 20) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B13) (Req: +70 Unarmed and +70 Sneak)
Your stealing technique is quite artistic. With this perk, each fist that you punch has a chance to steal all of their equipments.

"each punch has a chance"

- Mojave Investor (level 20) (rank 3) (Permanent) (ID: 000B11) (Req: +80 Barter)
The economy of Mojave Wasteland is on your hands. Most of the merchants will now have much more caps to barter with you.

"the Mojave Wasteland"
"in your hands"
"most merchants"

- Double Slash (level 22) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B14) (Req: +7 Luck and +70 Melee Weapons)
Within a blink of an eye, your enemy may get sliced in half...thanks to that stranger with blade. With this perk, when you are fighting with a melee weapon, a vault dweller with a sword will appear occasionally the battle.

"will occasionally appear during the battle."

- Mutual Attraction (level 22) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B16) (Req: +9 Charisma)
You are a fair fighter and usually gain respect among the enemies. With this perk, some enemies that you are fighting randomly surrender and join your side.

"respect among your enemies"

- Knife in the Shadow (level 22) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B17) (Req: +70 Melee Weapons and +70 Sneak)
You have mastered a most devastating backstab move. With this perk, your critical damage inflicts fatal damage when you sneak up on a unnoticed target and attack with your one-hand blade weapon.

"critical hits inflict fatal damage"
"sneak up on a target unnoticed"
"your bladed, one-handed weapon" or "your one-handed, bladed weapon"

- Peer Pressured (level 22) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B15) (Req: +2 Followers or More)
You feel anxious when you can't meet the expectations of those who follow you. With this perk, your overall attack speed increases by the total number of follower.

"number of followers"

- Ability to Focus (level 24) (rank 1) (Activate) (ID: 000B19) (Req: +8 Endurance and +8 Intelligence)
You gained an ability to focus, which maximizes your science skill for a 5 seconds. When you sneak in front of locked terminal, you are able to "Focus" to start hacking the computer at the cost of 50 action points.

"you have gained"
"for 5 seconds"

- Inspiring Leader (level 24) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B18) (Req: +90 Speech)
You sometimes forget to distinguish between companions and slaves. Either way, your life is much easier. Your action points and carry weights increase depends on the total number of current companions.

"increase depending on"

- Grease Monkey (level 26) (rank 1) (Craft) (ID: 000B1C) (Req: Robot Expert Perk)
After all these time working with robot, you managed to create blueprints for almost all robots on wasteland. You can craft Robot Deployable Kits from workbench.

"all this time"
"with robots"
"all robots found in the wasteland" or "all of the robots in the wasteland"

- Weapon Repair Master (level 26) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B1B) (Req: +90 Repair)
Searching for the pair of your favorite weapon just for repairing is no longer necessary. With this perk, your weapon will slowly repair itself at the cost of action points.

"for a pair of" or "for a twin of"

- Cancerous Growth (level 28) (rank 1) (Passive) (ID: 000B1E) (Req: +90 Survival)
You have mutated so badly that you gain healing rate and you can even regenerate broken limbs.

"that you gain health over time and even regenerate broken limbs"

- Compressionist (level 29) (rank 1) (Craft) (ID: 000B1D) (Req: +80 Repair and +80 Science)
Your outstanding repair skills and science skills have adapted the way of compressing the regular pre-war suits and gambler suits into power armor.

"adapted the technique of"
"compressing regular"
Actually, shouldn't this be "compressing powered armor into regular pre-war-suits and gambler suits"?

- Face of Deception (level 30) (rank 1) (Item) (ID: 000B1A) (Req: +10 Charisma)
You invented a mask to disguise your true nature. Upon equip, you can disguise into any karma of your choice.

"you have invented"
"upon equipping"
"disguise your karma to any of your choice"

- The New Era (level 30) (rank 1) (Activate) (ID: 000B1F) (Req: +50 Quests Done)
Time of the past is just a history. With this perk, you can start to build yourself from the scratch.

"The time of the past is just history"... I think. Not sure on the meaning you're going for here.

- Rise and Shine (level 30) (rank 1) (Activate) (ID: 000B20) (Req: +100 Medicine)
Rise and shine...and smell the ash. With this perk, you can sneak up on a dead human bodies and resurrect it as a powerful glowing one.

"on dead human bodies"
"ressurect them"
"as powerful glowing ones."

- Special Op. (level 30) (rank 1) (Item) (ID: 000B21) (Req: +100 Explosives)
You acquired what is left of pre-war military device that still kept the contact with automated silo. Once you upload the coordination, upon pressing the button, the most devastating missiles will fall from the sky.

"you have acquired"
"left of a pre-war military device"
"still had contact with an automated silo" or "retained contact with an automated silo."
"upload the coordinates"

I mostly mention things that are plainly bad english, I have not included any grammar mistakes such as extraneous commas or such since I'm not that familiar with the rules themselves.

[RELz] More Perks for New Vegas

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:29 am
by Johnny
Pretty much the reputation system replaces the Karma system when it comes to relations with different factions and it is faction specific rather then general like the Karma system was in Fallout 3. Karma is now a minor part that only effects a few things. There is already a disguise system in game that you can use from the beginning but there is a chance you will be found out by certain npcs and dogs. So this perk can be changed to either eliminate that chance or reduce it significantly.

[RELz] More Perks for New Vegas

PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:38 pm
by Stephy Beck
Sorry, Pnutman, but Special Ops still has grammatical errors. :P

What it is- Special Op. (level 30) (rank 1) (Item) (ID: 000B21) (Req: +100 Explosives)
You've acquired what is left of a pre-war military device that still keeps contact with an automated silo. Once you upload the coordinates, upon pressing the button, the most devastating missiles will fall from the sky.

What it should be:
- Special Op. (level 30) (rank 1) (Item) (ID: 000B21) (Req: +100 Explosives)
You've acquired what is left of a pre-war military device that still keeps contact with an automated silo. Once you upload the coordinates, upon pressing the button, incredibly devastating missiles will fall from the sky.

[RELz] More Perks for New Vegas

PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:39 pm
by cheryl wright
How about something that lets you bust open locked doors with high strength and melee?

[RELz] More Perks for New Vegas

PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 8:10 pm
by Katharine Newton
@'Weirwynn: Wow, nice! thank you for the corrections. I didn't realize I made so many errors.

[RELz] More Perks for New Vegas

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:29 am
by Heather Kush
Version 2.2.0 is up. This is first update with additional perks.


- Prospector: Fixed the issue that proper dialogues did not show up.
- Steel behind Suit: Create Power Armor option only shows up when player has requirements.
- Destiny Gambler: Displays all 41 effects under the effect tab in pipboy status.
- Friend of Friendless: Fixed the issue that deathclaw duplicates itself when it levels up.
- Pipboy Upgrade: Fixed the issue that menu selection did not work properly.
- 6 New Perks: Jump to Conclusions, I Hate That Guy, Prowler, E.P.I.C, Major Achiever, and Superior Mind.

New Perks

1) Jump to Conclusions (level 2) (Rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE76) (Req: Failed at least one speech challenge)
-> When you fail to convince someone, all your hits become critical for next 10 seconds.

2) I Hate That Guy! (level 8) (Rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE77) (Req: At least one companion is following)
-> Your companions strike with +10% damage to whoever that attacks you. Also, that target will explode into a red, gut-ridden, eyeball-strewn paste.

3) Prowler (level 14) (Rank 1) (Upon Taking Cateye) (ID: D2EE78) (Req: +7 Agility)
-> Under the effect of cateye, your each attack will have +5% chance to knock out.

4) E.P.I.C (Eternal Partners in Crime) (level 16) (Rank 1) (VATS) (ID: D2EE79) (Req: Miss Fortune or Mysterious Stranger Perk)
-> As long as you stay in evil or very-evil karma, the VATS helper will show up twice more frequently.

5) Major Achiever (level 20) (Rank 1) (One-Time Only) (ID: D2EE80) (Req: +30 Challenges Completed)
-> You have achieved too many and now is a perfect time to celebrate. Upon taking this perk, you will receive a bunch of crates filled with alcohol drinks.

6) Superior Mind (level 26) (Rank 1) (Passive) (ID: D2EE74) (Req: +9 Intelligence)
-> You are able to exploit the weakness of enemy with less intelligence than yours.

[RELz] More Perks for New Vegas

PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:35 pm
by Kim Kay
One of the best mods out there. I can't play without it anymore. Also some of the perks are really funny.
Also Bonsai FTW.

[RELz] More Perks for New Vegas

PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:28 am
by Louise Andrew
More Perks for Companions is released today.

This plugin addes another +24 perks that player can take. Unlike the regular perks, most of the perks from this plugin offer abilities to player's current followers.