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DLC for CPU?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:25 pm
by Bloomer
Microsoft will probably buy exclusivity contracts for the other DLC's. At least they can only last for a year.

DLC for CPU?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 11:58 am
by Melung Chan
fallout was the best selling pc title in october. i doubt, that the modding community is small and that only a third of all fallout nv versions are on pc. the modding community is the reason why bethesda games are kept alive so long. it is awesome, that bethesda supports the modding community this way and to my opinion it is a great (perhaps even the greatest) feature of their games. i hope bethesda will release modding kits for their future rpgs... es5 for example :disco:

ps: the person who invented the expression G.E.C.K is a genius!

DLC for CPU?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 10:31 am
by Music Show
Dear PC users,

It's called the GECK. Go download it, make something, and stop whining.

Love and Kisses

DLC for CPU?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:51 pm
by Ian White
It's not because they don't care about the fans so much as they do care about money, and the idea was to sell more Xbox copies of the game and therefore more Xbox DLC, so there's a deal in place where Microsoft gives Bethesda a few extra bucks and everyone wins. Also, I doubt it's 2/3rds exactly. PC gamers don't generally make up for a full 3rd if we're talking Xbox/PS3/PC gaming.

Also who's fault is it? They announced before the game came out that the DLC would be exclusive, so... if you had an Xbox360, you had the choice to buy it for that platform. If you only have one or the other (understandable, Consoles are expensive, especially for PC gamers that are sinking $400 or more a year into upgrades to play new games), or are some really devoted fan that believes they can only have one system and owning the other is the same as treason, well... Bethesda didn't make that decision for you.

1. Not everybody wins... Bethesda and Xbox users win, the rest of us are ignored.

2. For some types of games I would agree, but for Fallout, I think the PC player base is much larger than you would expect. Moddability is a big thing for a lot of us PC types, plus this franchise has fans from before xbox existed.

3. You are incorrect. DLC was announced on Nov. 17. The game came out on Oct. 19. Not that the exclusive DLC would have swayed me to purchase a console version...

DLC for CPU?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:46 pm
by Rich O'Brien
2. For some types of games I would agree, but for Fallout, I think the PC player base is much larger than you would expect. Moddability is a big thing for a lot of us PC types, plus this franchise has fans from before xbox existed.

Just thinking this myself.

Though interestingly the other day I checked the world stats for achievments "I was bored", and the drop off rate for the quests in a linear fashion was staggering.
If you also look at the amount of forum users now days, and even considering the new CoD came out shortly afterwards.
The shelf life of NV has seemingly been poor, even for pc.

The DLC may attract some more people back and the patch even more, but if it is bad, we may see modders as the only "dlc" makers in the future.