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Possible Plothole in NV and NCR as a Whole

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 3:31 pm
by Andrea P
I just finished my 3 playthrough for the NCR and faced a question why does the NCR has a president? it might sound like a stupid question but i just remembered that after F2 the title of president was used to make children go to sleep. It became the same thing as the boogey man. But in FNV they call the head of NCR with this "scary"word which all of them were supposedly scared of when they were children.
So why dont the NCR use another title?

Possible Plothole in NV and NCR as a Whole

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 4:10 pm
by Dean Ashcroft
I just finished my 3 playthrough for the NCR and faced a question why does the NCR has a president? it might sound like a stupid question but i just remembered that after F2 the title of president was used to make children go to sleep. It became the same thing as the boogey man. But in FNV they call the head of NCR with this "scary"word which all of them were supposedly scared of when they were children.
So why dont the NCR use another title?

President of "The Enclave".

Not 'the' President.

Possible Plothole in NV and NCR as a Whole

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:05 am
by Jack Moves
I just finished my 3 playthrough for the NCR and faced a question why does the NCR has a president? it might sound like a stupid question but i just remembered that after F2 the title of president was used to make children go to sleep. It became the same thing as the boogey man. But in FNV they call the head of NCR with this "scary"word which all of them were supposedly scared of when they were children.
So why dont the NCR use another title?

They had a president before that too, her name was Tandi

Possible Plothole in NV and NCR as a Whole

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:19 pm
by Michael Korkia
NCR was not a big power in FO2. Their power was to the south (FO1) When Enclave went boom! the word "president" became a boogeyman to the people of Northen California at which time were not apart of NCR. Which I guess means NCR must have had a hard time convincing people that their "president" is not a boogeyman.

Possible Plothole in NV and NCR as a Whole

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:56 am
by louise hamilton
President of "The Enclave".

Not 'the' President.

The ending said the title of President without any stuff like "of NCR" or "the Enclave". So thats kind of strange. So they should have changed the President to something like councillor because little kids wont recognise the difference.

Possible Plothole in NV and NCR as a Whole

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 3:39 am
by Tania Bunic
The ending said the title of President without any stuff like "of NCR" or "the Enclave". So thats kind of strange. So they should have changed the President to something like councillor because little kids wont recognise the difference.

NCR was not a big power in FO2. Their power was to the south (FO1) When Enclave went boom! the word "president" became a boogeyman to the people of Northen California at which time were not apart of NCR. Which I guess means NCR must have had a hard time convincing people that their "president" is not a boogeyman.

Possible Plothole in NV and NCR as a Whole

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 4:32 am
by cosmo valerga
Personally I wonder why a nation with access to helicopters has such difficulty in a war with people mostly armed with knives.

Possible Plothole in NV and NCR as a Whole

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:39 am
by Brooke Turner
Personally I wonder why a nation with access to helicopters has such difficulty in a war with people mostly armed with knives.

Because NCR's economy took a hit during the BoS war. Vertibirds must cost big bucks and that kinda money could go to building things like rail roads and roads, towns, power plants, food production, education and heathcare. NCR is huge and their resouces are going to all over. The Mojave campaign was to be a small campaign. If the president has to send in Vertibirds and a lot more troops it will make him look bad. The legion is also huge so NCR can't deal with an all out war against such a large power a power they did not expect to run into.

Possible Plothole in NV and NCR as a Whole

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:04 pm
by MarilĂș
Because NCR's economy took a hit during the BoS war. Vertibirds must cost big bucks and that kinda money could go to building things like rail roads and roads, towns, power plants, food production, education and heathcare. NCR is huge and their resouces are going to all over. The Mojave campaign was to be a small campaign. If the president has to send in Vertibirds and a lot more troops it will make him look bad. The legion is also huge so NCR can't deal with an all out war against such a large power a power they did not expect to run into.

But surely in a world with floating jet propelled robots, hacking up a few Lancasters or B29s can't be that expensive?

Possible Plothole in NV and NCR as a Whole

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 5:11 am
by Kayla Keizer
But surely in a world with floating jet propelled robots, hacking up a few Lancasters or B29s can't be that expensive?

Its not a few. The Legion controls alot of land, Arizona parts of New Mexico and into Utah and Colorado. Containment at the dam is the best they can do until they get the funds and support for it. NCR would have to totally destroy the legion. NCR would almost double in size if they take the legions land and they are having trouble keeping themselves together as it is.

Possible Plothole in NV and NCR as a Whole

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:42 pm
by Alister Scott
Even if the NCR does have to worry about towns, rail roads, economies and such more then half the wasteland is paying the NCR taxes while Caesars legion is only getting money from slaves. The NCR could just increase the taxes for a few years because i'd rather have to pay a couple extra bucks for stuff then to either be a slave or be forced into an army of slaves.

Possible Plothole in NV and NCR as a Whole

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 7:03 am
by Kayla Bee
Above Post: Wrong, They get money from Caravans, and they make their own money.

Possible Plothole in NV and NCR as a Whole

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 6:56 pm
by Erin S
Even if the NCR does have to worry about towns, rail roads, economies and such more then half the wasteland is paying the NCR taxes while Caesars legion is only getting money from slaves. The NCR could just increase the taxes for a few years because i'd rather have to pay a couple extra bucks for stuff then to either be a slave or be forced into an army of slaves.

New Vegas lets us know that many people in NCR are not happy with the Taxes as is. Big time ranchers are taking over and many people are losing jobs. NCRs army is where many people end up or become farmers in the Mojave. NCR is having trouble keeping things thougher adding a new tax to pay for an all out war against the Legion might push them over the edge. Brahmin barons don't want the military to take away the best troops NCR has because they are needed to protect the brahmin and barons control election campaign funds.

Possible Plothole in NV and NCR as a Whole

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 4:06 am
by George PUluse
Personally I wonder why a nation with access to helicopters has such difficulty in a war with people mostly armed with knives.

Well, this is sort of applying RL logic to the game.

A good counter point is that a single missile (or grenade) could take out any helicopter , so you'd need a lot of them to successfully raid a legion base (using rl logic).

Possible Plothole in NV and NCR as a Whole

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:56 am
by Gemma Flanagan
The ending said the title of President without any stuff like "of NCR" or "the Enclave". So thats kind of strange. So they should have changed the President to something like councillor because little kids wont recognise the difference.

Who will think of the children?! :cryvaultboy:

Possible Plothole in NV and NCR as a Whole

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:50 am
by Hella Beast
Who will think of the children?! :cryvaultboy:

Yeah dont think about children. And when they grow up they will hate the leader of your republic and wont be loyal. Yeah dont think.

Possible Plothole in NV and NCR as a Whole

PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:50 pm
by Smokey
Yeah dont think about children. And when they grow up they will hate the leader of your republic and wont be loyal. Yeah dont think.

In a way its a good lession for kids to learn that a president can be a "boogeyman" which is why its importaint to participate in the elections and vote.