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Why is the crit. mult. and crit. chance % not displayed?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:08 am
by Bad News Rogers
Seems like pretty important info that should be somewhere in the UI. Is there some way to display it with the console?

Why is the crit. mult. and crit. chance % not displayed?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:33 am
by Oscar Vazquez
Seems like pretty important info that should be somewhere in the UI. Is there some way to display it with the console?

Good question, I'd much rather have crit listed than DPS at the least. DPS isn't even accurate or trustworthy if you don't know the DT of your target and pause to do math every fight. Its easier to just go with weapons with a high DAM.

When playing an energy weapons or unarmed build, I really wanted to know crit chance by percentage (not that 0.25x garbage) and not have to study every weapon on some 3rd party website.


Why is the crit. mult. and crit. chance % not displayed?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:34 pm
by David Chambers
Well, what if you have several different critical perks?
Like +unarmed critical% or+ laser critical% ?

Why is the crit. mult. and crit. chance % not displayed?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:54 am
by alicia hillier
On the PC console, type player.getav critchance. I'd assume this is an average/base chance of some sort and actual critchance against specific enemies would vary somewhat depending on enemy/their DT and all of that stuff. Not sure what the math for the produced number is, in other words.

But agree the UI could have a lot more/better info like that, built-in.

Why is the crit. mult. and crit. chance % not displayed?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:09 pm
by Dustin Brown
Critchance doesn't vary by enemy type. Your critchance is your critchance for everything.

Important to note that this is your base critchance, and that weapons have multipliers on this.

I would disagree that weapon DPS is useless, since many enemies in the game have no armor or negligible armor and DPS is a very solid indication of damage times RoF.

The only really good place for the game to display "damage per hit/second against this enemy" would be while using VATS.

Why is the crit. mult. and crit. chance % not displayed?

PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:59 am
by Johnny
Well, what if you have several different critical perks?
Like +unarmed critical% or+ laser critical% ?

The pipboy displays damage fine based on perks like cowboy and laser commando. No reason the same couldn't be done with critical chance.