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So their what?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:25 am
by Portions
When im being stealthy i like to stick C4 on enemies dead bodies, so when his mates come and walk near the body, BOOM!

So their what?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:49 am
by Catherine N

What happens when you go back three days later and they've respawned :ahhh: .

If they come back after being beheaded, they must be some kind of chupacabre. At which point you have to kill them again, and hack off their arms and legs.

If they come back from that, I don't know what they are. No-bark probably does, though; he's a scientist.

(My game is modded for 24 hour respawning, btw. Keeps things lively :lmao: )

So their what?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:02 am
by Kat Lehmann
After I kill them I either remove their skull and spine as a trophy or I take the body, skin it, and hang it upside-down from a sturdy ledge or tree branch.

So their what?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:51 am
by Symone Velez :flamethrower:
It's all in the vowels. TBH, I think the NZ accent sounds awful when surrounded by American accents.

Then there's American accents that sound awful surrounded by............anything. :P

I'm waiting until my psychopath role to play around with bodies.
sixy... Cold... Rigor mortis.... Bodies... :drool:

There's a couple of Alice Cooper songs you can use to draw inspiration. Cold Ethyl (comical) & I Love The Dead (creepy). :D

So their what?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 4:46 am
by Victoria Vasileva
I usually just put the bodies in the closest dumpster. I considered dragging some to the Goodsprings Cemetary and putting them in my grave.

Although whenever I carry a body I can only walk slowly, so how is it some people claim to "build momentum" and throw it?

So their what?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:55 am
by dell
Am I the only one that will sometimes set up the bodies of enemies to make their deaths look more cinematic? (IE putting over sandbags, or putting their body in a 'sleeping' pose)

Do you have a sort of 'ritual' you do with the bodies of your fallen foe?

I leave a Sunset Sarsaparilla Deputy badge next to the corpse so everyone will know who did it. I'd put it on them but it doesn't work so well if they are in thier skivvies.

So their what?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:27 am
by Floor Punch
I usually just put the bodies in the closest dumpster. I considered dragging some to the Goodsprings Cemetary and putting them in my grave.

Although whenever I carry a body I can only walk slowly, so how is it some people claim to "build momentum" and throw it?

Start to run towards the body you want to throw, Pick it up and turn left or right really fast and look up and let go.

Or, take off their clothes and pick em up and look up and right or left and send em flying.

So their what?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:51 am
by Spooky Angel
Yes I do. I loot them. :mohawk:

I second that notion of ritual. Looting is the best rite I can give to my sprawled dead...I don't even kick sand on them, just plain loot 'em...

So their what?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:55 am
by Baby K(:
Let's keep the Necrophilia out of the thread please.

I love this forum

So their what?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:09 pm
by u gone see
on the other hand
i get a lot of fiend/powder gangers, drag them into a pile, surround them with mines, console resurect = :shocking:

So their what?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:01 am
by Leticia Hernandez
Am I the only one that will sometimes set up the bodies of enemies to make their deaths look more cinematic? (IE putting over sandbags, or putting their body in a 'sleeping' pose)

Do you have a sort of 'ritual' you do with the bodies of your fallen foe?

I compulsory pump all my victims full of lead untill they explode into a pile of shredded guts, i started doing this from upon the moment i first took the bloody mess perk and it has become obligatory to me ever since, it's just too much fun not to do. I also consider it as my trade mark, especially during one my most pyschotic playthroughs, as i slaughtered alomst the entire wasteland, it was to be a sign of my past attendance at the public semetaries i created.

So their what?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:19 am
by Anna Beattie
Sometimes i'll drag every dead enemies into a corner/spot and stack their bodies up. Then go to town on them with a melee weapon leaving a big bloody mess of limbs and gore...

So their what?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 10:13 am
by helen buchan
Am I the only one that will sometimes set up the bodies of enemies to make their deaths look more cinematic? (IE putting over sandbags, or putting their body in a 'sleeping' pose)

Do you have a sort of 'ritual' you do with the bodies of your fallen foe?

hey look everybody its Jeffery Dahmer. LOL :wink_smile:

So their what?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:12 am
by KU Fint
I put a Ace of Spades playing card on their chest, to identify and claim the kill as my own.
Sometimes I'll stack them I once put all the casino bosses at Gomorrah in one of the cages hanging on the ceiling in their casino, Funny as Hell.

So their what?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:23 pm
by Catharine Krupinski
I wonder if you can use a dead body as a shield from incoming bullets? Anyone?

So their what?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:17 am
by Strawberry
I put a Ace of Spades playing card on their chest, to identify and claim the kill as my own.
Sometimes I'll stack them I once put all the casino bosses at Gomorrah in one of the cages hanging on the ceiling in their casino, Funny as Hell.

How do you drop cards? O_o

@Death- Well, considering if you shoot a corpse, the area hit goes red with blood, Id imagine so.

So their what?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 4:19 pm
by Alexander Horton
Sometimes when I have killed a bunch of enemies, i lay them down and connect their hands together. Usually I put them in a circle. ;)

So their what?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 3:44 am
by Stay-C
I kill them then I walk on.

Playing with dead bodies is a bad sign :P

Well, the only body I've ever really 'moved' has got to be General Oliver.

He was a bastard in life. He was my enemy. But he was a strong enemy. Commanding one of the biggest armies in America.

The least I could do was place him back on his chair and make him die with a bit of dignity.

So their what?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:55 am
by Genocidal Cry
I sometimes pose NCR victims of my guerilla campain against them in gruesome ways, like the memorial in Boulder City, shot the memorial, called the guy a [censored], killed him, placed him body in-front of the memorial and went to town with the hunting shotgun, took his tags so nobody could identify him right in front of a war memorial too, my character likes his ironic moments :chaos:

So their what?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 3:22 pm
by Brooke Turner
If I have the time, and they are human or intelligent ghouls, I will stack their bodies in the nearest Brahmin cart, wagon, or pickup truck bed. Bring out your dead.