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Brotherhood of Steel story

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 4:40 am
by Harry-James Payne
0megaDS, I finished this quest last night and I didn't need to defeat the enemies that killed those Paladins. My current character was a pacifist playthrough, I am level 25, I have Medicine, Science, Barter, and Speech maxed, and Repair at 80. SPECIAL: S:2, P:5, E:3, C:10, I:8, A:4, L:10. Traits: Good Natured

I gathered the holotapes because I got past all the enemies there, with dialogue options that remove them, and while searching for the parts in the Vaults, my companion dealt with the enemies and I found the parts.

At Black Mountain, I repaired Rhonda and the Mutants there were not hostile anymore. I used a Stealth Boy and snuck past them all on the way up the mountain, repaired the robot, avoiding all combat.

you were still more skilled than the paladins, lol

Brotherhood of Steel story

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 2:51 pm
by Robert
DLC: Rebirth Of A Brotherhood - gives a complete new main quest path to complete, help the BOS regain their glory in the wastes by taking control of House's robots and Hoover Dam. :D

that actually sounds like an amazing DLC title/idea :goodjob:

Brotherhood of Steel story

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 12:21 pm
by Bloomer
DLC: Rebirth Of A Brotherhood - gives a complete new main quest path to complete, help the BOS regain their glory in the wastes by taking control of House's robots and Hoover Dam. :D

this is actually how i make up my BoS/Yes Man character's story, i imagine that he uses the securitrons to defend the strip and BoS from the NCR and the Legion, and eventually the BoS becomes huge and powerful again. (it's annoying that veronica says that they will die out in the epilogue tho)

If there was a dlc like this, it would be awessum

Brotherhood of Steel story

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 2:55 am
by Ricky Meehan
Yeah, but as far as honorary ranks go, they are honorary - the guys with the real rank know that and look down on the honorary types. So if this was a honorary rank, then it's even worse. I'd rather be a real initiate of the awesome brotherhood then "here you go, now you're paladin, now go away' Paladin. Becoming a member like this does not feel like becoming a member at all. For some of you it may sound stupid, but in FO1 they gave you a room in their bunker, you even got a roommate there (an annoyingy talkative scribe). Joining the BOS there felt like finding a home of a sort. Here it's just a formality.

Brotherhood of Steel story

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 5:17 pm
by kitten maciver
Universities hand out honorary diplomas all of the time..... why would an honorary rank be any different? You already proved that you are a more than capable asset.

The thing that defined the Brotherhood in the first game was they'd send you on a suicide mission, don't expect you to return, and even when you did they'd still make you an initiate. It pretty much summed up their look(ing down) on outsiders and their selfish code.

Brotherhood of Steel story

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 11:09 am
by Channing
I was so dissapointed when i found out that the brotherhood wernt actually a major faction :sadvaultboy:

Oh well, i will pray for a DLC for the brotherhood