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Alternative to nano vision/ should I get crysis 2

PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 10:37 am
by c.o.s.m.o
Ok so I know it's too late and everything but it seems like a common complaint is about the nano vision. I think I have what could have been the solution so please don't tell me it's not going to happen. Just say whether you like it or not and why...
So here goes: crytek could say that the nano suit gives off some weird gaseous element (like xenon) or something. Then nano vision could be this visor mode that tracks xenon concentrations. This would be better than heat because this way players would have a fog/mist/cloud around their player so while you could know where they generally are, their exact location would be unknown. The cloud would be only like a foot in every direction from the player tho, so you could fire into the cloud and hope to hit. The xenon would glow red. This way, from long distances players would be visible but you couldnt hit them very easily. Problem solved right? Let me know what you think or if you need any clarification... Maybe something to add to the crysis 3 wish list.

On a side not: should I get crysis 2? I've seen all the reviews from websites(ign, games radar,etc) and all the issues they had with the game don't bother me. However, ive seen a lot of complaints about other issues (lag, stupid ai, etc). Are these deal breakers or is it worth $60? (keep in mind battlefield 3 is coming out so I don't wanna just go spending cash everywhere)

Alternative to nano vision/ should I get crysis 2

PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 1:22 pm
by Gen Daley
If you want it mainly for single player then its certainly a great buy. Multiplayer has a lot of issues at the moment though. Hackers running rampant and multiplayer progress constantly rolls back so you have to re-unlock things, complete the same challenges again and you lose EXP. If you ever get disconnect (which can happen at random even if your connection is fine, its a problem with the servers) or if you ever crash you lose all your progress for the entire session and not just the last game played.

On the worst occasion I lost well over 5,000 EXP and 3 Crash Site MVPs. It might not seem that much, less than an hour of playing, but with how often it happens it really gets annoying.

Alternative to nano vision/ should I get crysis 2

PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 4:13 pm
I'd have to agree that for single player this game is a definite must have, even when there are things to be said about. That's with every game though. This game for sure falls into the category; must be played!

Need some impressions of gameplay, check my channel;

It includes a video with the game's 1st HOUR for those with lots of doubts. ;)

Alternative to nano vision/ should I get crysis 2

PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 12:23 pm
by Curveballs On Phoenix
Nano-vision cycles a la predator would be dope.

One for traditional - scope out enemies in decreased visibility. Two for your proposed nanovision - highly distorted black and grey level with red clouds to indicate position. Three - Green and black negatives that light up people in stealth that are 0 - 15m but you can't see ppl uncloaked very well.

Never gonna happen, but would be so cool.

Alternative to nano vision/ should I get crysis 2

PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 3:27 am
by Anthony Diaz
The multiplayer portion of the game is really good. I would definitely say it's on par with the SP. However, right now, it is being absolutely DESTROYED by the problems it has. The fact that they're not putting out a hotfix for the progress losses and disconnects is just ridiculous, in my opinion.

On top of this, there are some really awful hit detection and ping issues with the dedicated servers (it's probably a lot worse on P2P console networks, although, I don't know for sure). This basically ensures that most automatic weapons (aside from the Mk.60 and SCAR) are virtually unusable, since the servers can't seem to detect all the bullets (if the weapon had a higher rate of fire (which means that the damage would mostly be lower)), adding insult to an already alarming injury.

Plus, at certain times, a lag spike could leave you stuck on someone's perspective. This would essentially mean that they could easily kill you while in actuality you were on the other side of the map. To make matters worse, if they hit you enough times, you would be killed multiple times. Of course, when such an event happens, you would seemingly be killed randomly. And the kill cam would actually show the enemy's perspective. At least you know when and how it happens, then.

These are just some of the technical problems, there are issues with the gameplay itself as well. Albeit, they're not nearly as awful.

This is the sort of stuff (especially the problems with progress losses (some of which, by the way, were even in the God damn demo)) that requires immediate attention and a hotfix. Yet, we haven't heard anything other than a possible patch at the end of this week. We don't even know if any of these problems will be fixed.

This is really disheartening. And God knows that those moron PR managers at EA won't allow any disclosure on any patch information. Not to mention any extra features such as Advanced Graphics Options or DX11. Oh no, how could they do that? No, everything has to be a f***ing marketing poly. That's right.

Crytek needs to step up for their game and Nathan Camarillo needs to grow some balls, instead of just taking orders from people that clearly don't know sh*t about games, development of games, or God forbid, actual community needs. So, I'm calling out for you Nathan, grow some balls and address community concerns. Step up to those idiots who only care about marketing polys and make them understand that there's more to it than just making a quick buck. OK? How about that?


Alternative to nano vision/ should I get crysis 2

PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 3:59 pm
by Danny Warner
Could somebody write on this wall what happens when the patch comes out. I wanna know if it fixes the issues. Gracias.
Definitely agree with you zillah. Haven't seen predator but that sounds like it would be pretty cool

Alternative to nano vision/ should I get crysis 2

PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 1:30 am
by Code Affinity
Single player YES ABSOFECKINGLOUTLY and for multilayer

mayyyyyyyyyyyyybeeeeeeee not just yet it needs new security and a lot of work and tweaks but it will be great soon i guess

Alternative to nano vision/ should I get crysis 2

PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 3:17 am
by adam holden
Alot of people in multiplayer use nano vision. I notice they get a lot of kills also. Says it all right there.