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Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:47 pm
by Lauren Graves
Hey all,

So I know there should be some old school Crysis players out there, does anyone have some tips and tricks they want to share with some of the new guys? This is the place to do it!

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:14 pm
by Nick Jase Mason
Know where you should plant claymores and watch out enemy claymores. Its very common cause of death in power strugles.
Dont shoot through cloak.
In speed mode you go normaly as fast as other modes sprint.
When sniping long range bullet take short time to hit target. Foresee enemy moves.
switching suit mode make loud noise, in power strugle prototype factor you can hear enemy switching mode in roof when you are inside. Walls doesnt cover noise.

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:30 pm
by katie TWAVA
Always, ALWAYS, find cover. Never leave yourself exposed. ALWAYS use a laser. Don't say it gives your position away, it wont if you simply switch to your fists or equipment. The reason being that the laser actually does physically increase your accuracy. test it if you don't believe me. Cloak works at long distances, but at short distances it can be heard easily and your shadow can give you away, so try to evade it. When shooting, strafing left and right can make you harder to hit and practicing your aim while strafing will make you deadly over time.

For more, check this out.

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:24 pm
by Kahli St Dennis
not much of a trick but looks awesome... hit somebody twice... go in STR mode grab a chicken and throw him with it xD its always so funny

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:46 pm
by Kayleigh Williams
Learn to wall bounce. It is trick at frist but it will help you save energy when trying to excape or if you want ot get over higher objects. It is too bad they got rid of it in warhead.

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 3:03 pm
by Joe Alvarado
Thanks for the video, very nice.

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:03 pm
by Austin England
Thanks for the video!

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:37 pm
by Honey Suckle
Always use your suit nodes. Each one comes handy in situations.

Use bushes to hide from enemies, great places to hide when in prone.

If you wish to use stealth and go past an enemy, go into prone and anticipate their paths, they won't realize you're there. If your crouched or standing, they will see you, but they won't see you like that. They will use blind fire.

Use speed node when seen by an enemy in the distance, running to them will give you a chance to fight back and can get the enemy off guard, or even, on the floor.

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:13 pm
by Big Homie
use koreans low AI (they're really dumb)
when you switch to cloak find another cover and run to it so you can change to other powers. I use this all the time
if you're shoting from behind cover it's best to use strengh mode . it increases the damage to your enemy
use armor when shoting in action (open space/no covers)

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:59 am
by Jonathan Montero
learn to circle jump, it helps cover large distances very quickly, and makes you harder to snipe. while moving forward and strafing, sprinting in speed mode, jump and slowly turn the mouse in the opposite direction from your strafe, while still holding forward and whichever direction you choose to strafe.

my personal favorite is sniping choppers and vtols with the gauss tank, one hit for a heli, and an 85% hit on the vtol. the hit is nearly instantaneous, so you don't need to lead your target much, and goes across the entire map. 2 pixel sniping ftw!

finally a punch with fists directly to the head in strength mode is an instant kill. sometimes its fun to bind speed mode and strength mode to closely spaced mouse buttons (like thumb buttons) and run up to someone real quick then hit the strength mode button and pop 'em on the head.

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:05 pm
by Killah Bee
btw, a7c7e7 hates armor noobs, so if you wanna make him rage put a post up about the epic awesomeness that is the aquatic apc. :P

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:39 pm
by Nina Mccormick
OK heres on to try, one bullit one man, see how far you can get, though not always possible and sometimes u have to lay into em guns balzing, you will be amazed with your accuracy in a very short time, also, see what happens when u catch a chiken and throw it, rite, now catch a frog and throw it agaisnt a wall or straight up, have fun folks :-)

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:29 am
by Roddy
Don't use armor, it will get you nowhere skill wise. You will never improve your aim or tactics. Stay on foot and try to improve that way. Armor is pointless. The best way to improve is to stay on foot.

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:46 am
by Emma louise Wendelk
Probably the best way to improve your skill fast is to jump in a TIA or IA server and go against people you know will raqe you. Fighting against opponents of higher skill level will teach you many things in a very short period of time, as their skill will be your benchmark. Almost every really skilled dude won't hesitate to give a bit of advice so don't be afraid to ask.

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:36 pm
by Chavala
If your looking too improve not only as a player but as a teammate, power struggle takes the most team work and strategy. How do I know this? I have been gaming in Crysis since day 1 part of played on some good teams there. Yes, TIA probably is a team work gametype too but think about it you never know you could be having a bad day and you lose in TIA than, but in power struggle if your having a bad day you can capture energy sites and etc, To help your team out. But if you looking too improve your aim and yourself only go enjoy some IA which is mainly were you improve as a player but I recommend if you would like to gain team work experience just start practicing Power Struggle. And a trick is don't always lay down too kill your enemy and don't always go around looking for fights try too avoid them and get them on a good moment, and you need too learn how to Wall jump and strafe jumping all of this will help you with your enviroment of Crysis and Crysis Wars but seeing how Wall jumps in Crysis Wars are only possible in EX modd maybe practice your strafe jumps. And there are no tricks too aiming you just got too keep practicing and work hard at it and it will come too you. I have been playing since day 1 and still improving everyday I work hard... And always practice against better players than you don't improve off of lower skill players so if your gettting beat up on just keep trying your hardest never give up!

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:50 am
by Mrs Pooh
well when you are in a building in powerstruggle. the symbol will change if someone is in your base, very useful for finding cloakies.

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 6:55 am
by Dean Ashcroft
Shoot, cloak,re-locate, snipe wenever you can, use single headshot tactic, and if u get a chance carry some poor korean up some stairs, or other suitable high ground, and then max strength his dumb ass as high and far as you can. lmao.

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:20 pm
by james tait
Prone instead of using crouch, prone is so much more effective. :D

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 11:35 am
by Rachael
I like going around in cloak mode with a shotgun, sneak up behind your enemy and then BOOM.

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:48 am
by Isabella X
I like going around in cloak mode with a shotgun, sneak up behind your enemy and then BOOM. yea what you said, -- maximum Damge rocks-- hell yea

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 7:48 am
by Jennie Skeletons
Use Frags, use rockets, use charges, smash vehicles into each other, and generally just blow stuff up!! 0_o o_0 >>goes to blow stuff up in crysis<<

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:04 pm
by Matt Bee
I was just trying to get round Crysis in record time, and decided to see if a jeep could make the jump from crusher yard to the mine, clean over the chasm without exploding on me, lol, after three attempts i succesfully made the airbreak, landing fimly on my wheels far enough forward to drive on running two guys over and jumping out to take on the rest, when the all helpfull attack reined down upon my ass, blowing up the jeep and me with it. damm gotta find a work around lmao

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:04 am
by carly mcdonough
I was just trying to get round Crysis in record time, and decided to see if a jeep could make the jump from crusher yard to the mine, clean over the chasm without exploding on me, lol, after three attempts i succesfully made the airbreak, landing fimly on my wheels far enough forward to drive on running two guys over and jumping out to take on the rest, when the all helpfull attack reined down upon my ass, blowing up the jeep and me with it. damm gotta find a work around lmao

What is the current time record and which difficulty?

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 1:36 pm
by Reanan-Marie Olsen
its more like a bug than a trick...but its alot of fun. if you find a frog in crysis 1 swith to strength.... pick it up...and trow'll keep on flying in 0 gravity :)

Crysis tricks?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:11 am
by Marine Arrègle
ssake - "Know where you should plant claymores and watch out [for] enemy claymores. Its very common cause of death in power struggles.

My favorite! Most people stick claymores in obvious places, like doorways. Anyone who has played a while will know this, and easily avoid them. You can shoot them from a distance to make them blow.
If you want to "really" use claymores, you've got hide them better and hope for a little luck. Tall grass along a path is good. They'll be running down the patch and never see the mine. Sometimes there is rubbish near the power stations, another good place that hides the mine well. Dark corners, etc work as well. If you can stay alive for a long time, you might get some lucky kills. I do this because I have a really low end computer and ping is usually pretty bad. Running around in the open just always gets me killed. So I concentrate on mines and long range weapons, keeping to lots of cover.
One thing I would like to see in C2 is the ability to partially bury anti-vehicle mines.