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Why are the Institute... *spoilers*

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 5:34 am

Why are the Institute creating Synths? I'm trying to properly play through Fallout 4 again and carefully and consciously keep an open mind between all factions beliefs and reasoning regarding the Institute. So that being said, I have tried to gather as much info on the Institute by terminals, talking to NPC's, and learning all I can. Its like Bethesda doesn't want you to know, or all dodge the question. There's no dialog option that actually asks a NPC to explain what there purpose is besides "Its the better future for mankind". The game isn't providing me with enough information regarding the institutes motives. The other factions are bluntly obvious of there future motives example being bluntly, BoS wants to cleans the world of all abominations such as synths, super mutants, ghouls, ect., The Railroad wants to rescue synths and let them live a proper life in the world with humans, the Minutemen simply want peace for the public and help others. But the Institute is the only Faction that isn't explaining why they are making synths.

Can anyone help explain?

Why are the Institute... *spoilers*

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:53 pm
by Sheila Esmailka

I always figured it was about slaves, but that doesn't explain why they programme personalities into them. I'm guessing that they replaced people to get subjects for FEV experimentation, but the problem with this is why bother replacing them when they do not care about the outside world.

Why are the Institute... *spoilers*

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:26 am
by Craig Martin

I think they created synths to be able to work in irradiated areas. Most institute people fear the wasteland and do not want to put themselves in harms way to explore or work above ground. Synths are their only contact with the world.

Why are the Institute... *spoilers*

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:51 am
by Claire Vaux

Several NPCs in The Institute outright explain the point of synths is to create a workforce that doesn't need to eat, sleep, or be constantly ordered when the most minor change in situation occurs.

Why are the Institute... *spoilers*

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:33 am
by Daramis McGee

They don't program personalities into them (except presumably the ones working as infiltrators). H2-22 will, if you talk to him during Boston After Dark, tell you that synths are expected to behave like robots and any sign of personality or individuality can get them taken away for reprogramming as defective. Be it a defect or sign of sentience synth personalities are not intended by the Institute.

Why are the Institute... *spoilers*

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:51 am
by Alisha Clarke

To create the perfect workers essentially. They don't need to eat, drink, sleep, they don't gain weight and they don't get sick.

Why are the Institute... *spoilers*

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:18 am
by Emerald Dreams

Moreover, all robots already have personalities and free will, synths are just on a more advanced AI level. The only difference between a synth and a robot is a coat of paint. They just look humans. Codsworth, Curie, Kl-e-0 all have free will. If you don't feel sorry for Codsworth for serving you then you shouldn't feel sorry for Institute making robots to make their life easier. Synths with human bodies have many uses, human anatomy allows them to do many tasks and labors a robot like Mr. Handy would have problems doing. They could also serve as nanny and family replacement like with Eve. These robots can also serve as spies and advanced soldiers who don't need to eat or sleep. Synths have many usages.

Why are the Institute... *spoilers*

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:54 am
by Vincent Joe

For the same reason you make other robots really: to do chores for you. The Synths save humans of the Institute from having to put their lives on line or bother with trivial issues like changing light bulbs.

Why are the Institute... *spoilers*

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:47 am
by Louise Dennis

what he said

Why are the Institute... *spoilers*

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:39 am
by Nick Tyler

Mr Handy's are already far superior to synths at doing that though. They can fly, and have more arms, are stronger, etc.

Why are the Institute... *spoilers*

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:31 pm
by Trevi

Stronger? Curie has higher strength as synth than as a robot.

Why are the Institute... *spoilers*

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:43 am
by NeverStopThe

I never thought of that great answer, thanks.

Why are the Institute... *spoilers*

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:54 pm
by Laura Cartwright

Thanks for the reply guys, helps me decide how I feel about the Institute. Still not sure, all of them frustrates me in a way especially the BoS however, I'm leaning towards them a bit.