rise EDE

Cant build Eyebots unfortunately. You can find blueprints for a small Eyebot station that you can build in your settlements though. You send the Eyebot to find a specific resource for you, after which it tags the location so you can collect it. If you have robotics expert level 3, you can hack the Eyebot after deploying it and make it a psudo-companion.
As for stealth, The robots don't go into stealth mode when you crouch, but there is a stealth mod you can install on them that I believe makes them invisible.
Stealth Assaultron?! Holy Gods, me want.
oh that's a cool feature with the eyebot! I like that!
Wait are you serious? I cant make the eyebot be my robot companion? #soiledit
+1, pleasantly surprised by that (haven't been able to try out yet).
Another cool thing I learned, is there is also some more Silver Shroud stuff.