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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:35 pm
by My blood

This is also what it comes down to for me. Sure there's a handful (if that) of studios out there offering similar amounts of content in their DLC's at a similar price point to Bethesda, but look at the huge amounts of games that offer significantly less; map packs are often upwards of £10 for many FPS's; skin packs for almost any game that are £5 for a handful. The list goes on.

I'd argue that at RRP the base game provides more worth than 95% of it's competition. Fallout 4 has already provided me more playtime than almost every other game I've bought combined since Grand Theft Auto V. All of it's DLC's combined for £25 (yes, I bought the Season Pass while it was cheap) will only expand on that. I've spent £60 on this game and haven't got all the content yet and I am happy with that investment. Heck, a few weeks ago I met up with an old friend and we blew £85 each on food and alcohol for one night. I put £50 of diesel in my car every fortnight. I'll spend £5 for a coffee and a sandwich for lunch once a week.

For what we're getting we really cannot complain at the price point. Yes, there are better deals out there, but most games are offering much worse deals at this point in time. Don't even get me started on the amount of money people waste on "freemium" content like Halo 5's REQ packs. In terms of cost-per-entertainment hour gaming is cheap, and games like Fallout 4 are even cheaper than most. Anyone denying that is just moaning for the sake of moaning.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:02 pm
by Alyesha Neufeld

"infinity content" I don't see them like that,it just gets boring after two or three times of doing the same again and again and again is just boring.But I also dislike to clear out the same dungeon more than 1 time..

It's not an RPG it's an openworld game with action rpg elements.,so it can't do great in a genre it does not qualify for.

I'm hardly perfect but:

1.Upper and lower case.

2.U is not a word

3.Which are not worth $10


PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 5:18 pm
by Amy Cooper

u need to undestand that any game from now on that come with the "rpg" part on the description will be compare to Witcher 3 (that isnt the best RPG or a good RPG if i compare it with actual RPG like Pillars)

Is bad that other players cant get around that there is more that 1 type of RPG


PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:50 pm
by Frank Firefly

Consider Fallout 4 could outsell NV years of sales in 24 hours, yeah I say its dead, NV rode on the pandering of old fans to make there sales, it was a charming one hit, but Beth has no problem creating a new fan base on there own that will keep the franchise going there way no problem. Like other fanbases, the old Fallout fantasy think they are more important then what they really are.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:19 pm
by Roy Harris

New Vegas has a terrible main story with plenty of annoying cliches and mostly boring characters (mostly*, there's some nice MQ characters). A terrible and boring open world to explore that even forces the player down a set path at lower level ("Because MQ is so important!")... Honestly, most of my fun with New Vegas was with the smaller stories in the game and in the DLCs, which were amazing. Obsidian does a good job at writing small-scale stories that doesn't involve too awfully much but when it comes to mixing a bunch of stuffs together for the MQ... Man, it is a mess. Plus, the MQ doesn't really change too awfully much except if you side with Mr. House or not. Otherwise, it's pretty much the same thing but against different dressed up people.

So just saying, the story isn't really as good as the original Fallouts are. Obsidian really screwed up a lot with New Vegas. Hell, the game was unplayable for me on the Xbox 360. New Vegas was the first game where I NEEDED to get the PC version just to play through it all the way (usually, I get the PC versions of a game if I really like it a lot and want to play it with mods). So there was also that terrible problem with it...


PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:02 pm
by Dona BlackHeart
I bought the rights to Coca-Cola. I've decided to keep the Coca-Cola label but other than that the drink now tastes like banana. I don't understand why you guys can't see that Coca-Cola is supposed to have banana flavour, after all I have the rights to it. If you prefer the old Coke taste you just can't handle change and you're blinded by nostalgia.

You should be happy I even went through the trouble of changing Coca-Cola into something it was never supposed to be rather than let another company who was willing to stay true to the formula take on the rights.

Sooo the way I understand it this DLC is yet another Minecraft type addition to the game? And we're getting even more with the arena thing? Luckily Far Harbor will save us. Fingers crossed for more stellar writing and hopefully aliens. So hyped.


PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:26 am
by Sophie Louise Edge

yeah sorry i save letters bc im using my cellphone =P hahahha

but, is ur opinion, a game story for me alone dont make a game. You cant provide me a DLC that only give me a interactive movie and everything thing else is bad.

Really DLC normally add to the core game, more on a game like Witcher 3 where you are stuck after u complete the game. But not the DLC focus on a story non related and that have 0 point to star when u are in the middle of a main campaign.

Something similar happen with the DLC on NV ( they are excellent) but they are totaly disconnect from the MQ.


PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:17 am
by Bedford White

It lacks a good dialogue system and the dialogue choices have little to no impact on anything you do. Not only that, but there is little to no meaningful choice in the game. So yes, it is a shallow RPG for the type of RPG it is.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:55 pm
by Rachel Tyson

Dont get me wrong i love Automatron and what Bethesda made of Fallout.

But if u dont like what Fallout is right now. you think they will do something that will radical change on Far Harbor???

Really no. Why? bc the ppl that QQ about it is a minority. Bethesda show that they know how to get new fans. and this fans like the type of game Fallout 4 is (and i include myself on those fans)


PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:31 pm
by Vera Maslar

Minecraft never had robots... So I don't get this "Minecraft thing" at all.

But the DLC is really fun. Nice little story that has an ending which will make you laugh quite a lot, a new addition to the game (robots are amazing, especially having them do all of the settlement work for ya. Hehe. Having Sentry tanks going between settlements, destroying everything in their paths!), great new weapons/armor to use, etc.

It's really enjoy-able. I'm glad I've bought the season pass.

Then you have no idea what type of RPG Fallout 4 is, no offense.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:54 pm
by Mel E

And the new Fallout fans think they know the series when in reality they don't know a thing about it. News flash, there's a reason why the fan reception to Fallout NV was better than Fallout 4's could ever hope to be.

You're in the minority opinion on Fallout NV tbh. I'm not saying that based on my own personal feelings btw, I'm saying that based on user reviews and millions of comments on sites outside of these forums. I know how that feels though, I think the Witcher 3 is terrible but everyone else seems to love it.

Ah well, opinions I guess.

Oh I'm fully aware of what kind of RPG Fallout 4 is. You saying it's RPG elements aren't shallow won't change the fact that they are. In fact shallow RPG elements has been one of Fallout 4's biggest criticisms overall.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:25 pm
by Rachael

dude if u think any of the option u get on Witcher 3 game have a real impact on the game u really been fool by it.

Fallout 4 give a more front approach for it. But the Witcher 3 hide that u have "options" when really u dont.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:41 pm
by brian adkins
Nah I was being sarcastic, I think Far Harbor will be along the lines of what FO4 offers so far.

And you are right, Bethesda knows very well how to reach new fans. They are masters at it. Unfortunately they put so much emphasis on reaching new fans that they keep alienating the people who loved Fallout for what it was. To us Fallout was not "just a game", one of the many that we play. I can only speak for myself of course but Fallout was an important part of my life. I love everything about what it was, New Vegas captures my love for the series perfectly. It just makes me sad that Bethesda cares more about attracting people who didn't even like what Fallout used to be about than they care about pleasing the fans who are in love with what made Fallout such a unique entity.


PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:07 am
by Becky Cox

Don't assume I'm a fan of Witcher 3. In fact, I'm well known for hating that game with a passion.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:20 pm
by Mélida Brunet

Funny thing is TW3 isn't going for gazillion choices and ultimate character freedom, that's supposed to be FO4s forte and yet the choices they present you in dealing with some issues in TW3 manage to have more impact than any of the choices you are given in FO4, which ultimately is pretty damn sad.

I guess in the end it comes down to learning to enjoy what you're given, and I've come to terms with that. FO4 remains my go-to game when I feel like running around an awesome environment and shooting stuff, but unfortunately it is not my go-to RPG.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:33 pm
by Sanctum

You missed the entire point of that post, ever since FO4 came out, people have compared it to Witcher 3 on here, so he compared it with Witcher 3's non existent Robot building DLC, it was a joke...


PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:41 pm
by Jenna Fields



PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:23 pm
by carley moss

What you said a bit earlier says otherwise...


Fallout 4 is NOT a story/dialogue driven RPG... That's more to the original Fallouts, Undertale, and other games.

No. Bethesda's RPGs (Be it Fallout 4 or The Elder Scrolls) were never driven by the story and by choices in that story. No. They are driven by the freedom and imagination of the player and the freedom in the open world they have created. The roleplaying experience and elements is based on what you do ye'self with that freedom and with that imagination in the great open world that Bethesda has created... The story itself doesn't do much because that isn't the point of Bethesda's RPGs.

And Bethesda does an amazing job at this type of RPG and they will always continue to do so. It isn't shallow... You're just thinking that Bethesda does something else which they do not. I do apologize if ya can't see the freedom and the roleplay elements in the game that makes it truly fun and enjoyable to play through.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:04 pm
by Katie Samuel

Not really since, from what I've seen, TW3 is a story-driven RPG so not surprising.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:33 pm
by Killer McCracken

i think u fail to see the "freedom" Bethesda games offer.

Bethesda games offer a freedom most game dream to have. Really i have 0 reasons if i want to focus on the story and if i want and with a little knowledge and i can do whatever i want with the code (more when they release the Creation kit)

Only other game to come close to it, is GTA


PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:38 pm
by Misty lt

And even then... GTA just seems so much smaller and weaker when compared to Bethesda's games.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:59 pm
by Fanny Rouyé

Look, you can try and defend it all you want to but facts are facts. Fallout 4's RPG elements are shallow and nothing you can say will change that. Hell, if you want to compare it with other Bethesda RPGs Fallout 4's RPG elements are still shallow. Don't believe me? Go play literally every other game Bethesda has made. If you still think it isn't shallow compared to their other games you're either not paying attention or you're lying to yourself.

Like I said before, there's a reason why one of Fallout 4's biggest criticisms has been it's shallow, watered down RPG elements.


PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:37 pm
by jenny goodwin

This exchange killed me! I almost laughed out loud at work! umm, let's just say Captain Sensible picked the sarcasm dialogue option, apparently some people need that spelled out, lol


I don't get it either spartan, please enlighten us

exactly, I look forward to playing throught the BOS storyline with my new robot companion!


A million each-aye? well than they should all be able to afford those flying broomsticks!

Why did you purchase it so many times?? Are you collecting box versions to put on a display shelf somewhere unwrapped? Can you sell these on ebay later for big bucks or something. Did you have to because... new pc? or were you seriously just trying to give more money to Bethesda out of appreciation?? I don't get it. Especially to spend all that money and then complain about a lousy $10 bucks for Automatron... WTF

actually they probably are easily worth $200 a game if you think about all the countless hours of interactive entertainment they provide... that said, I ain't going to pay them $200 for it if they're offering it for $60, not like that guy quoted above :nerd:


PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:33 pm
by Chantel Hopkin

Well, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree then and ignore one another from now on since we aren't going to say eye-to-eye. I've played through every Bethesda RPG since Arena myself and ever since Daggerfall, they all follow a similar, but amazing and unique, formula that I hadn't seen anywhere else and I love them all for being great RPGs as they are...


PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:16 pm
by [ becca ]

Except the belief that you are playing YOUR character goes out the window with the limited dialogue that is provided in FO4 unless your character was "the caring father that's looking for his son". You can chose to ignore the MQ completely and roleplay just fine I guess, but the fact that you have to ignore the MQ to play certain types of characters is a problem in and of itself.

Same reply as above.