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Dear Bethesda, Please consider a Silver Shroud DLC for FO4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:20 pm
by dean Cutler

Do you ever post anything good?

Dear Bethesda, Please consider a Silver Shroud DLC for FO4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:36 pm
by Neliel Kudoh

1. i got the season so I paid for all the dlc already.

2. They can add Unstoppables weapons and outfits without a main questline( they do in the base game). As side quest? sure I want Mistress of Mystery outfit

Dear Bethesda, Please consider a Silver Shroud DLC for FO4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 4:55 pm
by Lovingly

Silver Shroud dlc? Bring it on! I have one character who is running around wearing nothing but the costume since she got it. S/he is one of my favorites. If not Silver Shroud, how about the Mistress of Mystery?

Dear Bethesda, Please consider a Silver Shroud DLC for FO4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:47 am
by City Swagga

The Silver Shroud radio will notify you when you're in Goodneighbor at lvls 25, 35 & 45. If you're sub 25 you get upgraded 3 times to reach max. if you start it at say lvl 43 you'll only get the upgrade message once at 45 to reach max.

Lvl 45 is the last and max upgrade, you don't need to have the first two to reach max, you can just drop in at 45.

Dear Bethesda, Please consider a Silver Shroud DLC for FO4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:10 pm
by Mr. Ray

My SS is female and I totally love hearing her speak as the Shroud. I could easily do more Shroud quests.

And what about the Atom Cats? I can't believe there isn't more of them in the game. I always felt they could be another faction. With their Power Armor specialties, robots are only one more small step away.

Dear Bethesda, Please consider a Silver Shroud DLC for FO4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:36 pm
by Schel[Anne]FTL

What would be even better is a totally new franchise and game based around the Silver Shroud and Unstoppable comic universe. An open world superhero game would be badass.

Something like Batman Arkham, but actually good since it will be made by Bethesda.

Dear Bethesda, Please consider a Silver Shroud DLC for FO4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:24 pm
by Jade Payton

I see I have to clarify matters further.

The problem is the radio station doesn't start broadcasting at all

Each time I went to Goodneighbour and tuned to the Silver Shroud frequency, all I got was dead air.

Since Kent won't upgrade my armor until the station starts again, it's not going to progress to the final stage.

It's is a known bug.

Dear Bethesda, Please consider a Silver Shroud DLC for FO4

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:02 am
by xxLindsAffec
Yes PLEASE! They really need to step up the campiness and classic humor. I find this title lacking in those departments :(

Dear Bethesda, Please consider a Silver Shroud DLC for FO4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:10 pm
by renee Duhamel

What if you only did the Quest when you were over level 80? Like the other guy said, all I get is dead air on the radio.

Dear Bethesda, Please consider a Silver Shroud DLC for FO4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:18 pm
by Alyce Argabright

You're likely screwed.

Dear Bethesda, Please consider a Silver Shroud DLC for FO4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 4:05 pm
by Taylrea Teodor

I would love a Silver Shroud radiant quest DLC where I can be the Silver Shroud and just keep doing radiant quest as all of my settlements and the towns in Fallout 4.

Instead of just Silver Shroud I think they should just add such radiant quest lines for each of the heroes in the game. Silver Shroud, Mechanist, Grog the Barbarian. The Untouchables, more radiant quest for Nick Valentine, The Mysterious Stranger. That way the players can make any of these heroes a hero in their play though. They could just send the quest through your pip boy and you could put on the suit and save the day. They already laid the foundation and programing with the Silver Shroud so they could probably achieve this quite easily as a DLC if they want.

The problem for me is I put my Silver Shroud outfit into a floor safe, and apparently one of my settlers, most likely one of the many provisoners that go through Sanctuary apparently grabbed it. As far as I know I couldn't sell it. It is on none of my vendors. I can't destroy it that I know of. It is just gone. Either that or when I moved my safe it and my other legendary guns I never use were just lost to a bug. I am not sure which it is. Therefore I can't do any Silver Shroud quests anymore. And I'm on XB1 so no god mode to just give me my armor back. So if they did this as a DLC they need to address the missing suit issue for those of us who have it on the consoles.

Dear Bethesda, Please consider a Silver Shroud DLC for FO4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:21 pm
by Heather Stewart


I've misplaced by suit as well. Can't seem to find it anywhere (I put it inside a steamer trunk at Kingsport, along with the Grognak costume & axe, MacCready's duster & hat, Hancock's hat & coat, and my Minuteman General's coat and hat, and all of it is now missing -- this happened right after the patch, I noticed). Any DLC they make would have to account for that, yes.

I'd really like it if they'd allow you to look at the inventory at each settlement on your Pip-Boy, as well as let you know which companion is at each settlement (I'd sent Dogmeat off to Finch Farm & forgot about him for half the game, then when I went to find him to take him back, it took me an hour of porting around to every settlement to look for him...frustrating!).

Dear Bethesda, Please consider a Silver Shroud DLC for FO4

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:31 am
by Eilidh Brian

From the looks of things we're going to be getting more of the filler DLC that I hate (Automatron and that stupid workshop DLC) and less of the DLC that Bethesda is known for making like Far Harbor. Basically, I'm against any DLC idea that's anything less than something as meaty as Far Harbor.

Dear Bethesda, Please consider a Silver Shroud DLC for FO4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:16 pm
by Darlene Delk

Season pass. Already bought it. ;)

Your point is valid, but I'm going to disagree with it but not for the reason you may suspect.

I play a female character and I did enjoy the SS quest (especially when trying to save Kent... repeatedly), but I hated the voicing of my character during the quests. Clearly, SS is a male, and I'm not turning down my game volume just because it was "cute" to get my female character to speak like the SS and fail miserably at it.

Compromise: Do the DLS, but allow us to find a voice synthesizer to change the voice.

Otherwise, I vote no.

Dear Bethesda, Please consider a Silver Shroud DLC for FO4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:25 pm
by Georgia Fullalove
I wish they let you speak as grognak instead. I dressed up McCready as grognak but his scrawny butt looked funny in it. I maxed my characters muscles and gave him the somewhat long blonde hair after I got done with the shroud quest and put McCready in the silver shroud costume. It works much better that way. I really want the other outfits and weapons also. 8)

Dear Bethesda, Please consider a Silver Shroud DLC for FO4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:16 pm
by kirsty williams
We just got a DLC involving a comic book character. I don't think we need another.

Dear Bethesda, Please consider a Silver Shroud DLC for FO4

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:18 am
by Melissa De Thomasis

Really? I didn't know that.

I did it about lvl 38ish and was sweating on why no radio myself so I looked it up on the net and found the answer I posted. Come lvl 45 I went to Goodneighbor, turned on the radio and sure enough he was calling me.

The only thing I can suggest is make sure you're in Goodneighbor when you turn on the radio (which I assume you already know, but anyway). Maybe also go see him directly in the Memory Den? Failing that search the net for a workaround, there usually is for glitches like this so you can only try.

Dear Bethesda, Please consider a Silver Shroud DLC for FO4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 4:01 pm
by OnlyDumazzapplyhere

No thanks, I enjoy the Sliver Shroud but I wouldn't want DLC base around that. I rather have Enclave DLC with them being a small faction you can join on another piece of DLC.

Dear Bethesda, Please consider a Silver Shroud DLC for FO4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:40 pm
by Julia Schwalbe

I managed to postpone the Shroud quests until sometime past level 80. My only sticking point was

after successfully saving Kent from Sinjin (using a judicious amount of Jet and a Syringer Rifle with the paralyzing needles), he just got stuck there in the hospital. I kind of had to push him over to the elevator and then he started walking.

Eventually, I appeared in Goodneighbor to find he'd turned the radio on again, and he requested the Shroud outfit to upgrade. I got the highest upgrade available, since I was already well past that level.

And more Shroud quests would be wonderful! I loved seeing the SS deliver those lines with that huge grin.

Dear Bethesda, Please consider a Silver Shroud DLC for FO4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:21 pm
by x a million...
Wrong thread, my bad :P

Dear Bethesda, Please consider a Silver Shroud DLC for FO4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:33 am
by Arnold Wet

I have edited and split out some posts. Abusive behavior is not permitted on these forums, I will be watching this topic so please stay civil and on topic.