Automatron has the biggest impact on the base game

Game Skyrim Forum
Yeah, I cannot wait until I start new playthrough because Automatron alone can change the FO4 experience dramatically.
The last sequence of the Automatron quest can be real challenging in new Survival mode. It will be awesome lol
Ugh, can I ask how? This is something I have been wanting to do, but I can not figure it out. I know it has to be something obvious as well, which infuriates me >:[
Which part? Building robots? Or assigning them as Provisioners?
Build robot station and just keep creating new robots? guess...
Hmm maybe if we click robots then provisioners... it starts guarding the person...
I'll be buying the new DLC when the survival update gets released...
Will be like playing a whole new game
Assigning them to provisioners.
Do the robots stop spawning as enemies when the DLC is complete?
increased spawns
From what I hear, you just go into Build mode and assign them like any other settler.
But I haven't actually tried it yet.
It has already changed it for me. I wanted to create a new character for each DLC, but after this I don't know if I want to do that anymore. I don't want to get rid of my robots, I can just create new different robots for each DLC, they adapt to different playstyles, you can even have your own medic robot it's amazing.
I also keep discovering new details that I like so much just recently found out that you can craft Eyebots to gather ammo and resources. They can even go scout for mininukes!
All of the farm labour in my commonwealth is being replaced by robots. They can do something like double or triple the amount of work as a human settler, its great.
Im sure having a underclass of farm bots made with the most basic of materials with bigger combat bots doing the caravan job would upset the old railroad holdouts hiding somewhere, but then there's a reason they were annihilated along with the Institute in the new order the Sentinel has brought to the commonwealth.
I expect that, like in Skyrim, being a member of an oppressed or despised class would be so difficult to selectively code that it would have to not matter.
But that's the serious answer. Where's my RoboCop option?
You need Wasteland Workshop to provide entertainment for your unemployed proletariat. Hey, it's just like what is going to happen in the Real World [tm]. Domino's drivers are the first to go, just like provisioners...
This is what I was thinking aswell.
Infact I been pondering about how it feels like it could've been so freaking insane if it was in the vanilla game.
Honestly in a year or two when this game has an all dlc goty version, people buying that & playing it for the first time will have a f*ing blast
If you could start the quest 1/3rd in your fallout you would legit start this whole new game of "me & my companion bot". Which is interesting because I thought before that some companions were already properly fleshed out. They learned a lot since F:NV & Skyrim's Serana imo.
And for all the negative posts BGS gets, I truly feel this is some of the things they should get some praise for. Come on now.
Best indication of how successful Automatron is, is the dearth of comments from the professional Bethesda bashers.
Well, there are a couple of exceptions - but for the most part it has been pleasantly quiet.
Who would be insane enough to bash on a DLC with Assaultrons with flaming Shiskebab arms? Only a synth does that.
Im hoping we can find legendary versions of the new robot armor. At the moment im putting together a set of heavy robot armor, only have two pieces at the moment though.