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Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 2:46 pm
by JeSsy ArEllano

Hello! As I said before, I don't trust preorders, season passes and those tricky sorts of thing. From experinece with many games, I've learned to be wary and dubious about the software houses promises, so before buying this dlc I'd like to ask everybody their impressions, good and bad. I'm aware that in a Fallout 4 forum it is difficult to find a lot of criticism, because these forums are for fans of games, even if sometimes some hater pops up.

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 4:15 pm
by Nancy RIP

Keep your money, unless you like building robots this DLC isn't worth $10.

Its lacking heavily in content compared to last $10 Fallout DLCs. Save that $10 for Far Harbor.

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:09 pm
by Melissa De Thomasis

It's not a bad dlc, but it's more for players that want more crafting. If a story driven dlc is what you want I'd wait for far harbor.

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:58 pm
by Alyesha Neufeld
Don't listen to Enclave, the dlc has a LOT of good content. It's well worth the money if you want a new questline, new weapons and armor as well as a extensive and expansive robot-building mechanic that has literally no limits to how many you can make and you can design the robots in numerous and fun ways.

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:24 am
by Shianne Donato

Why not listen to me? I'm giving my opinion. He/She needs to hear the good and the bad about the DLC. If you're not a fan of building Robots you wasted $10.

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:02 pm
by Fanny Rouyé

Dude there is a million of videos on googles about ppl playing the DLC right now.

now i will give u my opinion.

First, this wasnt announce as a Story heavy DLC, so dont wait to have a huge story, the quest u get is fun and add lore to the already deep lore on the game.

Second, the new companions robots is good, u can mod it and u can now mod your other robot companions. Plus u can build a army of other robots for ur settlements.

Third, new armors and weapons.

Four, there are 2 new dungeons to explore, they are really well made.

For me this DLC cost 10$ so yeah buy it. (i didnt need since i got the season pass)

Still is my opinion.

One important thing for me about this DLC was that it add to the main game. No like other DLC that are contain on the new area u get.

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:16 pm
by Julia Schwalbe
It gives a few extra quests, weapons, armor and locations. It allows you to build endless robots that you can fully customize. I play it hard difficulty and can get one shotted by some of the robots at level 97 so it offered up some challenge. For me it was fun and worth 10 bucks considering what Some other games offer for the same price.

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:51 pm
by R.I.p MOmmy

I think it's pointless to tell you if you should buy it or not so I will just list stuff it brings:

1. Robot Customization - the thing is quite in-depth and you can create many kinds of robots by mixing parts (which also have numerous upgrades)

2. Robots can be used as companions (they negate the Lone Wanderer perk), settlement guards, provisioners and farmers

3. A short quest that will last around 2 hours (around 3 if you don't fast travel)

4. Two sets of enemies that roam the Commonwealth: various robots and the Dust Devils, a raider gang that uses robot parts as armor and weaponry

5. Several new weapons and armors

6. A new Workshop site (not good for a settlement, but makes a cool player base)

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:35 pm
by Vicki Blondie
Its decent. I wouldnt say there is any thing cool enough in it to suggest that you have to experience it right now.

But it definitly adds some good stuff and changes the CW wasteland a tad.

My sugestion is look up videos of people building custom robots and give it a night to think over if its worth $10 to you.

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:06 am
by Melung Chan

Far too many robots in a post-apocalyptic environment where most folks are still living in rusty shacks killing one another. But that's just my opinion.

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:30 pm
by Sophh

I mean, by your own principals of not buying season passes and stuff you boned yourself. Now it's a matter of "is this worth $10 over the less than $5 I would have paid" and only you can really answer that. I'd have bought all the DLC even if they didn't offer a season pass because I generally enjoy it. You're also going to see mods that require ALL the DLC so if that's a thing you're interested in, kind of a no brainer.

For an actual reply on my opinion, I think the added features are really the focus here. Yes it is nice that we got new enemies, new player home, new PA variant, new weapons, new armor, new companion, fun small questline, but overall people will see this as "robot building" and if you're not interested in doing any of that, the DLC is probably $5 more than you'd think it's "value" is worth.

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:05 am
by jeremey wisor

I usually agree with the season pass thing -but-... This is Bethesda we're talking about. They're known for doing great DLCs and really giving you your money's worth. So, I completely didn't regret buying the season pass for 30 dollars. (Hell, I only paid 20 dollars for the main game itself so... XD).

Anyways, is the DLC worth 10 dollars? Yes. I am having a lot of fun myself with the additions from new gear to new enemies, and a lot more fun randomness in the Commonwealth. It is worth the money... Heck, I say it adds more than some of Fallout 3's 10 dollar DLCs honestly because it adds stuff to the base game as well as giving you the ultimate companion (if ya like having someone watching your back).

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:24 pm
by Tracey Duncan
The quest line won't take you more then a few hours. If your not into the idea of sticking a robobrains tread legs on a sentry bots body with an assaultron laser head and a protectrons arms loaded with a wide range of weapons from a giant melee hammer to a Gatling laser then you probly won't have much fun with this dlc. You can build multiple bots and from what I heard cause I have not been able to get fully into it yet cause of work but you can assign them as gaurds and Provisioner's and crop tending. They can't run stores though from what I read.

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:07 pm
by Nick Tyler
I bought it and I'm extremely pleased that I did. Yes the dlc questline is short but you get access to. something like 200 customizable robot parts and the only prerequisites are beiing level 15 to start the DLC and having the scrap needed for robot tweakage; you can even edit Codsworth and robot Curie.

Having defensebots in your settlements can make certain parts of the main quest a lot more interesting too. One potential negative I can think of though is the DLC is geared to smarter, scientific/mechanic builds if you want to utilalize all the parts. Even dumb characters can still make bots though and even basic customization is decent.

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 7:51 pm
by Skrapp Stephens

I like the idea of replacing all my settlers with T-800 Terminator looking things. So there's that.

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:27 pm
by Jonathan Montero

Not much to add to the feature list of this DLC but here are some things that were forgotten in previous posts:

* A new enemy faction is added which also spawns regulary in the Wasteland with robots (even after finishing the DLC)

* You get a "easy" way to recrute settlers with a radiant quest that starts after the DLC has ended in a specific way

I try to be spoiler free here

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:14 pm
by Hairul Hafis

Also not in this lists above, you can send out a scavenger to look for any ammo, junk part or explosives in every settlement so potentially 30 new mini nukes every time

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:07 am
by Kevin S

Basically, this DLC is Fallout: Mad Scientist Edition.

If you can see yourself as as the Lord Of Robots, ruling the Wasteland from your Mecha-Fortress/Workshop, then yes, it is well worth the price.

If not, well, maybe this one is not for you.

Personally? This might not be the BEST DLC ever, but it's right up there. In fact, I'm about to start a new character just for this as soon as I figure out a decent theme. Right now I'm thinking Dr. Forester from MST3K :)

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:29 am
by Nana Samboy

I'm not enjoying Fallout 4 at all. My enthusiasm towards this game has vanished the more I played it, so, I prefer to see the quality of the product BEFORE buying it. If I judge the dlc is worth 10€ ok, if it is a pile of crap, I simply don't buy it. I don't trust Bethesda anymore (just like many other software houses, obviously).

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:34 pm
by Je suis

If you didn't like FO4 at all, then you won't like Automatron either... or any of the DLC for the matter. DLC are made for those who liked the game and are done to be similar to the game rather than different. And this stands especially true for Bethesda which did not change the core formula of their games since 1994.

In other words, I think you should focus on other games.

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:29 am
by Eoh

Yeah much like any DLC I've encountered, if you aren't happy at all with the base game, the DLC won't do anything. The fact that this DLC is IN the base game should tell you to stay away. Maybe you'll like Far Harbour? But my money is on it being Fallout 4 on an island with new quests and stuff. Sounds like you should find a new game, no offense intented. I doubt any of the DLC will save it for you.

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 10:32 pm
by Carlitos Avila
Why even bother then, just hang it up?

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 3:49 pm
by Harry-James Payne

yeah dude like i have said on other post. If u have issues with Fallout 4, u wont enjoy the DLC.

DLC will add to it but they wont change radical the game. Even Far Harbor that is suppose to big the big one wont change how Fallout 4 work.

Non of the DLC from Skyrim change much the core base game. So if u didnt like Skyrim there was big chance u woundt like the DLC.

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:47 pm
by Trevor Bostwick

Hmmm... in your case, you should not buy.

It`s not really gonna add anything too exiciting to your current game.

Automatron: to buy or not to buy...

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 1:52 am
by Cameron Garrod
