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Lvled Creatures

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 3:55 pm
by Marine x
This is probably something that has been brought up already, but Im tired and couldnt find it.I know nothings really been announced, but is there any speculation on whether creatures will lvl with you or have set lvls? Like has Bethesda made any comments on this after Oblivion? I liked in Morrowind how after reaching the head of the Imperial Legion and the Fighters guild I actually felt like a powerfull hero, instead of an average warrior who takes his time to chop up a bandit, and how bandits werent all decked out in the best possible gear.

So has Bethesda made any comments on this after Oblivion? Is there any speculation amongst the community?

(Sorry if this is poorly written. Im sick and tired and just hopping in bed =.( )

Lvled Creatures

PostPosted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 6:22 pm
by luis ortiz