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Fast Travel - The Answer, and how to implent it.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:46 am
by Peter lopez
So many suggestions about fast travel, I pretty much summed it up and made the following.

Fast Travel is an option.

- Before you start the game as your character, you can choose whenever you want fast travel to be enabled or not. (no button or whatever will be shown or available)

- Enabling Fast Travel may or may not give you special rewards such as achivements for completing the game without it and so on..

+ There will also be diffrent kind of ways of transporting, such as (Ships? Teleportation? "Taxis?" Maybe, you pay a stranger to carry you to X location, he K.O you before)

To sum it up:

- Enable fast travel yes/no in the beginning of the game (explanation for new players)
- No fast travel in hardcoe(can be any name for it) mode(if any)
- Adding other ways of transporting along with this.

Even if you decided to not change anything, then make it possible to remove the fast travel function and all of it's UI. Now you're probably tell us to mod it out, but we want it official, since it adds up to the experience.

- Skyrim

Fast Travel - The Answer, and how to implent it.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 4:37 am
by X(S.a.R.a.H)X
There are already a couple of similar topics, please discuss it in one of thoase.