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The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 11:39 pm
by Alyna
Doc Mitchell appears in a different game made by different people, thus your argument is quite invalid. By your logic we could drag an endless list of fictional people to this debate. Also, what kind of a voice would you have for a battle hardened general? From the officers and generals I've seen in my life, one of them having been in Afghanistan, officers tend to be pretty relaxed people. The more an officer has to shout, gloat and boast the worse he really is in actual wartime leadership.

Yes, this is why people that saw "Raiders of the Lost Ark" when it came out all were disappointed. They were too reminded of Star Wars when they saw Harrison Ford and heard his voice. Millions of people couldn't understand why Han Solo was running around fighting nazis. The fans' confusion was so profound, both of the movie franchises failed. To this day, Harrison Ford is confused with a smuggler that has a big walking carpet as best friend and co-pilot, by rational intelligent and reasonable people, when he walks down the street

Both of these.

The OP *has* to be trolling. I can't believe somebody could possibly be serious voicing that 'opinion'.

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2012 12:27 am
by Harry Leon
Jarringly identical to his previous Bethesda acting role: Doc Mitchell in New Vegas. (Which broke immersion, forcibly reminding us to think of that character from another video game).

Not to mention his voice didn't really suit the role anyway. His frail, trusting, somewhat-goofy grandfather voice ... didn't actually believably convey the likes of a hardened war general struggling with a passionless goal and buried internal disillusionment.

I would go so far as to deem his performance verging on mechanical.

Anyway, this is pretty much a nitpicking issue. Most of the voice acting and casting in Skyrim is brilliant. And the music is of course f@#king awesome. But this one casting was definitely a fail.

Wait, you mean I wasn't doing quests for Three Dog in the Dark Brotherhood..?!?! [censored] Nezir....

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 8:02 pm
by Melis Hristina
Tullius? Yeah, I like the voice. Farengar is also fine by me.

But I'll never forget the "Do come back..." from Belethor. Never ever.

Also, what I take from this is: "For my personal enjoyment, a voice actor CAN NOT AND WILL NOT VOICE MORE THAN ONE CHARACTER IN A CERTAIN FRANCHISE. That is all."

Me too...I really dislike the voice work of the actor doing Belethor.

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 3:12 pm
by April D. F
I disagree vehemently. He's Colonel Frakkin Tigh.

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 11:29 am
by Jessica Raven
Belethor? I found that "Do come back..." line made him stand out from many of the other 'pawnbroker' style NPCs, and it certainly fit with the rest of his attitude.

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 2:42 pm
by Claudia Cook
I've played Fallout NV for over 300 hours and Skyrim for just about 165 hours and only now I know that Tulios and Doc Mitchel have the same VA.

I believe wood elves in Skyrim got the same VA that did all elven males in Oblivon and many characters in Fallout 3 (Harkness, Sticky, Butch and others).

I don't bother with that. Once I got over the fact that Magneto and Gandalf are one and the same, nothing of that kind troubles me anymore.
No they didn't, the guy that voiced male elves in Oblivion does voice some of the characters in Skyrim, but he doesn't voice any elves.He mostly just voices ghosts (like Gallus), his name is Craig Sechler:

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 5:34 pm
by *Chloe*
I liked Doc Mitchell in FNV. His performance there was right on the money, in my opinion. That said, I recognized his voice right from the get go and my initial reaction was, "Cool!" The only thing that annoys me are the stupid one liners the guards have to say, over and over and over again. I mean, "who the heck cares about a stolen sweet role? You can have the darn thing!" It's the repetition that gets to me. I prefer the old adage, "Don't speak unless you are spoken to?!?"

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 5:29 pm
by Jamie Lee
I thought it was well done.

Who actually remembers the Doc anyway? You interact with him for about 10 minutes tops in NV, then you forget about Goodsprings entirely for the other 200 hours of playtime.

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 9:52 pm
by Damien Mulvenna
When I heard numerous characters in the game, I couldn't help but think of MINSC AND BOO! It totally ruined the game for me!

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 3:58 pm
by Hilm Music
I didn't know he was doc mitchel, but boy oh boy did it smell like Colonel TIgh. Good times. Only problem was that Tillius didn't have the eye patch.

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 7:44 pm
by Stephanie Nieves
I like running across voices i recognize because i rarely bother to watch the credits on anything; i remember recognizing Col. Tigh in New Vegas; i was like, hey, that's Col. Tigh from that new sh**ty Battlestar Galactica. And then promptly never saw him again. I didn't even recognize him in ME2 and didn't realize it was him in Skyrim. So, for me it's all a big meh. I'm going to go play some more.

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 2:26 pm
by Elena Alina
Indiana Jones and Han Solo are boringly similar characters, both stemming from hilariously bad franchises.

Your standards are much too high for us mere humans to comprehend.

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 2:53 pm
by Rachael
He's Colonel TIgh, dammit! COLONEL TIGH!
And you don't !^#*$ around with Colonel Tigh!!! I've never played NV, but I've watched BSG and that guy's great. He's a great actor and voice actor. I can get over hearing his voice before vs having a lesser quality VA.

What's next? People are going to whine about Max Von Sydow? "OH NOES! That guy reminds me too much of King Osric from "Conan the Barbarian!" :dry:

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2012 12:03 am
by Zualett
Just because I see someone from StarTrek doing a Shakespearean play doesn`t ruin the Shakespearean play. that`s just me associating the face with another character.

It`s up to me to put my mindset into the actor`s new play. And as long as Patrick Stewart isn`t saying, "beam me up!" in Henry VI, it`s not a problem.

The guy`s voice acting is good for an Imperial leader. Roman-type characters tend to be portrayed by British guys anyway.

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 2:13 pm
by james tait
Just because I see someone from StarTrek doing a Shakespearean play doesn`t ruin the Shakespearean play. that`s just me associating the face with another character.

It's not the same thing. Actors can't change their appearance,

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 7:34 pm
by Dona BlackHeart
Tullius? Yeah, I like the voice. Farengar is also fine by me.

But I'll never forget the "Do come back..." from Belethor. Never ever.

Also, what I take from this is: "For my personal enjoyment, a voice actor CAN NOT AND WILL NOT VOICE MORE THAN ONE CHARACTER IN A CERTAIN FRANCHISE. That is all."
Belethor sounds like a total pedophile when he says that haha

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 9:19 pm
by JR Cash
It's not the same thing. Actors can't change their appearance,

Yes, but it's ridiculous to ask a voice actor to change voices for two completely different characters in two completely unrelated games.

Edit: Also, in the piece you posted, the (very talented) actress is basically using dialects to change up her voice between characters, with the only exception being when she uses a cartoon voice to go to an extreme. Unless you wanted Tullius to sound foreign (which is silly, since he was supposed to fit in with the Imperial dialect that was established), he was going to stay with his normal voice.

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 4:11 pm
by Amysaurusrex
Yeah, was hesitant to use that clip.

But if the characters are major and the titles are major I don't think it's so ridiculous to have them change it up. Games are limited in their ability to sell characters, voice is almost the entirety of it.

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 11:23 am
by Nathan Hunter
Yeah, was hesitant to use that clip.

But if the characters are major and the titles are major I don't think it's so ridiculous to have them change it up. Games are limited in their ability to sell characters, voice is almost the entirety of it.
Doc Mitcelle wasnt a major character, really.

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 10:35 pm
by sarah
Doc Mitcelle wasnt a major character, really.

I beg to differ. He was probably the most important character in the entire game. Without him you'd be in a crudely dug grave with a bullet in your head = no game.

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 3:28 pm
by Carlos Vazquez

I beg to differ. He was probably the most important character in the entire game. Without him you'd be in a crudely dug grave with a bullet in your head = no game.
He wasnt involved in a lot of quests. You could just finish the first few quests and then never speak to him again. Thats what I mean about not being major.

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2012 12:59 am
by Julie Serebrekoff
This thread has taught me three things :
People still don't realise that Bethesda Softworks is a publisher and Bethesda Game Studios is a developer.

There are those out there for whom complaining must be a way of life. And I won't apologise for that comment. Seriously. Think about realities, instead of demanding that every tiny facet of absolutely everything be designed, at any cost to anyone else, to fit your idea of what you are comfortable with.

Using people from previous titles can be good. This thread reminded me how much I would love to hear Gayle Jessup out in Skyrim's cold and loneliness.

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 4:40 pm
by Gisela Amaya
He's Colonel TIgh, dammit!

Is he that eyepatch man from battlestar galaga? Sounds too cranky and entitled, like a pirate. If that is what they were going for then I guess they just couldn't reach Jack Nicholson.

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 4:20 pm
by Elle H
I just think they needed more voice actors, or voice actors like the ones from the simpsons who can do 10 different voices....

The voice actor for General Tullius was a bad idea Bethesda.

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 11:22 am
by Jake Easom
I was more disappointed with Nazir's voice acting. Not because it was bad but because he didn't mention the "good fight" a single time.