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Are there any Romance Mods for Skyrim?

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 8:17 am
by Rinceoir
For those with the talent and resources to do this sort of thing, please please do it. I feel like Skyrim really needs the Baldurs gate style character development.

I feel like depth and fleshing out characters is mainly what Skyrim is lacking, so i'm confused as to why I see so many aesthetic mods but very little of this.

Are there any Romance Mods for Skyrim?

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 7:04 am
by m Gardner
I feel like depth and fleshing out characters is mainly what Skyrim is lacking, so i'm confused as to why I see so many aesthetic mods but very little of this.

It takes time (a lot of it). I'm currenlty working on my follower mod, and there will be a relationship component to her questlines, but it will take me about four months to flesh her out. Putting together a follower that does the basics and looks good is easy (she's already doing those things and has a house). It's the interesting stuff (quests, background, hundreds of lines of game relevant dialogue, etc) that takes months to put together.

Are there any Romance Mods for Skyrim?

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 10:36 am
by Helen Quill
I think what people don't seem to get is I am looking for a Romance Mod that will effect all NPCs that you can marry. Not a mod that adds a brand new NPC.. Those mods are always Females and I'm not into Females.

Are there any Romance Mods for Skyrim?

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 10:17 am
by Elizabeth Falvey
I think what people don't seem to get is I am looking for a Romance Mod that will effect all NPCs that you can marry. Not a mod that adds a brand new NPC.. Those mods are always Females and I'm not into Females.

I think the conversation has grown beyond your original post :smile: I don't think people are ignoring you or don't understand what you are interested in finding. This is a topic that interests a lot of players.

I've seen posts at Nexus about people wanting to modify the marriage system as it currenlty stands to make it more interesting and to add more romance to it. But those threads weren't WIPs they were more like modders talking about maybe doing something and it was before the CK came out. I've seen one serious WIP about making a romance mod, specifically aimed at adding interesting romances to the game, but that was going to be done with new NPCs (both male and female).

Are there any Romance Mods for Skyrim?

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 9:04 am
by Kelly John
I love how the idea of romance in Skyrim now is "Hey, what's your name? I have this cool amulet. 'Wanna get married?" I don't use the advlt mods myself, but bashing people who do like that kind of thing would be like someone bashing you for being gay and wanting to marry a guy. People have different tastes. To label them perverts is a little hypocritical of you.