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Skyrim Conspiracy Theory!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:34 pm
by Milad Hajipour
Oh don't be silly, uno. It's harmless. People like to have stuff to talk about that's NOT spoilers etc. And many of those who did the Dive Rock thing but failed to copy their save games somewhere deserved exactly what they got....

Indeed they definatlly deserved what they got. I just don't want it to turn into another massive wave of multiple topic "WHYEEEEEE" spamming and what not if that make sense. I hope it stays harmless but still you never know. Also GameInformer decided to jump the gun on this

So yeah

Skyrim Conspiracy Theory!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 7:09 pm
by carrie roche
It's still harmless here. Heh. Some of us wouldn't ever read anything on sites like that one, btw.

Skyrim Conspiracy Theory!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:24 pm
by ImmaTakeYour
I'm just showing you even Game Informer is falling for it. Now I need to go suffer and finish off some college papers. Pah I hate writing them honestly but school work is school work. Merry Christmas!

Skyrim Conspiracy Theory!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:15 am
by Alexandra walker
I'm surprised you all are just now talking about this. UESP jumped on first chance they got. From the jist of it, on top of yelling at me for ruining their fun because I simply told them they can't figure out the language and the guy at reddit could be making it all up for all I care because no one has placed an official language translation for it, the topic winded down to:

1) A way to obliterate the Thalmor once and for all
2) A way to ride a dragon
3) A way to turn into a dragon
4) A way to bring back the Dwemer
5) A way to turn the Falmer back to their snow elven selves
6) Doomsday, the end times because Alduin wasn't enough

And there are more ridiculous theories out there as well. If your intersted.
Interesting. It's definitely true that the OP on Reddit could have made this up. The translation part is a bit iffy too. What do you really think though? Are those runes just random scribbles? Is the whole pentagon thing overactive imaginations? Either way this sort of thing interests me, and I'd like to know your thoughts on it.

Skyrim Conspiracy Theory!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:54 pm
by Emma
Happy Holidays, uno. I guess papers don't care about Christmas, which is rather sad!

Skyrim Conspiracy Theory!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 10:25 am
by Rudy Paint fingers
Interesting. It's definitely true that the OP on Reddit could have made this up. The translation part is a bit iffy too. What do you really think though? Are those runes just random scribbles? Is the whole pentagon thing overactive imaginations? Either way this sort of thing interests me, and I'd like to know your thoughts on it.

Honestly at this point I think it's just the names of the bugs themselves. And since there is no official language ((in fact people have started comparing the runes to some actual real life dead languages and living languages)) it could be a small indicator that some race thought extinct surved extinction and have some code for all I know.

But for now they are just bugs that each have their own indivdual rune and there are 5 of them.

Skyrim Conspiracy Theory!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:08 pm
by rheanna bruining
It must be aliens

Skyrim Conspiracy Theory!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 7:54 pm
by LijLuva

So, using all the first letters in those words... GTHN JIS NHL DN YTHHN. Ran them through a substitution cypher solver and comes up with some interesting solutions...


Not sure if it means anything but that last one looks like "Press and set us free".

Skyrim Conspiracy Theory!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:42 pm
by Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
It does.... and I would personally really like some way to set the poor bugs free into the world again....

Skyrim Conspiracy Theory!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 8:18 pm
by El Khatiri
I really have no idea what this is.

At all, is it like a cow level or something?
A lore easter egg?


Skyrim Conspiracy Theory!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:33 pm
by Keeley Stevens
1. No proof exists that these markings are runes. People are using multiple DIFFERENT runic sources to translate and even then not all of the markings match up. Meaning- these markings are NOT any known runic language.....
2. As expected, this means there are no actual translations. If the markings aren't runes, there is simply nothing to translate. So the legions of translations are useless because they don't even match exactly what is on the jars.

If this is a mystery everyone is looking in the completely wrong direction. The markings are not runes, the millions of possible translations are meaningless.

It is far more likely that the markings are developer initials. The bug jars are unique items, so its not too surprising that they have hidden Easter eggs within them. This conspiracy has led from runes to pentagrams to translations to bizarre amd ridiculous rituals you must perform to becoming a dragon. None of the cult of believers want to believe it could simply be a persons initials, or something else that isn't spectacular.

It's kind of funny, and kind of sad. I think its mostly funny tho because of how sad It is.

Skyrim Conspiracy Theory!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 4:42 pm
by Carolyne Bolt
That theory makes much more sense, though it is less entertaining haha. I don't think most of us are taking this as seriously as you think though. Most of us just like having fun with these sorts of things, whatever the truth may ne. Anyway, do you have any idea what developers they could be referencing? Do the runes appear to be just the regular aphabet? If so, that would likely end this "conspiracy" right now. Either way, that's a good idea.

Skyrim Conspiracy Theory!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:46 pm
by Rob Davidson
Yes paarthrunax finds the beginning of the next world intriguing, but supports you in your goal to save this world while also saying any answer is as good as the other.That being said the end /beginning of worlds isn't the same as the Thalmor goal of actually eliminating this physical plane altogether.Pay attention.There are certain hints given to you that these people know vast amounts of things that they believe you aren't ready for yet , and I don't believe clear skies was the only thing they were talking about because when you speak to paarthurnax he tells you there's rituals/whatever to be observed before getting to the knowing of things.If you've been playing the same game I've been playing , sometimes a ritual isn't even obvious as to your own participation in it.

The theory is actually convoluted with the inclusion of eradicating man , but that's part of the story and you need to stick closely and interpret what you experience at all times if this stuff is important to you.You become distracted as soon as you read "destroy/remove man" it's an emotional knee-jerk we all have because you know , we ARE man.The real threat to everything is the whole destroy this entire plane of existence thus making the re-emergence of man impossible , not to mention any possibility of existing anywhere in space or time.Oyeah , and they're completely OK with with paying the price of every other living being besides themselves ceasing to exist.Alduin was childs' play in this storyline as he was an entity created and carrying out the job for which he was created.The problem Alduin posed to this plane was he started to LIKE and ABUSE the powers he was given for his own gain and possibly amusemant who knows.

If you read some of the books in the game instead of just picking them up in the hopes of a speechcraft skillup , you'll come across the story of Alduin which like all stories is convoluted with superfluous information because that's what makes stories worth reading.Alduin is an entity that heralds the end of one age and ushers in the age of the next.Therefore being an agent of renewal for this plane.The problem arises is that Alduin is now power-hungry and doing the same things every time the new age comes about , so that there's nothing "new" about it.He's brken the ultimate law and must pay for it , but this leaves a void in the aspect of endings and renewal.These concepts are very similar to our own they're not very far-fetched as some people believe in "ages" usually with the belief each age is either ten thousand or twelve thousand years.The pint of an ending/beginning is that change bring about newness and difference thus making life vibrant in restarting the process of revitalization and invention in different ways than before.

People who believe in this concept , I count myself as one , don't fear this ending/beginning because it is the natural order of renewal necessary for life itself to remain vibrant and joyful in it's very existence.But the very thought of making something completely cease to exist is abhorrent and beyond evil , it's an unspeakable crime especially given these Thalmor are a very part of what they mean to destroy.Not to mention there is no way they could possibly be able to 100% guarantee man wouldn't just go poof and their souls turn up in whatever "divine" province they find themselves , now that would make for a hilarious "what if" scenario.In the fighting of this percieved evil , my character will not and never will destroy ANYTHING he thinks could be of possible use against this threat.Including a tavern-wench in hiding with tunnelvision and an old follow-without-question-this-stupid-tavern-wench-in-hiding bookworm.Yes they completely contradict themselves in every way shape and form , but for now I RP this off as they need time to adjust from barely survivng and soak in the informaion/news of what's going on now.

Skyrim Conspiracy Theory!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 5:51 pm
by Ash
I dont seem to be soaking all of this up sufficiently, the part about "place each bug jar on the table in the direction of the city". where does that come from or is it purely the theorists idea ?

Skyrim Conspiracy Theory!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 9:29 pm
by Anna S
I like your post and what you said is mostly true story-wise though I don't thinknit proves or disproves the supposed conspiracy. Also, the thalmor represent an extremist version of what most elves, dominion or not, believe. They think the mortal plane is a trap, as opposed to humans who think it's a test. According to most myths, man and mer are descended fromthe ehlnofey, who are descended from the gods themselves, who either made themselves mortal or destroyed their physical forms (probably some of both) to stabilize the mortal plane. The thing about elves is that they believe the gods were TRICKED into making the mortal plane, and are trying to help the elves return to godhood. The humans believe the mortal plane is a testing ground, to temper mortals for this eventual transcendence (Talos being the only one they believe succeeded so far). The Thalmor are taking elven beliefs tonthe next level. They want to destroy the prison, and the "abominations" that revere the prison, so that they can achieve the godhood that Lorkhan stole from them. So I don't think they want to destroy elven kind as well as humankind, but they want to destroy what they think is the one thing keeping them from godhood. Remember the document where they said "To kill man is to reach heaven".

Skyrim Conspiracy Theory!

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 7:55 pm
by renee Duhamel
Anything new? This seems to have died down.