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If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:24 pm
by Hot
Yes but these features are making Fallout so Unique. Maybe they just don't want these features in TES. I think the only people who could answer that would be the devs and i don't think they will tell us why they left the Fallout stuff out of TES. All we can doo is guessing

If that's true it's sad. Many of the ideas in Fallout 3 were borrowed from the elder scrolls. People even called it "Oblivion with guns". Personally, I loved that Bethesda was making Fallout 3, because I knew they'd take everything they learned from Oblivion and build on it, and they did. It's a shame if they decided not to do learn from Fallout like Fallout learned from Oblivion.

Honestly though, I know this doesn't bother you and that's perfectly fine, but do you see why it's sort of aggrivating to us? Especially when NPCs are talking about your race directly to you and don't even acknowledge it? For khajiit the very least I expected was a guard to give you the business before letting you into the city, but they just totally ignored you.

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:24 pm
by Max Van Morrison
Because if they didnt...the forums would be flooded with posts of "I can't play this game as a khajiit....It's borken!1!!1!!!!"

This is so true. :P

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:45 pm
by m Gardner
Ah you see my friend, Dragonborn is khajiit yes? and khajiit have cute eyes indeed, especially trained adventurous khajiitnip sniffers yes?
Which guard out there, who ain't got a sweetroll to call his own would turn down such a cute looking kitty from entering the city.
I mean what could one harmless, cuddly looking khajiit do to one city? hmm, maybe play with a ball of yarn while purring against old nord women? ha! :laugh:

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:55 pm
by Reven Lord
If that's true it's sad. Many of the ideas in Fallout 3 were borrowed from the elder scrolls. People even called it "Oblivion with guns". Personally, I loved that Bethesda was making Fallout 3, because I knew they'd take everything they learned from Oblivion and build on it, and they did. It's a shame if they decided not to do learn from Fallout like Fallout learned from Oblivion.

Honestly though, I know this doesn't bother you and that's perfectly fine, but do you see why it's sort of aggrivating to us? Especially when NPCs are talking about your race directly to you and don't even acknowledge it? For khajiit the very least I expected was a guard to give you the business before letting you into the city, but they just totally ignored you.

Well you had this already in Oblivion. The Argonian which tells you the Khajiit joke and your Character is a Khajiit.... Also even the Khajiit don't recognize you as a Khajiit. So there is not just the problem with entering a town.

Ah you see my friend, Dragonborn is khajiit yes? and khajiit have cute eyes indeed, especially trained adventurous khajiitnip sniffers yes?
Which guard out there, who ain't got a sweetroll to call his own would turn down such a cute looking kitty from entering the city.
I mean what could one harmless, cuddly looking khajiit do to one city? hmm, maybe play with a ball of yarn while purring against old nord women? ha! :laugh:

LooL The Khajiit in Skyrim are not :D

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:01 am
by JR Cash

Well you had this already in Oblivion. The Argonian which tells you the Khajiit joke and your Character is a Khajiit.... Also even the Khajiit don't recognize you as a Khajiit. So there is not just the problem with entering a town.

LooL The Khajiit in Skyrim are not :D

I'm not saying it wasn't a problem in Oblivion. In fact, that's sort of my point. It was a problem in Bethesda games, then one game comes along that's a step in the right direction, and now we're back where we were before. My overall point is that it can be done, it worked before, and most people enjoyed it when it did work. So can you see why this bugs some people?

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:39 am
by phillip crookes
Sure i can but i don't make the game. And this is a thing which has to be changed by bethesda and not by modders. That would took new voice acting and that would only work properly if it is done by the same persons.

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:21 am
by James Smart
I hadn't noticed there aren't any of them in any cities, til I saw this thread.

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:41 am
by adam holden
Sure i can but i don't make the game. And this is a thing which has to be changed by bethesda and not by modders. That would took new voice acting and that would only work properly if it is done by the same persons.
I agree completely. I hate having to rely on mods to fix things. They should enhance an experience, not bandage one. And I wasn't trying to imply that you could change things haha. I just wanted to make sure you got where we were coming from. Anyway, what's done is done. This isn't the type of thing that can be fixed in a patch, so I guess we'll just have to wait for Elder Scrolls VI to come out.

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 3:24 pm
by emily grieve
The Nords, Stormcloaks in particular, have a protectionist economy.

That means they "protect" the local shops by not allowing foreign traders into the city or foreign craftsmen to own their own workshop.

Adventurers on the other hand are walking cash-cows (assuming they don't break the law).
They give their traders more busyness, they sell crap they found in dungeons really cheap and they take on jobs that nobody wants to do in the first place.

So, they don't care if have fur or scales; as long as you have money to buy mead and potions, while doing the jobs the guards aren't willing to risk their lives on.

In conclusion, I didn't find this weird at all. People can be racist in foreign countries, but they are never racist towards your money.

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:09 pm
by lolli
I think someone said It's just CARAVANS that are not allowed inside cities, not Khajiits alone.

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:00 pm
by darnell waddington
I don't think there is a province-wide racist policy of not letting them into cities. You can find them in e.g. the Thalmor Embassy or Solitude Lighthouse or the Mage's Guild where it'd kind of be strange for them to be such persona non grata. I think it is just that merchants don't let the traveling caravans set up within city walls, and apart from that there are not many in Skyrim (due to the cold & distance & war & dragons etc.)

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:30 pm
by Melissa De Thomasis
The Nords, Stormcloaks in particular, have a protectionist economy.

That means they "protect" the local shops by not allowing foreign traders into the city or foreign craftsmen to own their own workshop.

Adventurers on the other hand are walking cash-cows (assuming they don't break the law).
They give their traders more busyness, they sell crap they found in dungeons really cheap and they take on jobs that nobody wants to do in the first place.

So, they don't care if have fur or scales; as long as you have money to buy mead and potions, while doing the jobs the guards aren't willing to risk their lives on.

In conclusion, I didn't find this weird at all. People can be racist in foreign countries, but they are never racist towards your money.
There are two Altmer merchants in Windhelm, as well as a Dunmer general store. There's also the New Gnisis corner club.

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:57 am
by Dalley hussain
LooL The Khajiit in Skyrim are not :biggrin:

No, no, of course not my friend. Only one khajiit is known by a similar name: Khajiit' n' Bootsies' - father of M'aiq The Liar I.
And he is only known to wise khajiit legend scholars like myself. But if you're looking for puss khajiits, go to any nord tavern.
You'll likely find puss khajiits either curled up next to fire, purring around new customers or scratching nice new rugs from Hammerfell. :shifty:

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 6:41 pm
by Hope Greenhaw
I hadn't noticed there aren't any of them in any cities, til I saw this thread.

How did you not notice? It's only around 15 total Khajiit in the entire game. It is one in Riften, but she has a reason to be there.

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:19 pm
by Sammygirl500
Only the caravaners say they are not allowed in the cities, it isn't said or implied by anyone else.

I figure it means they aren't allowed to sell their wares in the cities, not that they are completely barred from entering.
NO thats actually wrong i talked to some lady at the whiterun market(cant remember the name)and she told me the khajit arnt allowed in the city because of their reputation as skooma smugglers and just general criminals, its not just the caravans.

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:30 am
by Shannon Marie Jones
But that conversation is in the context of talking about the caravan. I can't remember exactly what Ysolda says.

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:48 am
by keri seymour
allowed into the city or live there the Khajiit are aren't allowed in the towns to but not to live there is what i gathered. The caravans represent economy out side of town shops there for would not be welcome nor the background of how the Khajiit prostrated though out the T.E.S. as mostly bad people that steal because they do not have moral code that the rest of Tamriel races have. As for your one Khajiit entering a city that's not rather odd one your a traveler you not going to own a home till you do some quests at that point you become part of town though Jarl as they grants you the title of Thane. As from baring you to town it self. As for Argonians they its told that there are forced to move to the docks and the Darkelfs to the Gray Quarter. and both are allowed in the citys but not to work or live. So I do not see as to much trouble to see why they would allow you in the city you would be looked on as traveler or a merc not resident or one that is looking for citizenship that would would change the way the city's would treat you. if your thinking that it would make it like mid 60s united states the southern parts when it was black and whites. Even then they would still allow a black in to areas that nomal would be thought of as white area If say you where taken a letter to some one you may be questioned what is your business but once the answers are giving you would be allowed on your way.

You could put that in the game but how would that work
hay cat what you business here
your given a chose in responses im looking to be come a citizen
then tells you your kind is not welcome to become a full citizen though you be allowed to enter the city to buy some gear to move on

if you would have respond to the truth of the mater though
that your looking for really dangers hard work that would most likely get me killed
After hearing that the town Guard would more then likely tell you that someone is looking for a adventurous type and would not care if you entered the city to the work that no one really wants to do in the first place.

I mean look at it in this way if you lived in that world for just a min. you have no save files the world does not scale for you in levels traveling a long the roads mean death if say bandits attack trolls wolfs and now dragons or you can wait at nice and safe city walls with guards that keep you safe.
now lets say you need letter or some such thing done and of the blue some Khajiit (and every one does not want a Khajiit round them) comes long someone that you could care less if they die or not and asks if you need something done
Well look at that every one is happy your out of the city the guards are happy. The player you got some fool hardy adventure to try your happy. The people that gave you the quest is happy someone is dumb Khajiit is to dumb to see all the danger that is out there

why in Gods name would any one bar you from the city In fact if you wanted more in immersion in to the game the only way it could become such is that when get back to city done with quest you over hear every someone talk about the dumb fool Khajiit on someones fool quest
So now you see no one would ever bar you form there town if your only reason is get job that more then likely get you killed.

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 9:24 pm
by Robert Jackson
You unleashed your race power Puss in Boots eyes on the guard subconsciously

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:25 pm
by Soph
Only the caravaners say they are not allowed in the cities, it isn't said or implied by anyone else.

I figure it means they aren't allowed to sell their wares in the cities, not that they are completely barred from entering.

I know it's really fun to complain, but instead of ignoring the post quoted above, people should read it

NO thats actually wrong i talked to some lady at the whiterun market(cant remember the name)and she told me the khajit arnt allowed in the city because of their reputation as skooma smugglers and just general criminals, its not just the caravans.

And of course, that Old lady speaks the Truth of the Divines and makes city policy- no, strike that, what she says dictates the actions of every Nord in Skyrim

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 12:52 pm
by Teghan Harris
its just a concession they had to make for gameplay reasons.

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:50 am
by Soraya Davy


I want the game to hold my hand and tell me what to think!!!

Oh I see what you did there. :)

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:25 pm
by Alex Vincent
its just a concession they had to make for gameplay reasons.

but... it isnt. bethesda are the ones who introduced the concept that khajiit cant go into the cities and they are also the ones who failed to uphold their own concept. story should be written to accommodate what you can and cant do with the gameplay, not the other way around.

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:53 pm
by Chad Holloway
Khajiit make a living selling illegal drugs, stolen items, and are well known as thieves (some tell you this much). They would also compete with businesses already in town, I believe that's why the caravan khajiit are not allowed in.

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:29 pm
by Jon O
Because since morrowind bethesda always creates half finished games and then leaves everything to modders.

If Khajiit aren't allowed in the cities...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:41 pm
by Wayne W

but... it isnt. bethesda are the ones who introduced the concept that khajiit cant go into the cities and they are also the ones who failed to uphold their own concept. story should be written to accommodate what you can and cant do with the gameplay, not the other way around.

I second this. I was about to say the exact same thing in response to thag quote before you beat me to the punch, so to speak.