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Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:55 am
by Robert Bindley
The problem is that the Thalmor don't have a decade, though they may feel they do. The Empire is regaining its strength quickly.
Exactly. What a lot of people dont realize is that the stormcloaks HATE magic, and without magic, there is no winning against the thalmor, with the empire in power, the college would be able to train mages by the hundreds over time, hell , maybe even allow the college to expand, without the stormcloaks massive FEAR of magic.

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:50 am
In my first play through I sided with the Storm Cloaks. At the end they didn’t even thank me. On my second play through I sided with the Empire. With them it seemed more like I was getting rid of criminals and helping the weak. They even gave me great gear but even thanked me at the end. I feel the Empire is better for Skyrim. All they took away was open Talos worship. Considering the increased trade, military protection, wealth, jobs, and potential to better their living conditions I don’t understand why the Nords are so against the Empire.

"The" Nords aren't against the Empire. Some Nords are. This isn't a conflict where a unified people are trying to gain freedom from their conquerors. It's a conflict where a megalomaniac has created a cult of personality around himself and convinced his followers to go to war against their own people for his glory. They don't even name themselves for Skyrim, they name themselves after 'Glorious Leader' ... Stormcloak. It's not about Skyrim, it's about Ulfric.

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:30 am
by Catharine Krupinski
The problem is that the Thalmor don't have a decade, though they may feel they do. The Empire is regaining its strength quickly.

Possibly, though certain events and death's may make their leadership a bit shaky. Who knows. Not even Tiber Septim had balls enough to attempt to invade Summerset without the Numidium. As long as they have their isle, I think they have as long as they want to plan out their vengence. In the end they cannot win, simply because that would likely mean no more games. Despite my feeling their overestimated, I can't deny the twisted plans that are churning in their golden little heads.

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:13 am
by Strawberry
I support the Stormcloaks. For one, without Ulfric wanting to keep Skyrim as "pure" as possible, Bethesda wouldn't have another Game of the Year. Two, I'm a rebel at heart. Yes, it was a personal decision for the woman to have me executed as well, but who do you think gave her the push to think that way? The Imperial woman definately wasn't getting advice from the Stormcloaks. Plus, I know that the Stormcloaks are "racists", but if he really just loved Nords, why is my Khajitt character joined in their ranks? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :bonk:

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 9:13 am
by josh evans
See, most people here seem to think the Thalmor have the power to steam roll skyrim without the Empire. Fact is, the Thalmor militarily are inept now that the world knows their coming. 'Old Merry' is no match for the strong arm of a true warrior culture who will die to the last child rather than bow to an elf. Look at Hammerfell, they won without the Empire.

Skyrim, even with Ulfric as High King, could protect Skyrim, but they would not be able to win the war. Even if Skyrim and Hammerfell joined forces (which is HIGHLY unlikely with Ulfric as High King), they would not be able to defeat the Dominion. It would take the majority of Tamriel to defeat the Dominion. Taking back Elsweyr and Valenwood would be the easy parts, easy being a relative term. Alinor would be extremely difficult to conquer, and it would take years of bloody attrition warfare to achieve. Even then, their would be high chance of the Thalmor retaining some measure of power, thus the threat of Third Dominion.

Except the Thalmor aren't really winning their war - As long as Talos is being worshipped, even in private, he's still working. And the Thalmor have proven themselves incapable of removing Talos worshipers that remain loyal to the Empire, considering that the entire Legion worships him.

The Thalmor's attempt to eliminate Talos worship is about as effectual in destroying the world as pulling out a hair - Yeah, it might hurt, but it's not going to kill the world.

If the Dominion is allowed to gain more power (which the Empire's current plan of action is letting them do), they will be able to repeatedly invade, wearing down Tamriel and crippling those who would resist, thus gaining more power and getting closer to being able to pull off a 'Final Solution' scenerio. It would take at least a century for them reach that point, but only a decade or two to get the power they need to start on that path. Times is running out.

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:31 am
by Anna Kyselova
I support the Stormcloaks. For one, without Ulfric wanting to keep Skyrim as "pure" as possible, Bethesda wouldn't have another Game of the Year. Two, I'm a rebel at heart. Yes, it was a personal decision for the woman to have me executed as well, but who do you think gave her the push to think that way? The Imperial woman definately wasn't getting advice from the Stormcloaks. Plus, I know that the Stormcloaks are "racists", but if he really just loved Nords, why is my Khajitt character joined in their ranks? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :bonk:
Because Bethesda would get railed if they didt allow all races to join either side. Thats why.

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:33 am
by Rachie Stout
Skyrim, even with Ulfric as High King, could protect Skyrim, but they would not be able to win the war. Even if Skyrim and Hammerfell joined forces (which is HIGHLY unlikely with Ulfric as High King), they would not be able to defeat the Dominion. It would take the majority of Tamriel to defeat the Dominion. Taking back Elsweyr and Valenwood would be the easy parts, easy being a relative term. Alinor would be extremely difficult to conquer, and it would take years of bloody attrition warfare to achieve. Even then, their would be high chance of the Thalmor retaining some measure of power, thus the threat of Third Dominion.

All Ulfric or the Raga would have to do is remain independent and regain strength. Ending the Thalmor isn't neccisary as much as preserving the worship of Talos. The idea that the Thalmor must be removed from power is a misguided one.

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:54 pm
by Marguerite Dabrin
They dont have the freedom they would have without the stormcloaks, simple. PLus, as the dragonborn, you hae the choice to save said people. If you dont, thats your bad.

Lol not simple, i was walking around in imperial territory , and I do save said people every chance i get.

and @ your comment about bethesda getting railed, bull [censored]. They allow ANY race to join, except most races that live in skyrim won't fight for skyrim for the cause, They want people willing to DIE for the cause.

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:18 am
by Kayla Keizer
Didn't he die on the final dark brotherhood quest? I remember killing an empire.

A man is not an Empire (usually).

that is false. Ulfric is a racist, yes. The Stormcloaks themselves are at worst 50/50, though. I admit, a lot of them are too busy following their charismatic leader to care about his vices, but that is because he has brought them hope.

If not for Ulfric Stormcloak, the Skyrim rebellion would have more support, and be more respected by even it's staunchest enemies. Ulfric svcks.

Pretty much. Heck in game supporters of Ulfric think the High King he killed in honorable combat/dishonorably killed in combat would have supported him.

The Stormcloaks have a point, personally I think Ulfric does the movement more harm then good (and will potentially do Skyrim more harm than good in the future if the Stormcloaks win).

Because, I believe in their cause.

Yes, pretty much the same here.

The Empire has fallen on hard times, but the ideals remain. It needs to be revitalized. It needs someone strong and with vision to sweep away the muck. If it dies it wont have that chance.

That is ok if what will replace it will be better. At this time the options aren't appealing. Ulfric as High King? Doubt it will be good for Skyrim. Thalmor? Well... So the Empire it is. Still the best chance for a brighter future for all Races under its protection.

The Redguard are doing fine however.

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:28 am
by Jeneene Hunte
All Ulfric or the Raga would have to do is remain independent and regain strength. Ending the Thalmor isn't neccisary as much as preserving the worship of Talos. The idea that the Thalmor must be removed from power is a misguided one.

If the Dominion is not stopped, they will build more and more power, until they become unstoppable. The Altmer are the most powerful mages in Tamriel, and they have a much longer lifespan than any Man. Even if you push them back to Alinor, they will still be a threat. Ignoring a threat gets you killed before you know they even struck...

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:44 am
by ImmaTakeYour
Lol not simple, i was walking around in imperial territory , and I do save said people every chance i get.

and @ your comment about bethesda getting railed, bull [censored]. They allow ANY race to join, except most races that live in skyrim won't fight for skyrim for the cause, They want people willing to DIE for the cause.
That explains why there are no stormcloaks tht are any other race other than nords. At least you can find orcs and argonians and khajitt that said they used to be part of the empire, but not a single one in my travels worked for the stormcloaks. If bethesday only allowed nords and bretons to join the stormcloaks, you can bet your ass their would be hell to answer for.

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:56 am
by sw1ss
The Thalmor are about as effective at keeping Talos Worship Banned as the Empire is at keeping the Dominion out of Skyrim.

If the Dominion is not stopped, they will build more and more power, until they become unstoppable. The Altmer are the most powerful mages in Tamriel, and they have a much longer lifespan than any Man. Even if you push them back to Alinor, they will still be a threat. Ignoring a threat gets you killed before you know they even struck...
All this means is it takes longer to collect their ears.

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:25 am
by Cat
1.) Ulfric is racist.

2.) Ulfric is greedy.

3.) Ulfric is just weakening the Empire for the inevitable Great War 2.

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:50 pm
by Emmanuel Morales
The Dominion had been under the Thalmor for centuries before Tiber Septim and during his reign until he conquered them, and yet they didn't threaten the world. The Thalmor wrought such destruction during the Great War because they caught the Empire by supprise and while the Empire was recovering from years of war and reorganization. Now that they are prepared, the Thalmor could do little but whittle away at them, yet man has a far faster recovery rate than mer.

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:57 am
While it is rather disturbing that the Empire was offering you an extreme hair cut at the beginning of the game.

The real, umm let's see what won't the auto-censor censor.... okay, the real creeps at are the Aldermei Dominion/Thalmor. And the only way to define those dudes is for the Imperials and Nords and others to unite. The Stormcloaks are playing right into the hands of the Altmers in dividing the empire and making it impossible to stand up to the "Dominion"

That is why some of my characters might stand with the Empire.

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 3:48 am
by Steve Fallon
The Empire isn't perfect, granted, but they're the best Skyrim can look up to. Ulfric just wants the throne, and once he's in command I can guarantee all non-nords are gonna have a bad time. On the other hand, if the empire unites skyrim, that would send the message to the Thalmor that the Empire is NOT out of the fight. If they had lost, the Thalmor would have realized that if the Empire couldn't hold off a small rebellion, then what good could they do against themselves?

That may have sounded confusing but my point is : Empire = stability, stronger message against thalmor

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:03 am
by Nick Swan
I’m a Stormcloak supporter all the way.

This is my view point on things so please don’t toss tomatoes and eggplants at my head.

A lot of people presume Tamerial needs the Empire in order to survive. I disagree with this assessment because the Empire has been around so long people would not know how to survive without them. It’s like a moocher relying on friends and (or) family as a means of survival. If they were cut off and forced to get a job they would not know what to do.

Yes, Ulfric has made mistakes along the way, but they are minor in comparison to what the Empire has done. When the last Septium died, that is when the Empire died and they are only holding on to a single thread of keeping the Empire.

The Emperor turned his back on his very people in order to save his own ass. And don’t give me that garbage that he did it in order to survive the Thalmor. At first he refused to sign any treaty with the Thalmor, then when the Thalmor stroll into the Imperial City, the Emperor runs off like a kid scared of seeing a spider. When the Dadera invaded the Imperial City, you did not see Martin run off with his tail tucked between his legs.

Then the emperor returns and decided the only route to go is to give in and sign the treaty. Again you did not see Martin say, “Well, were outnumbered, so let’s sign a treaty with the Dadera.”

This just shows that Titus Mede II is nothing but a coward, does not deserve to be sitting on the throne. He has no back bone what-so-ever. You either sign the treaty and your Empire is lost or you fight to the death and lose your Empire. I do not think it’s in the right to sign a treaty which dissolves the very man who founded the Empire; Titus would not be sitting on the throne if it was not for Talos.

A lot of Nords went to war because it was the right thing to do, to stop the Thalmor from stripping not only the Empire’s history but the very history Nords hold dear. But it was all for nothing because in the end the Emperor gave up and signed on the dot line.

Then people say, well, there are a lot of Nords who support the Empire. Of course they do, once again this goes all back to not knowing what to do without the Empire. Then there are those who don’t care for politics and just want to get on with their lives and hope the world will always be filled with sunshine and rainbows.

People say Ulfric is a racist, well so is the Empire. They don’t care too much for Nord ways or the Jarls, Tullius makes this rather clear. But you have to understand the Empire is at war and people will blame other people and not trust them. Stormcloaks don’t trust the elves because the elves are the reason they went to war and the reason Talos is no longer considered a Divine. Sure, its just the High Elves, but when you have a lot of anger you tend to take it out on the wrong people.

The Empire is trying to keep the Nords inline, sure the Empire stabbed them in the back and they have no reason to apologize. Why should they? The Nords are good warriors and are need for future wars. Its be used or stand up and say “Enough is enough.”

Wanting to slice my head off for no reason is only a small part of why I hate the Empire. The Empire is no longer the glory they once were and nothing but a shell. It may seem like the Empire is in control but there really not, The Thalmor are in control. If the Thalmor tell the Emperor to jump, he damn well better jump it or risk starting another war

The Empire assumed they were saved but it is nothing more than a mirage in the desert. Peace does come at a price, but no peace is worth selling the very soul who founded the Empire because if you do that, you are selling the souls of every subject in your kingdom. Peace like this only lasts for so long and in the end has greater consequences then anyone could have imagined.

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:32 pm
by Skivs
Too bad without Talos the Thalmor are winning in their war for the fate of the world. No Talos, no Nirn, in which trade and all those earthly things mean nothing. You have to understand the Thalmors objectives, they wish to unmake the world, and Talos (shor) is the glue that keeps it together. The Empire wins, the Thalmor wins, everyone else loses.
That just isn't the case. Talos will always be around as long as mankind is around to revere him. The Empire isn't against Tiber Septim's worship, he's they're god as well. As soon as the war begins again, Talos worship will be permitted and will go right back into full swing.
The Thalmor weren't even enforcing their ban until the Markarth incident, Alvor tells you as much.

The second Great War is coming, and mankind must stand united with each other as well as the many dissenters among elves and the beast races. With their cosmopolitan attitude towards other races, the Empire has the potential to make these alliances, where, judging by his treatment of others in his Hold, Ulfric lacks even on a small scale.

All in all, I'm not a fan of Ulfric. He reminds me of Fidel Castro. His platform is "self rule" but what he really means is "my rule". I'd say things are going to be worse with him in charge, not better, think about if we suddenly started using the "ancient ways and traditions" in our world. Not good.

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:07 am
by phillip crookes
The Empire isn't perfect, granted, but they're the best Skyrim can look up to. Ulfric just wants the throne, and once he's in command I can guarantee all non-nords are gonna have a bad time. On the other hand, if the empire unites skyrim, that would send the message to the Thalmor that the Empire is NOT out of the fight. If they had lost, the Thalmor would have realized that if the Empire couldn't hold off a small rebellion, then what good could they do against themselves?

That may have sounded confusing but my point is : Empire = stability, stronger message against thalmor

Again, the only complaints the Dunmer and non-nords had in Windhelm was that he didn't care about them. He didn't persecute them, and he didn't opress them, he just didn't do anything to deal with them.

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:09 am
by Jessica Lloyd
That explains why there are no stormcloaks tht are any other race other than nords. At least you can find orcs and argonians and khajitt that said they used to be part of the empire, but not a single one in my travels worked for the stormcloaks. If bethesday only allowed nords and bretons to join the stormcloaks, you can bet your ass their would be hell to answer for.

where are these khajiit that used to be part of the empire and argonians? i can tell you argonians have no love for the empire that turned their back on their land.

like i said, stormcloak's allow any race to join but like i said before they don't want people not willing to either 1. fight the empire or 2. die for their cause.

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:14 am
by Spooky Angel
I firmly support 'none of the above'.

The rebels are morons fighting a lost cause, the imperials sold their souls to a bunch of genocidal fanatics, the thalmor are heartless genocidal maniacs, the jarls are self indulgent hedonists, the blades are powerless fugitives, the graybeards are power hoarding hermits, and the dragons are annoying.

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 4:01 am
by Gemma Woods Illustration
Again, the only complaints the Dunmer and non-nords had in Windhelm was that he didn't care about them. He didn't persecute them, and he didn't opress them, he just didn't do anything to deal with them.

What makes you think Ulfric will have that same opinion when he's not preoccupied with the Empire? If he wins, I can guarantee you his policies are going to change rather quickly.

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:45 am
by Rudi Carter
That just isn't the case. Talos will always be around as long as mankind is around to revere him. The Empire isn't against Tiber Septim's worship, he's they're god as well. As soon as the war begins again, Talos worship will be permitted and will go right back into full swing.
The Thalmor weren't even enforcing their ban until the Markarth incident, Alvor tells you as much.

The second Great War is coming, and mankind must stand united with each other as well as the many dissenters among elves and the beast races. With their cosmopolitan attitude towards other races, the Empire has the potential to make these alliances, where, judging by his treatment of others in his Hold, Ulfric lacks even on a small scale.

All in all, I'm not a fan of Ulfric. He reminds me of Fidel Castro. His platform is "self rule" but what he really means is "my rule". I'd say things are going to be worse with him in charge, not better, think about if we suddenly started using the "ancient ways and traditions" in our world. Not good.

It certainly is the case. The only thing the Stormcloak rebellion did was force them to act quicker than they would had the Empire died a slow, stagnent death. Now they face a Skyrim in upheavel who will venerate Talos more and do anything they can to block the Thalmor.

What makes you think Ulfric will have that same opinion when he's not preoccupied with the Empire? If he wins, I can guarantee you his policies are going to change rather quickly.

You can't guarantee anything and you can't judge the man because you don't know his heart. Ulfric came off to me a sincere and he's a very passionite individual. Why do I believe as I do? because I believe Ulfric.

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 8:28 am
by Samantha hulme
Talos will always be around as long as mankind is around to revere him.

The Thalmor know this. What do you think their plan is?
Genocide of every NON-THALMOR, including other Altmer. All they need is time.

Why are so many supporting the imperials (the empire)?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 5:12 am
by -__^
Right away i see somehting very important. You have the brown-nosing imperial officer going against protocol saying that I go to the block. But then you have Hadvar, who you can tell right away doesn't feel you belong there. that tells you right there that you should not judge the entire empire on tha actions of one short-sighted imperial officer. You should however judge the actions of a self-absorbed, egotistical power-hungry racist like Ulfric stormcloak, whos only goal is to obtain the power that comes from being high king of skyrim. who has shown no love for any other race other than nords. perfect example of this is the derogitory name given to the quarter in which the dark elves live in Windhelm. his right hand man questions why a non-nord would want to join the stormcloaks if you are any other race than a nord. you ask why i dont side with the stormcloaks? they are not a noble cause, they are a bad cause that will only lead skyrim to more war, poverty, and despair.